Prime Originator

336 Signal For Help

After listening to Great Warrior Ironhead, Leon began to frown. The situation was more precarious than he thought. The Darkmoon Tribe was treading on tightropes, where the situation could turn for the worse at any moment.

Behemoth-class Bone Demons would only continue to appear from this point onwards, but it was not like they could just stop killing the undead. Even if they stopped killing the undead, the undead would not stop trying to kill them.

"In that case, we better finish off this Behemoth-class Bone Soldier quickly so we can join the others in taking down the Bone Kings. It'll be troublesome if one of them evolves to Behemoth class like you said."

"Hahaha, Little Brother Leonhardt is very positive." Great Warrior Ironhead said wryly before continuing to explain, "Although Behemoth-class Bone Soldiers only possess strength equivalent to the peak of Unranked Demons, they boast extremely high defense due to their sheer size and layers of Bone Fortification. This makes them just as difficult to kill as ordinary Bone Kings."

Bone Kings were Lesser Demons with at least 100 thousand jins worth of strength, similar to the strength of Rank 1 Transcendents.

Meanwhile, Ironhead was an Early-rank Great Warrior with a strength of 70 thousand jins. Also, from what Ironhead had seen, Leonhardt possesses similar strength to him.

Thus, even if they wanted to take the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier down quickly, it would still take them awhile. What Ironhead did not know was that Leonhardt had yet to go all out.

"Is that right?" Leon was mildly surprised before calmly stating, "Then I guess I better fight more seriously."

"Hahaha, Little Brother Leonhardt sure likes to joke." Great Warrior Ironhead gave a forced laugh. It was hard for him to imagine that the small body of the boy before him could possess any more strength than what he had already witnessed.

Leon did not try to convince Ironhead of his claims and simply shook his head with a light smile. It was easier to prove it with his actions rather than his words.

He tightened the grip on his bone spear and immediately lunged towards the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier in the distance with Lumi following him shortly after.

Watching Leon dashed ahead, Great Warrior Ironhead also shook his head and thought, 'This boy possesses great strength, but he is still a hotheaded youth in the end. He won't be convinced until he sees the reality of things with his own eyes.'

Not long after the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier appeared, Great Warrior Knucklefist, who had headed right, was the first to engage it in battle.

His strength was around 75 thousand jins, a tad stronger than Ironhead, but he was also an Early-rank Great Warrior. The strength of a Mid-rank Great Warrior was needed to slay the giant Behemoth-class Bone Soldier if they do not join forces to kill it.

Knucklefist caused big cracks to form on the surface of the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier's body with his attacks, but these cracks would soon repair themselves shortly after.

After Knucklefist spotted Leon rushing over, he was overjoyed. He watched as Leon leaped high into the air before shouting, "This thing is incredibly tough! We need to work—"


The Behemoth-class Bone Soldiers stood dumbly on the spot and had its head toppled off with a flashing ray of whitish-blue light.

No matter how strong the Bone Soldier had become, it was still a mindless puppet that easily froze after suffering from one round of Lumi's soul attack.

Knucklefist had his eyes widened when he saw Leon shaved off the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier's head in one clean swipe of his bone spear.


After finished the last of his words drily, Knucklefist gulped. Ironhead was not too far behind when he also witnessed the scene and almost had a heart attack from shock.

"What the in the world…?"

Ironhead stared dumbly into the distance with slack jaws before quickly recovering and smacked his thighs in jubilation.

"Damnnn! This Little Brother was actually holding back so much strength! No, with that much strength, I should be calling him Big Brother instead!"

Ironhead's eyes glowed brightly with excitement.

Anyone who can cut the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier down in one blow definitely had the fighting strength to battle Lesser Demons like the Bone Kings.

At the same time, the other warriors were having a more significant reaction from witnessing the sight.

"Oh my god! What just happened?! Someone just took the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier down in one blow! Did anyone see clearly who did it?"

"I did! It was the outsider that did it! He is such a little monster! How can such a little body contain so much power?! With that much strength, he should be at the Mid-rank Great Warrior level, at least!"

"What outsider! Anyone willing to help our tribe overcome the Bone Calamity is a friend!"

"Hahaha! It's such an incredible blessing to have such a powerful expert assist us!"

The warriors' blood boiled, and their fighting spirits were raised. At the same time, praises were also directed at Lumi.

"Don't forget about the banshee's help! If not for her soul attack, The Behemoth-class Bone Soldier wouldn't have just stood there to have its head chopped off!"

"Oh yeah, you're right about that! We are so fortunate to have such a powerful banshee on our side! Thank you, Banshee!"

Words made their way into Lumi's ears. She had never been appreciated by so many people before. It filled her with a wondrous feeling and caused her to hum a melodious tune in elation.

Leon chuckled lightly before shaking his head.

It was true that he possessed the strength to fight Bone Kings, but without a good weapon, it would not have been possible to behead the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier so easily with its incredibly thick defense.

After using the bone spear for some time, he had realized why there was some resistance coming from the bone spear whenever he channeled his power through it.

It was because the Soul Weapon was remarkably similar to a Spirit Artifact with an artifact spirit. He needed to bind the Soul Weapon to himself to have access to its full capabilities.

Once Leon had realized this, he had subtly cut his finger with his thumbnail and bound the Soul Weapon to himself with his blood essence.

After that, the Soul Weapon did not let him. Its attack power was not something his current Tier 3 Black Spear could compare to. Its sharpness was on another level.

It was also fortunate that he had realized the issue early. The Darkmoon Tribe warriors would have found it weird if they had realized that he had yet to bound the Soul Weapon to himself.

"Big Brother Leonhardt, quick! Keep attacking until you absorb all its power! Don't let the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier revive!" Great Warrior Knucklefist shouted. He had also view Leon as a 'Big Brother' unwittingly.

Leon naturally did not need to be told this, but he still acknowledged Knucklefist words by giving him a simple nod.


An accumulated amount of Darkness Profound Energy and Death Energy was gathered inside the head of the Behemoth-class Bone Soldier.

After Leon hacked it into diced pieces, the energy was all absorbed into his Bone Spear.

Perhaps, because he had yet to form a Darkness Profound Seed, or because he did not know the cultivation method of the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors, the energy did not proceed to flow into his body but was wholly absorbed by the bone spear.

"Hahaha! Big Brother Leonhardt, you sure know how to hide your power!" Ironhead said as he strolled over in joyous laughter.

"Well, I wasn't really hiding it, though? Using my full strength on weaklings is just plain wasteful, don't you think?"

"Err�� right… that makes perfect sense." Ironhead was immediately stunned speechless by Leon's sound reasoning. He quickly recovered with a cough and said, "Ahem, since Big Brother Leonhardt is so powerful, I hope you can continue to help us take down the Bone Kings."

"I intend to. No point stopping here when I've come to help, right?" Leon smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Big Brother Leonhardt. Our tribe is indebted to you and your friend." Ironhead spoke sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

No one could deny Leon's and Lumi's contribution to this war. The Bone Calamity was much more challenging than the previous one, but they had hopes of defeating the Bone Army in a day with their help.

Leon found it weird to be addressed as 'Big Brother' by someone much older than him, but he pretended not to mind it as it seemed to be part of their tradition.

Just as Leon directed his gaze towards the battle between Sabertooth and the Bone King he was fighting, he noticed a light signal shooting into the sky from the far southwestern direction before exploding brilliantly like a firework.

Some faint guesses formed in his mind, but he still asked, "What does that signal?"

When Ironhead turned to look at where Leon pointed, his expression became grave as he answered solemnly, "That's the signal for help from the Blackwind Tribe!"

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