Prime Originator

674 Chaotic Brawl

Inside the Chief Palace's Great Hall, Chief Valencia sat on her throne to accommodate the five tribal chiefs from Central Region after being forced to end her secluded training abruptly.

"Welcome to my Darkmoon Tribe, chiefs from Central Region. But what brings you all here today?" Chief Valencia greeted before asking, despite vaguely understanding the reason for their visit.

"And we thank you for welcoming us inside your tribe, Chief Valencia," a female chief with braided hair said politely before stating, "Chief Valencia should know why we've come."

"Chief Silvermoon is too polite," Chief Valencia smiled and said coolly, "You have all shown the Darkmoon Tribe adequate respect. As such, it is only proper that we return the gesture in kindness—unlike the riffraff outside."

"Well, I suppose you have all come to see this so-called Shaman King's Successor and the Divine Doctor," Chief Valencia added shortly after.

"That's right!" Chief Silvermoon nodded before saying, "Nevertheless, we would still like to hear the truth from Chief Valencia."

"We don't trust the news spread by the Black Warbear Tribe, or rather, I don't trust their chief, Blackbear. That man is both cruel and insidious, whether it is to his own tribesmen or outsiders," a male chief in thick fur cloak added.

"I see…" Chief Valencia uttered.

"I don't know whether Young Master Leonhardt is the Shaman King's Successor as people claim him to be, but I can assure you that your trip is not wasted if you can earn his favor—even if he is not the Shaman King's Successor."

After Chief Valencia said that, the five chiefs glanced at her with suspicion before Chief Silvermoon uttered, "What Chief Valencia means to say is that this Young Master Leonhardt…"

"That's right," Chief Valencia nodded and openly admitted with a proud look, "The so-called Shaman King's Successor and Divine Doctor are one and the same person. And he is a member of my Darkmoon Tribe."

There was no reason for her to keep the secret from the five chiefs. The truth would eventually come to light.

"I don't know for what reason that the Chief Blackbear separated the two when he spread the news, but this is nothing more than a petty tactic," Chief Valencia added with disdain and stated, "A bit childish if you ask me."

"I see…" Chief Silvermoon uttered with surprise.

It was a good thing that they paid the Darkmoon Tribe proper respect. Otherwise, they would have also been barred from entrée.

"Still, the people outside are all strong warriors from various tribes in Central Region. If the crowd outside continues to grow, I'm afraid that even the Darkmoon Tribe will not be able to hold them back once a fight breaks out," Chief Silvermoon mentioned out of concern.

However, Chief Valencia waved her hand nonchalantly and said confidently, "Chief Silvermoon does not need to worry about this. Unless those disrespectful groups brought the entirety of their tribes to wage an all-out war, my Darkmoon Tribe would still have a way to deal with them."

Chief Valencia's confidence quickly caused Chief Silvermoon and the four other chiefs to knit their brows together with doubt.

Where did this confidence come from?

Meanwhile, the commotion outside the walls continued.

"Hmph, if the Darkmoon Tribe does not let us enter, we will just force our way through! We don't need to fear them when we are this many!" an overbearing Mid-rank Battle Master shouted, "Break down their gate!"

"Yeah! Let us force our way in! Who does the Darkmoon Tribe think they are?"

"Just because they were lucky enough to have both the Shaman King's Successor and Divine Doctor temporarily reside in their tribe, they think they are great now?"

"Fight! Let us show these southerners the strength of the central region!"

The disgruntled crowd of Battle Masters rioted very quickly and bashed down the gate with a few blows.


Before the crowd could charge into a city, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman landed heavily on the ground in front of them and blocked their path.

"A bunch savages, the lot of you! Where do you think you are?! This is not your central region! This Venerable will not allow such wanton behaviors in my presence! Cross this line if you want to die!"

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman drew a line on the ground with his feet as his mighty voice rippled out, loud and clear.

Several weaker Battle Masters were immediately intimidated into halting their advance as they gazed back at the old man in shock.

"An Extremity-rank Battle Master!" a Low-rank Battle Master exclaimed.

"Move it!" the Low-rank Battle Master was shortly shoved aside before another Battle Master stepped in front and stated solemnly, "Let me deal him! The rest of you can continue onward!"


The Battle Master stomped the ground and exuded his battle aura that did not pale in comparison to the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman.

"Oh?" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman exclaimed softly before his eyes glinted with seriousness, "I didn't expect to see a noble Extremity-rank Battle Master take the side of savages. You people from the central region are too lawless!"

"The world has always been ruled by the strong. As long as you have the bigger fist, you have a bigger say and make the rules!" the Extremity-rank Battle Master chuckled coldly and said, "Enough nonsense, let's fight!"

"Since they have attacked first, there's no need to hold back! Show these people from the central region the might of the Darkmoon Tribe!" Old Tailor shouted on the wall.


The Battle Masters and Great Warrior issued a warcry before leaping into battle immediately, quickly turning the place into one big chaotic brawl with their fists!

Even when the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors were vastly outnumbered by dozens of times in terms of Battle Masters, they showed no fear and contested fiercely.

The Battle Masters from Central Region still had a bottom line. As such, no one died in battle and only suffered bruises and broken bones.

At that moment, Leon and Aria arrived at the scene of the chaotic brawl before they knitted their brows together.

"What a mess this place is."

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