Prime Originator

175 Put Down The Knife

Half an hour prior to Leon's arrival.

"Your Highness, the information you inquired has been gathered."

A shadowguard handed over the report. Leon directly swept the report before ruminating through the collected information in his mind.

"Your Highness…?" The shadowguard repeated doubtfully, when Leon did not reach out for the report.

"I don't need it anymore. You may take it back." Leon opened his eyes and stated.

"Huh?" Although the shadowguard was confused, he recovered quickly. "Yes, your Highness."

Leon was quite surprised at how little information the report contained. There were no records of any serious crimes and only a few within the grey area. There was some information on the crimes of the associated nobles of the merchant association.

However, it was committed under personal interest and not the interest of the merchant association. As such, Leon couldn't really use this information to extort the merchants. There were even some merits of the presidents recorded.

They had hosted a few charity events to feed the hungry commoners of the Lower District. Whether it was an act of kindness or strategic move to raise their image, it had indeed saved lives.

Leon secretly noted to give Porter Fischer and Vigo Primrose a chance, but only one chance. There was a limit to one's mercy. After all, despite a fairly clean history, they have seized his property in his absence. That was without a doubt, a crime.

"How is the search progress on my disciple?" Leon asked.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Your disciple, Reginald has not been found yet." The shadowguard showed an apologetic expression.

Leon nodded. He wasn't expecting the shadowguards to produce any results so quickly and only asked on a whim.

"Continue the search."

"Yes, your Highness!"

The shadowguard disappeared shortly after.

"It would not be appropriate to attend the banquet in these clothes… Fortunately, there's still time until the banquet starts." Leon thought.

Leon visited a tailor and bought a few dozen sets of clothes to save himself from future inconvenience. His black attire has been slightly worn out from battles and the royal attire was too flashy for some occasions.

After dumping everything in the Worldspace, he went on his way.

Present time.

Despite Oliver's condemnation and Porter's plea, Vigo was not swayed in his belief. No one else had said anything either, but more importantly, the Cromwell family had not said anything.

If the brat was the prince, why would the Cromwell family do nothing about it?

"Seeking death?" Leon shook his head. "I'm afraid the one seeking death is you. Do not say that this prince did not give you chance. Alas, some people cannot accept the truth even after hearing it."

"Hmph! Just wait for the palace guards to arrive and all will be clear!" Vigo sniggered. He crossed his arms and sat arrogantly.

While making the Primrose family's servant lead the way, Captain Dylan of the palace guards became suspicious.

The path they were taking was leading to the Cromwell family's home and there was currently a banquet there. How could the crystal thief be there?

'Leon Bradford… Cromwell family… hm? Wasn't Bradford the surname of his highness when he was still living as a commoner?'

It suddenly dawned on him why the name was so familiar. He had just met his highness earlier in the day as well.

When they arrived at the banquet, Dylan immediately spotted Leon.

'Sure enough, it WAS his Highness!' Dylan confirmed. He immediately felt anger rising inside him. This servant must be tired of living! How dare he accused the prince of stealing!

Hmm no… the servant was just an informant. The real offender is the servant's master, the current head of Primrose family.

"Who among you is Vigo Primrose?"

Dylan swept through the people at the banquet with his cold gaze. He wasn't familiar with the people at the banquet. In the past 17 years, it was rare for the Royal Palace to receive a visitor even once in a blue moon. As such, he didn't recognize anyone.

But the opposite cannot be said for the others. Everyone recognized the captain of the palace guards immediately. The Underground Mines had been making waves in the kingdom. Its not hard to find out who the supervisor placed in charge of it.

"It is I, Captain Dylan."

Vigo's eyes lit up the moment Captain Dylan arrived and answered his question eagerly.

"You're the one who sent the servant to make the report?" Captain Dylan asked in a low tone.

"Yes, it was me."

"And where is the 'Commoner' who stole the heavenly crystals?"

"It is that brat!" Vigo pointed at the nonchalant Leon and answered. "Please be careful, Captain Dylan. That brat has reached the level of one star!"

A number of people immediately became amused, while the rest silently watched on with anticipation, not understanding what was happening.

Receiving his confirmation, Captain Dylan took a deep breath, before a chilly light flashed in his eyes.

"Arrest him!"

As soon as the orders were issued, two palace guards immediately appeared next to Vigo and restrained him. He was dumbfounded and easily brought in front of Dylan without resistance.

Faced with Captain Dylan's cold gaze, Vigo snapped out of his stupor.

"Captain Dylan, you caught the wrong person! I didn't say I was the crystal thief. I said that brat is the crystal thief!" Vigo tried pointing in Leon's direction, but his strength was no match for the palace guards. Not only was he unable to move an inch, it was taken as an act of resistance. The palace guards increased their strength and forced him on his knees.


A resounding slap was heard as Vigo grabbed his burning cheeks and looked up at the captain of the palace guards with anger. He felt humiliated.


"Do you think I'm stupid?" Dylan questioned coldly.

"No, of course not." Vigo immediately denied. Even if he thinks that way, he couldn't admit it. That was just asking for trouble. But why would the captain ask that?


Unfortunately, another resounding slap landed on Vigo's other cheek regardless of his answer. Why was he slapped again?!

"Then do you think I'm deaf!?"

Vigo was flabbergasted. Was this person mental!? Why is he so angry!? I should be the one angry!

"I don't understand…" Vigo said.

"You don't understand? Then let me make you understand!"


"Hmph! How dare you accuse the prince of stealing! Do you think the prince needs to steal!? How insolent!"


After dishing out several more slaps until he was satisfied, Dylan turned and saluted to Leon.

"Your highness, I apologize for not greeting you immediately. I couldn't ignore this person's insolence towards you."

Leon gestured for him to be at ease.


Vigo was in disbelief. The palace guards only take overs from the royal family! How could he not be aware of the reality at this point? However, the truth was something he could not accept.

"My teacher said that commoner stole heavenly crystals to cultivate! There's no way this brat could cultivate to such a high level using normal means!"

"So, your teacher was the origin of the accusation?" Dylan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"I… No… Yes…"

Vigo suddenly became fearful. He had the feeling his head would roll if his he didn't answer truthfully.

The crowd shook their heads. Such backward thinking. Now was an age of changes. One had to be openminded or they wouldn't be able to move forward.

Also, Vigo was too foolish. Not only did he failed to recognize his mistakes, he also dragged his teacher down.

"Your highness, please give the order. I will execute this animal and gather my men to apprehend the mastermind immediately!" Captain Dylan drew his sword and said.

"Why does everything have to involve killing? Don't tell me you've all been affected my mother's coldness?" Leon shook his head and stopped the palace guards with a hand gesture. "Put down the butcher's knife. I will handle this."

"Yes, your Highness." Dylan sheathed his sword and stepped back.

"I give you two choices. The first, you will surrender all your properties in the kingdom back to the royal family or second, you will turn over half the profits of your merchant association to the royal family annually. Also, you must release my disciple immediately. That is non-negotiable."

"I can live?" Vigo asked in surprise.

Leon nodded. He wasn't too interested in killing if he can't accumulate karmic virtues. He didn't know if killing someone with karmic virtue would deduct his own accumulation or not. He rather not take the risk.

The future was unpredictable and full of unknown dangers. He could use all the luck he can get.

Vigo blinked at the choices. Although it seemed like Leon have given two choices, there was really only one choice. How could be continue making money if he surrendered all his properties?

Also, the royal family hadn't collected any tax in 17 years, so the second option wasn't exactly too harsh. However, he didn't understand the last part.

"Who is your disciple if I may ask, Bra---Your Highness." Vigo asked carefully with doubts.

"Hm?" Leon raised an eyebrow. This person about to say brat again. Seeing Vigo's swollen face that looked like a balloon from excessive slapping, Leon decided to let it slide with a shrug of his shoulders. "My disciple is Reginald Graeme. Where else did you think the pill formulas came from?"

Vigo: "…"

Suddenly, Vigo felt like crying. Why was fate so cruel to him? That damn kid! If he had such a colossal backing like the prince, why did he not use it!? Vigo would have never touched that kid if he knew the kid's master was the prince!

Also, not only would he have not dared to offend the prince, he would have been bootlicking instead if he knew!

This was a disaster that could have been avoided!!!

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