Prime Originator

535 Treatment Process

After Supreme Elder Haldir left the vine dome, he was immediately barraged by lightning spikes from different directions.

Nevertheless, he was prepared.

The two large vine wings immediately flapped, slapping away from the Supreme Elder before he took to the sky to observe the situation.

"Supreme Elder!" Faelyn called from the top of the Great Wall.

Supreme Elder Haldir glanced over with surprise and asked while he was in the midst of fending off the next wave of mutated rats attack, "Princess Faelyn? What are you doing out here? You should go back. It is dangerous here."

As The Supreme Elder said this, a vine lance was conjured in his palm before impaling a mutated rat in the head with a single thrust.

"How is my third eldest sister? Is my third eldest okay?!" Faelyn hollered from a distance with urgency and worry.

"To be honest, Princess Thessalia's condition does not look good. I am helpless to help. However, she is in good hands now. We have no choice but to believe in the young prince's ability." Supreme Elder Haldir explained without hiding anything.

As expected, once Faelyn learned of her third eldest sister's grave condition, her worry shot through the roof.

If the Supreme Elder could not heal Princess Thessalia's wounds with his cultivation, it was more impossible with Faelyn's own ability.

As Supreme Elder Haldir said, they have no choice but to believe in Leon.

Faelyn could only pin all her hopes on Leon. If something happened to her third eldest sister, she would not know what to do anymore.

"I will help with the battle. I am, after all, still a 9-Star Ranked Awakener. My strength is adequate." Faelyn said decisively.

The mutated rats that hurt her third eldest sister, she was not going to let them off easy.

Faced with Faelyn's resolute look, Supreme Elder Haldir did not try to persuade her otherwise.

"Be careful." He said.

Shortly after, Faelyn borrowed some vine seeds from the nearby elven warriors before equipping her own vine armor.

Nevertheless, she did not leave the Great Wall. She was self-conscious enough to know that she could participate in the battle but could not fight the mutated rats head-on like Supreme Elder Haldir, Leon, and the Transcendent-level silver wolf.

She would be quickly overwhelmed by the mutated rat tide's numbers due to her lack of battle experience.

Vine lances were formed from the seeds in Faelyn's hands before she stood on the edge of the Great Wall and hurled them down at the mutated rats below.

Meanwhile, back inside the vine dome, Princess Thessalia was curious how Leon was possibly going to heal her damaged organs and missing bones.

Leon closed his eyes and descended into the Worldspace with his consciousness in the form of a spiritual avatar.

After glancing around, his gaze fell on the bottles of Wrathful Demonic Energy he had previously collected.

"Pardon my offense, Maya. This is an emergency situation." Leon spoke while Maya was nowhere to be seen.

However, as soon as Leon grabbed the bottles of Wrathful Demonic Energy and made his way over to the Universal Life Conversion Array, Maya quickly manifested.

"Don't you dare, Leon—!" Maya roared.

But it was too late.

Maya watched the bottles of Wrathful Demonic Energy tossed into the Universal Life Conversion Array before her face paled.

"Nooo—!" Maya cried before quickly vanishing without a trace again.

The Worldspace rumbled violently as the Universal Life Conversion Array broke down the Wrathful Demonic Energy and transformed them into Life Energy.

Before Life Energy descended and sprinkled on top of the herb garden, they were all collected into a pill bottle with Leon's Divine Will.

After receiving a specific concentration of Life Energy, Leon condensed it into liquid form before sealing the cap and brought it out of the Worldspace.

Princess Thessalia immediately noticed Leon's eyes reopening before her gaze shifted to the bottle of glowing white liquid that suddenly appeared in his right hand.

While Wood Energy could not regenerate bones and organs without the Awakener reaching a certain level of attainment, Life Energy definitely could without such requirement.

Even so, it was not like it would be over once Leon dripped some Life Energy liquid on Princess Thessalia.

No, doing such a thing would only fill Princess Thessalia's body with large amounts of lifeforce and prevent her from dying, which the Wood Energy was already capable of doing.

As such, it was a very wasteful way of using Life Energy.

To make the most of Life Energy, Leon had to make his only own preparations. Only refined pills can regrow bones and regenerate organs the Leon wants them.

However, only Divine-Tier pills were capable of such effects, but with Life Energy in his grasp, Leon can make up for what is lacking.

In addition to his own medical techniques to guide the regeneration process, it should be possible for Princess Thessalia to make a full recovery.

"What kind of energy is that in your hands?" Princess Thessalia queried with curiosity but received no response from Leon.

He took out his pill cauldron and two specific sets of Tier 3 Spirit Herbs from the herbal garden in his Worldspace before he quickly commenced pill refinement.

Princess Thessalia pouted and did not speak any further. She was not in any condition to expend her energy bickering with Leon.

Meanwhile, Leon could not stop supplying Wood Energy to Princess Thessalia for too long. The efficacy of the Tier 3 All-Purpose Healing Pill will eventually run out.

As such, he had to be quick with his pill refinement.

Sometime later, two batches of pills were refined; Bone Regrowth Pills and Nirvana Pills. Of course, they were the only Tier 3 Spirit Pills, simplified versions of the actual Tier 1 Divine Pills.

After Leon waved his hand, summoning his set of acupuncture needles and sterilized them in flame, he shifted his attention onto Princess Thessalia's body.

"Pardon my offense, Princess Thessalia. I will be commencing the treatment immediately." Leon said after dousing the Bone Regrowth Pill and Nirvana Pill in liquid Life Energy.

All preparations were completed.

"What do you mean?" Princess Thessalia asked weakly with confusion, but it did not take long before her confusion was cleared in an instance.

Leon tore away Princess Thessalia's punctured clothes and removed all obstacles that may affect his treatment process.

"What are you doing!" Princess Thessalia cried after being stripped bare of what little clothes she had left to cover her fair body.

Seeing Leon cast his serious gaze on her naked bare body, Princess Thessalia's anger exploded. How can her bare body be seen by someone other than the person who would be her other half?!

Her body was being tainted by Leon's gaze!

Nevertheless, before Princess Thessalia could resist, Leon pressed a few acupoints and immobilized her body from moving during the treatment process.

"Just kill me. I will not be humiliated and defiled like this. How can I marry after being seen by you?!" Princess Thessalia cried.

"With your tomboyish nature, no man would want to marry you anyway," Leon said nonchalantly before force-feeding Princess Thessalia the Tier 3 Bone Regrowth Pill and Tier 3 Nirvana Pill.

Shortly after, he added, "If you die, Faelyn will be sad and alone. Is that what you really want? This is a necessary step in the treatment."

"Pah! A necessary step, my ass! You are just taking advantage of me! Even if no man wants me, it is not important with my status. I can just make them marry me after finding the one I like!" Princess Thessalia said defiantly.

Leon began stabbing acupuncture needles into various points on Princess Thessalia's body to control her blood flow and realign her bones and organs.

"Since you already think like that, why would you still need to worry whether you can marry or not when you plan to force the man you like to marry you anyway? Besides, there is no happiness in such a forced marriage." Leon casually spoke while continuing the treatment.

Princess Thessalia was immediately tongue-tied for words.

Shortly after, Leon used his hands to massage Princess Thessalia's body. Some parts cannot be aligned with acupuncture needles alone.

Although he could use Divine Will to fix the organs and bones into proper placements, the additional assistance of his hands would spare him some of the mental energy expenditure.

Of course, none of this needed to be explained to Princess Thessalia when she already hates his guts for what he was doing anyway.

He was not completely guilt-free either.

Princess Thessalia's body was well-toned from numerous combat experiences and practice. Even so, they still retained their suppleness and smoothness, making them feel nice to the touch.

Leon was enjoying himself.

Princess Thessalia was, after all, still Princess Faelyn's elder sister and a natural beauty in her own right, even though not much else can be said about her personality, otherwise.

While Leon continued his treatment and made Princess Thessalia drink the remaining contents of the liquid Life Energy, the person herself was livid beyond doubt.

Not only was her body tainted by Leon's eyes but also his hands!

But no matter how angry she was, she could not do anything about it while her body was immobilized with sealed acupoints.

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