Power and Wealth

Chapter 970: He is indeed more wicked than others


Commission for Discipline Inspection, Inspection First Office's meeting room.

Dong Xuebing placed a document on the table and said. "This is the current situation. Director Luo, and Director Liu, discuss the work arrangements among yourselves. The Provincial Leaders are very concerned about this case, and I want everyone to do their best. We might have to work late these few days, and must arrest every government staff involved as soon as possible. We need to collect all the evidence. After we conclude this case, we can continue with our normal work hours, and I will request a bonus from the higher-ups."

Everyone was raring to go.

They received their tasks and rushed out of the meeting room.

After yesterday's incident, Liu Hanqing's attitude towards Dong Xuebing changed. He reported his work to Dong Xuebing in the morning. Everyone knew he had changed because Dong Xuebing saved his life, and he was willing to do his best for him. The Inspection First Office was finally united.

Dong Xuebing was wicked, rash, and often offended others. People who dislike him hate him to the core. But he treats his friends and subordinates well.

Who will say anything bad about a leader willing to risk his life to save him?

Half an hour later.

Dong Xuebing's office.

Luo Haiting entered the office. "Director, we found the construction material supplier for Xi Ping Third Middle School. It is Song Fei's company, and he was taken into custody by the Police last night."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Bring him in for questioning."

"But he is in the Public Security Bureau. We...."

"Just call them. I will speak to them."

"Alright. I will call them now."

Luo Haiting called and passed the phone to Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing answered. "Hello, I am Dong Xuebing from the Discipline Inspection."

A Public Security Bureau Officer replied. "Good afternoon, Director Dong."

"We need some answers from Song Fei. Can you let us question him first? You all can bring him back after we are done."

"Err.... Alright. We will send him to you."

"Thank you."

The other party agreed readily and did not give any excuses. This was because of what happened yesterday. His God of Plagues nickname had become more notorious. Every civil servant in Fen Zhou City knows about him, and he was reported in the news several times. They were shocked by him holding up a wall weighing more than one ton. More people noticed the underlying story. Businessman Song Fei offended Dong Xuebing and his wife at the charity auction. The next day, Dong Xuebing suspected and requested an investigation into Xi Ping Third Middle School, to which Song Fei supplied the construction materials. The building collapsed when Dong Xuebing went to school in the afternoon.

What a coincidence!


How come troubles seemed to follow Dong Xuebing everywhere?

Nothing would happen if you didn't go there. How unlucky are you for a building to collapse when you visit?

Dong Xuebing became more famous in the wrong way.

Song Fei was also shocked when he was sent to the City Commission for Discipline Inspection. He saw Dong Xuebing and kept quiet.

This office had the same layout as the Public Security interrogation room.

Dong Xuebing sat at the head of the table. Luo Haiting and two staff sat beside to question Song Fei.

"Tell us what connections you used as the construction material supplier for Xi Ping Third Middle School."

Song Fei calmly replied. "I am close with the project's main contractor, Mr. Liu. We worked together before, and I supplied the materials through him. He checked the quality and said it was fine. All our materials were imported from elsewhere, and I don't know how or why it happened."

Luo Haiting stared at Song Fei. "You are trying to push everything to others.

Song Fei glanced at her and kept quiet.

Dong Xuebing continued. "I am asking you again. Did you contact the local authorities to get them to use you as their supplier?"

Song Fei replied lazily. "No. I only deal with Mr. Liu."

"Where did you get your building material? We are not concerned about the inspection process and approval. I want to know the Government staff involved." Dong Xuebing smiled. "Since you are not speaking, we cannot force you. Director Luo, Mr. Song's main company, is located in the south. Send the local authorities a copy of what happened here, and tell them what happened. I suggest they inspect all the buildings built with his construction materials. Those buildings might collapse anytime."

Luo Haiting nodded. "Yes. I will inform them now."

Song Fei had a painful expression, and he trembled.

Dong Xuebing looked at Song Fei and said. "We will stay here until you are willing to talk, and I can tell you that your company is done. The compensation alone is enough to bankrupt you. Although no one was killed in this incident, the school building was built with the disaster relief fund. It is funded by the Central Government and donations from civilians. You dare to siphon from it?! You even used substandard construction materials for the project. You are too bold."

Dong Xuebing saw Song Fei remained emotionless and wrote Luo Haiting a long SMS. He kept his phone and continued. "This is a criminal case, and you should know how serious it is. You might think you will get a lighter sentence if you do not rattle the rest. Impossible! You still can get lighter sentences if you tell us everything. The prosecutors and courts might give you a lighter sentence. However, you are done if other people tell us first and provide evidence. You will get additional charges for refusing to talk. Be prepared to be in jail for the next ten to twenty years."

The corner of Song Fei's eyes twitched, but he still refused to talk.

Zhuzhu and Fei Fan frowned. They felt someone had warned Song Fei not to say anything before the latter was sent to the Discipline Inspection.

One minute....

Two minutes....

Dong Xuebing stopped asking and turned. "How is the investigation progress on Deputy District Mayor Chu?"

Zhuzhu replied. "Our people should be there now. Let me call them."

As they were talking, Luo Haiting entered the room with a document. "Director, Deputy District Mayor Chu...."

Dong Xuebing frowned and interrupted her. "Let me see it."

Luo Haiting kept quiet and glanced at Song Fei before passing the document to Dong Xuebing. She accidentally tripped on the chair, and the document fell beside Song Fei. Song Fei looked down and saw Deputy District Mayor Chu's signature on the bottom of the document. He had seen his signature several times.


This is his statement!

Deputy District Mayor Chu's statement?!

Song Fei was shocked.

Luo Haiting quickly picked up the document.

Dong Xuebing read the document and nodded. "Alright. We can stop the interrogation now. Director Luo, contact Public Security to pick Song Fei."

Zhuzhu and Feifan knew the investigation on Deputy District Mayor Chu was completed.

Song Fei took a deep breath. "Wait...."

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. "Bring him out!"

"Let me consider for a while more." Song Fei became anxious.

Dong Xuebing refused to listen and tapped the statement. He looked at Luo Haiting. "I am meeting Secretary He. Please take care of the rest."

Dong Xuebing was about to leave, and Song Fei panicked. "Wait! I will talk! I will tell you everything!"

Dong Xuebing refused to listen and stepped out of the office.

Luo Haiting glanced at Song Fei. "You should have done so earlier. What is it you want to say?"

Song Fei quickly replied. "I gave Deputy District Mayor Chu a red packet to get this job! 200,000 RMB! He only paid me slightly more than 1 million RMB. My material cost was 1.5 million RMB, and I had no choice but to cut corners. Don't believe what he says!"

Song Fei spilled everything.

Song Fei signed his statement ten minutes later and was brought away.

After Song Fei was gone, Dong Xuebing returned to the room. "Done?"

"Yes. He told us everything." Luo Haiting smiled.

Dong Xuebing nodded, crumpled Deputy District Mayor Chu's statement into a ball, and threw it on the table.

Zhuzhu was stunned. "Director, what are you doing?"

Fei Fan panicked. "Isn't that Deputy District Mayor Chu's statement?"

Dong Xuebing smiled. "It is a meeting document with his signature. I sent an SMS to Director Luo to get it and let her show Deputy District Mayor Chu's signature to him."

Zhuzhu uncrumpled the document, and it was not a statement.

Luo Haiting replied helplessly. "Our regulations state that we cannot fool or lie to the suspect during interrogation. This...."

Dong Xuebing shrugged. "When did we lie to him? Did you say this document is Deputy District Mayor Chu's statement? You only mentioned his name, and Song Fei assumed it was his statement. We did not lie to him, and he misunderstood. Who can he blame?"

Luo Haiting was speechless.

Zhuzhu and Fei Fan were sweating. Director Dong was more wicked than others.

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