Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1081 - Almost Killed My Hubby!

Everyone went towards the direction of Monica and Maxi. Shen Qianshu sped to the corpse and picked up her backpack. Then, she took everything that her team needed and placed them in her own bag.

The countdown had started. She threw away all the food.

Monica and Maxi threatened the east and stuck the west[1. A Chinese Idiom that means that a diversion is created to confuse the enemy.]. Shen Qianshu picked up six backpacks, including the ones from the youths who left. The battle was coming to an end, and there were not many supplies left, but the six backpacks were really filled.

Shen Qianshu was just about to retreat when, unfortunately, a young girl saw her. She immediately fired her gun at Shen Qianshu. Shen Qianshu’s gaze darkened. She immediately went forward and raised her gun. In a swift movement, she shot all her bullets down.

The young lady shrieked and kicked Shen Qianshu’s gun out of her hand. The two of them had to fight physically.

“You don’t have to care about me if I bump into any mishaps.”

Outside the high walls.

Ye Ling heard the clear sound of the bullets. All the people who worked for them heard it too. The audience’s heart sank. They were all fearful. The armed men began coming over to rush people out of the way. They wanted to shoo everyone away.

While the guards were distracted, Ye Ling lowered his voice. “Don’t expose me.”

Using the cover from a dead corner, he crawled into a tunnel.

After entering the tunnel, the noise was getting louder, so he lay still without moving. Although he did not know where the tunnel led to, he knew that it definitely led inside the high walls. The sounds from the gun were so clear and distinct.

Qianshu must be scared stiff.

When has she ever experienced bullets raining on her? I have to find her quickly.

The armed men left very quickly. Ye Ling followed the path and continued climbing forward. He always had a good sense of direction, and he could smell sulfur.

There are a lot of… explosive substances.

Mu Yuan had to find the stronghold of Black Rose as soon as possible and destroy it! Otherwise, this place would become the place where he and Shen Qianshu would get buried. Ye Ling began climbing vigilantly.

To him, this tunnel was really really small and very difficult to climb, but he had no choice. He had to do it.

In the middle, there were two paths that led to two different places. Ye Ling chose the left side and continued climbing. Luckily, there was some air ventilation in the tunnel, and he would not suffocate in it.

Shen Qianshu and the girl had a fierce battle. Their firearms were both knocked down to a side, and the night vision devices were also knocked away. Shen Qianshu was kicked a few times. Although she had practiced punches and kicks, she was not as good as a young girl who had trained for over a decade.

But she was not at a loss.

The young girl was eyeing the weapons on the floor. She did not have any communication devices on her, so she could not contact anyone. She was also here to pick up supplies. The young girl suddenly pounced at a gun, and so did Shen Qianshu.

The young girl had just placed her hand on the gun when Shen Qianshu stepped on her back.

She turned around and tried to stab Shen Qianshu on her calf with a small dagger.

Although Shen Qianshu could dodge it, she was still cut. The young girl kicked Shen Qianshu hard until she flew out and hit a hard surface. Shen Qianshu got up quickly and the young girl pounced at her. The two of them were throwing kicks and punches at each other.

They both gave their all!

After the young girl stuck out her knife, Shen Qianshu’s body tilted, and she fell beside a backpack. The young girl looked really fierce. She rode on top of Shen Qianshu and kept pushing the knife down.

Shen Qianshu used both of her arms to hold onto her hands.

The young girl said, “Ahh, die! Die!!!”

She had really great strength.

Shen Qianshu watched as the blade kept coming in between her eyebrows. The girl was so close to stabbing her. Suddenly, she gathered all her strength and the knife went in another direction. It stabbed into the soil. Shen Qianshu grabbed a handgun beside the equipment bag and raised it towards the girl’s temple.


She pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot straight into the young girl’s temple. Bright fresh blood splattered onto Shen Qianshu’s face. She shut her eyes subconsciously. In her earphone, she could hear Monica and Maxi’s voice.

“Sis, you okay? Sis?”

“Are you bidding us goodbye? Don’t die. You are very close to becoming the next leader.”

“Shen Qianshu, say something!”

“I’m still alive!” Firing a gun so close to herself, she was shocked too, and she was dumbfounded for a moment. Shen Qianshu pushed the young girl away. As if she could not rest in peace, the girl died with her eyes wide open.

Shen Qianshu carried her backpack.

Monica said, “You scared me. Right, you are more arrogant than me! You even say goodbye to someone before sending them to the heavens!”

Shen Qianshu was speechless.

Can you stop mocking me? You guys are literally being chased down.

The cold robotic female voice came on again. Another person had been disqualified.

Shen Qianshu squatted before the young girl and sighed softly. She turned down the eyelids of the young girl. This was the best she could give to her.

Shen Qianshu picked up the M4 and a pistol. The pistol was rather useful sometimes. Suddenly, Shen Qianshu felt a dark shadow coming close. It was coming from her back. The moon shone brightly on this very night. As the moonlight shone into the dark woods, the silhouette was so real.

Shen Qianshu felt chills running down her spine. Why hasn’t that person fired?

Suddenly, she turned around. She had not seen the person clearly, but she raised up her arm immediately, getting ready to shoot. She could see a bushy man who looked really miserable. Just as Shen Qianshu was about to shoot, a thought popped into her mind.

The people here are either beautiful ladies or charming young lads.

Why would there be a weird bushy man?

The bushy man was really swift. Just as Shen Qianshu was about to fire, he instantly jumped into a shrub. Shen Qianshu shot randomly at the silhouette, and she instantly used up all the bullets in the pistol.

She picked up the M4 and was getting ready to fire rapidly.

“Shen Qianshu!” A loud growl broke through the sky!

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