Power and Wealth

Chapter 960: An opportunity to enter the Committee

Next day.


Dong Xuebing received lots of stares from his colleagues and other Government staff when he came to work. They should hear about his donation at the charity event last night. Oh, they should have heard the neighboring Mayor's wife is his mother.

However, Dong Xuebing did not care. He went to his office and arranged the anonymous report he sent to himself.

Around twenty minutes later.

Dong Xuebing felt it was time and went to Discipline Commission Deputy Secretary Zhan Guiping's office.

Since Dong Xuebing started work in Discipline Commission, he reported to Inspection Office Chief Xiao Bing. However, Zhan Guiping was Dong Xuebing's direct supervisor. After Zhan Guiping returned to work, Dong Xuebing had to report to him. Zhan Guiping and Xiao Bing held the same ranks, but Zhan Guiping had more authority than Xiao Bing.

Dong Xuebing entered the office. "Secretary Zhan, I have something to report."

Zhan Guiping, who was drinking tea, smiled. "Have a seat."

"Here." Dong Xuebing sat opposite Zhan Guiping and passed him the anonymous report. "Someone sent this to my house. It is an anonymous report." He sighed. "I read it and was shocked. How can these people try to cheat the disaster relief fund and disregard the lives of the teachers and students? I feel we should investigate and hold the relevant parties responsible."

Zhan Guiping paused for a second. "I also received this report in the morning and had read it. However, there's insufficient evidence."

Dong Xuebing insisted. "Secretary Zhan, this is a serious matter. It would have grave consequences if it were real. We should investigate and cannot disregard the lives of the teachers and students. What if the building has quality issues and collapses when the students are in their classes?"

Zhan Guiping tapped on his desk. "This should fall under the construction committee."


"But…." Dong Xuebing was about to say something when Zhan Guiping interrupted him.

"Since someone reported there might be leaders involved, we should verify it. You are correct. This is not a small matter. Most of the disaster relief fund is given to us by the Central Government. It would be too much if leaders tried to get the fund through such means." Zhan Guiping's eyes turned cold. "Director Dong, I will assign this case to your Inspection First Office. Verify the claims in the anonymous report. However, don't cause any alarm in Xi Ping District until you find the evidence. I will speak to the Secretary later and discuss it."

"Alright. I will bring my men over to conduct an undercover investigation."

"You are going too?! Just send your men will do."

"It's fine. I will feel assured if I do it myself."

"Ok. Give me a call if you find anything."

Dong Xuebing left Zhan Guiping's office and closed the door.

This was the benefit of having a good relationship with the leader. When Dong Xuebing wanted to investigate any cases, he got permission from Xiao Bing in the past. Xiao Bing does not like him as they had clashed before. That's why Inspection First Office had been suppressed. Things were different after Secretary Zhan returned. Dong Xuebing had saved his daughter, and it was easier to get things done. Secretary Zhan did not ask anything and let him handle it.

After returning to his office, Dong Xuebing called Luo Haiting over.

Dong Xuebing said. "I am bringing a team for an undercover investigation. Help me gather a few people. Pick those smart ones."

Luo Haiting asked. "Can I go with you?"

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and shook his head. "I need you to wait for news here. I will worry if there's no one here. Oh, where is Deputy Director Liu?"

"Liu Hanqing?" Luo Haiting turned and looked behind. Deputy Director Liu had been quiet these few days and did not get involved. I think he should be on his PC in his office."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Tell him to go with me."

"Ok. I will tell them."

Dong Xuebing looked at the time. It was still early. He will set off with his team after packing his stuff.


Xie Huilan called.

Dong Xuebing answered. "Have you informed them?"

"I brought it up during the Mayor's meeting." Xie Huilan replied. "However, Deputy Mayor Feng, who is in charge of the construction committee, opposed it. He said the anonymous report did not provide any evidence. It would disappoint the developer and construction material supplier if we acted on an anonymous report. The rebuilding progress would also be delayed. He refused to let the construction committee investigate. But he did mention he would send someone privately to see if the allegations were true."

Dong Xuebing frowned. "That means he is not going to do anything."


"Why is he not afraid an accident might happen, and he would have to bear the responsibility?"

"Nothing has happened yet, and the construction companies are mostly Deputy Mayor Feng's contacts. Deputy Mayor Qian will be transferred, and Old Feng does not want anything to happen during this period."

"What has this got to do with Deputy Mayor Qian?"

"Old Qian is the Executive Deputy Mayor and the only Deputy Mayor in the City Party Committee. Old Feng should take over his position in the Party Committee after he left. Of course, he does not want anything to happen. It would affect his chances of entering the Party Committee if the allegations are true."

"What about you? Do you have any chances of entering the City Party Committee?"

"Haha…. I was only transferred here recently. It's hard for me to enter the Party Committee."

"Hard? That means you still have a chance."

"The chances are very slim."

"Does that mean you can get in if Deputy Mayor Feng loses his chances?"

"I think so. Haha…. Old Feng jumped, and his eyes changed when I mentioned about Third Middle School building. He thinks I am trying to pull him down."

Dong Xuebing snorted. "You are trying to help him. Never mind. You had brought up this matter. If anything happens, Deputy Mayor Feng will be in trouble."

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