Prime Originator

373 Sweeping the Battlefield

When all the sentient leaders of the Bone Calamity's undead demon army were slaughtered and absent from the ranks, the Behemoth-class ghoul-like Bone Demons resumed their most basic command to hunt down the humans in sight.

In a short moment, the undead demon army began to charge towards the city walls once more, completely ignoring the black-dressed Lumi that stood in the middle of their ranks.

The Darkmoon Tribe warriors did not have to standby for long before they were forced into battle once more.

"Prepare for battle!"

Chief Valencia roared.

Standing at the front to receive the brunt of the charge along with the 7 Venerable Shamans, they were the only 8 Battle Masters in the tribe.

Not all Shamans can achieve the Battle Master realm during their prime. Many fall short at the Extremity-rank Great Master realm before their eventual decline.

"Haiz, it seems these old bones got to be put to work after all."

Old Fjord said.

The Battle Masters clashed with the undead army of Behemoth-class Bone Demons and crushed hundreds of them in the first wave of attacks.

As the battle resumed, the black-dressed Lumi watched with indifference from a distance. The undead demons were not her allies, but neither were the humans.

Now that she was free, she began to ponder some things. An invisible force of destruction weaved around her hands as she casually played with it.

There was a fragment of foreign memories in her mind that did not belong to her nor her little sister, the real Lumi.

That being the case, the memory fragment appeared to have been awakened from within her—or rather her little sister and grant them grant high comprehension of multiple laws.

It was unclear why they innately possessed such a godly memory fragment, but some conditions must have been met to trigger its awakening.

Her little sister was not receptive to pain as the stimulus triggers deep trauma buried within her. This was also how she came into being.

She was the strong persona her little sister had subconsciously created to bear all the pain and suffering her little sister cannot handle—At least, that is what she thinks.

Sometimes, she was not sure what she was. However, she grew to accept her role as the strong big sister that protects her little sister.

This is also why her little sister was never aware of her existence while they shared the same body since her little sister subconsciously buries and rejects all the negative emotions.

She only takes over when her little sister suffers grievance and pain she cannot bear.

Reviewing the memories before her little sister blacked out, the black-dressed Lumi figured everything out.

The attack that punctured their chest had been too fast for her to take over immediately, causing her little sister to bear the full brunt of the damage.

The great stimulus might have been what led to the forceful awakening.

There was not much personal information within the memory fragment for her to find out about the memory's owner's true identity.

Still, it was not important as far as she was concerned. What is important is that this newfound power is useful to them.

After settling aside these thoughts, the black-dressed Lumi swept her gaze over the ongoing battle in the distance.

She was looking for the one that tried to enslave them and brought them to this dark world. In her opinion, her little sister would not have suffered if that person did not bring them to this land.

She snorted when she failed to locate the person.

Nevertheless, the person should be hiding somewhere nearby. Knowing this, she began making a beeline for the southern walls of Darkmoon City.

"You're in my way. Move it."

She headed straight through the ongoing battlefield and waved her fair white hands like she was shooing away flies.

The power of destruction swept over the Behemoth-class Bone Demons impeding her path and reduced them to scattered ashes.

Her high-profile movements could not be missed by the Darkmoon Tribe.

"Everyone, retreat! Lumi is coming over! Be careful not to get swept up in her attack!" Chief Valencia warned.

"Yes, chief!"

The warriors efficiently retreated under the cover of the Battle Masters.

Hundreds of Behemoth-class Bone Demons were destroyed within moments of the black-dressed Lumi's approaching figure.

The gruesome and bloodied flesh of dead humans plastered on their beings were not something even she wanted near her.

Despite the Behemoth-class Bone Demons getting slaughtered along the way, the entire Darkmoon Tribe grew more nervous and anxious with the black-dressed Lumi nearing them when they were facing the bone demons.

They could still resist when they are facing the bone demons. But if they were to be touched by that strange power, they would disappear from the face of the earth.

They were not so conceited as to think that their bodies were more formidable than the Bone Demons.

By the time the black-dressed Lumi reached the foot of the city walls, several thousands of bone demons were erased from the battlefield.

A trail of sweat trickled down Chief Valencia's face.

Even a battle-hardened warrior like her cannot help but feel a bit nervous standing in front of the black-dressed Lumi after her unstoppable display of might.

"You… you're Lumi, right?"

Chief Valencia.

The black-dressed Lumi glanced at her and did a quick memory check. Although the person had not treated Lumi well, the person had also not mistreated her. It could be said that their relationship was relatively normal.

Since there was no beef between them, there was no need to be hostile. She nodded and moderately answered, "Yes, but also no. You can call me Duna instead."

The black-dressed Lumi naturally puzzled everyone who overheard her answer.

Duna? A split personality disorder? Two souls sharing one body? Or something else entirely?

Although Chief Valencia was puzzled, she did not voice her doubts. Duna did not seem like a patient person.

"I see… I wonder what I can do for you?"

"I am looking for someone. I don't think you need me to say who I am looking for, right?" Duna asked.

Chief Valencia nodded and pointed Duna in the right direction of Leonhardt's location. Little did she know that her action might put Leonhardt in danger.

Duna offered her thanks and continued on her way. But after a few steps, she stopped and looked back.

The Darkmoon Tribe continued to fight against the undead army with their lives on the line, but despite this, Chief Valencia did not request any help from her.

Perhaps, the person understood that Duna did not have any concerns for the humans and might not help even if they asked.

Nevertheless, Chief Valencia had done Duna a favor, no matter how small it was. She did not like owing anyone anything.

She turned towards the demon army's direction, and the surrounding air suddenly intensified like an invisible power was being gathered.

Afterward, Duna made a swiping gesture at the demon army, and more than half of the remaining 80-thousand-odd army was obliterated in an instance.

Deep within the Black Swamp's inner region that lies on the other side of Darkness Mountain, the Land of Darkness, Demon Lord Karau was dealt a massive blow due to the loss.

A wisp of will was attached to every undead, and follower Demon Lord Karau controlled. Losing a few dozen to hundreds at a time was only like a scratch to it, but losing more than 40-thousand wisp of will at once was like suffering from a terrible soul attack that not only harmed its core but impacted its cultivation.


Demon Lord Karau swore venomously with great anguish and pain.

His demonly figure cannot be seen, but his powerful voice echoed far and wide from a bottomless, dark pit of enormous proportions that laid at the center of the Black Swamp's innermost region.

Despite Demon Lord Karau's great fury, only the nearby demons that resided within the region were aware of it. His voice did not reach the Infertile Plains.

Back at the Darkmoon Tribe, Chief Valencia and the other warriors showed their gratitude to Duna before fighting with new vigor.

Duna flew over the walls and soon stopped in front of Leon. The warriors guarding him all ran away after Duna flashed them a cold look before resting on Leon.

Due to his deep meditation, Leon was unaware of the danger before him.

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