Power and Wealth

Chapter 938: Xie Jing’s tears


Xie Jing and her family's clash happened.

After dinner, Xie Hao dragged Dong Xuebing to the backyard. He wanted Dong Xuebing to teach him martial arts, and they heard Xie Jing quarreling with Xie Guoliang and Xia Yanzhen.

"Dad! Mum! What are you two trying to do?!" Xie Jing was furious.

Xia Yanzhen sighed. "We are doing this for your good."

Xie Jing shouted angrily. "I did not say I want to marry him. We are just dating!"

Xie Guoliang said. "You will not stay in Xin Hua News Agency forever and might be a County Mayor or a City Mayor like your Eldest Sister. You must work hard and not be distracted by relationships. That Xiao Sun is not suitable for you. He is too ordinary. Don't think we reached this decision before finding out about him. Do you think we don't know he went to Taiwan with you all?! His character is too weak and not aggressive. He is not the right person for you."

Xie Jing was furious. "You all refused to accept him because he has no background!"

Xia Yanzhen stroked her daughter's hair. "That's one of the reasons."

"My Brother-in-law did not have any background too, but grandfather approved his marriage with Sis."

Xie Guoliang coldly replied. "How can you compare Sun Kai with Xiao Dong? Don't you know about Xiao Dong's capabilities? Just look at his character. He faced difficulties and dared to fight for what he wanted. Can Sun Kai do the same?"

"Brother-in-law had moved up his ranks slowly. How do you all know Sun Kai cannot do the same?"

"Some people have the gift since they are born. Just look at your Eldest Sister. She is born to be an Official. Even Xiao Ran cannot be compared to her. Your Brother-in-law's capabilities are not something you can have by working hard. Even if we help Sun Kai, he will not go far."

Both sides could not convince each other, and their argument got heated.

Xie Jing shouted. "I don't care! I want to date Sun Kai!"

Xie Guoliang was also mad. "Fine. I will call Sun Kai's school and see if they dare to continue to hire him!"

Xie Jing was fuming. "Dad! You…."


Xie Guoliang continued. "If you continue to see him, I will ensure he will be kicked out of the Beijing education system!" It might be boasting if someone else said it. But Xie Guoliang has the authority to do it.

Xia Yanzhen pushed her husband lightly and said to her daughter. "Xiao Jing, just think about it. There are better choices out there. Who knows if you will meet the right person a few days later?"

Xie Jing was furious. "I want to be with Sun Kai! I don't care if you all get his school to fire him!"

"Fine!" Xie Guoliang took out his phone and made a call. "Hello, Old Li! Do you know that high school principal?"

Xie Jing turned pale and could not say anything.

Dong Xuebing's impression of Xie Guoliang was a good temper and a friendly person. However, he had lost his temper today because of his daughter. It seems like Sun Kai will lose his job soon. Even if he did not make any mistake, the school principal could make up any reason to fire him.

Dong Xuebing and Xie Hao exchanged looks and quickly left the backyard.

Dong Xuebing was staying at Senior Xie's mansion today. He returned to his room and did not see Xie Huilan. She should be chatting with her parents.

Dong Xuebing opened the windows to smoke and did not plan to interfere with Xie Huilan's family affairs. After all, he is the son-in-law and not a son.

Half an hour.

One hour….

Suddenly, the door opened.

Dong Xuebing turned and was surprised. "Xiao Jing, what's wrong? You…."

Xie Jing was covered in tears. "Brother-in-law…."

"Ah… Come in." Dong Xuebing poured a glass of hot tea for her and asked. "What happened?"

Xie Jing cried. "Sun Kai just called me. He told me he was fired from his school."

Dong Xuebing paused for a second. "It's still the school holidays now."

"My Dad had called his school principal, and the principal found an excuse to fire him. He claimed many parents had complained against him."

Dong Xuebing thought to himself. Why are you coming to me now?

Xie Jing cried louder when she saw Dong Xuebing not saying anything. "My Dad is too much. Although Sun Kai did not blame me, I… I…."


Dong Xuebing replied. "You can speak to Huilan's father."

"I tried. My Eldest Uncle and Aunt did not want to interfere. It must be my Dad who told them not to help."

Xie Guobang is Beijing's Party Secretary. If he cannot do anything regarding family matters, let alone Dong Xuebing. "You can ask Huilan."

"I did." Xie Jing sobbed. "She disagrees with our relationship too. She said she would plead with my Dad to allow Sun Kai back to his school if I broke up with him. She will also help him get a leadership position. But…."

Dong Xuebing scratched his head. "What about Senior Xie?"

"Don't talk about my grandfather. He does not like Sun Jai at all."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Xie Jing looked at Dong Xuebing. "Brother-in-law, can you help Sun Kai find a school and let him be a small leader? I don't want to break up with him."

I knew it."

Dong Xuebing shook his head. "Your Sister is in charge of Fen Zhou City Education Ministry. What can I do if she disagrees with your relationship? Moreover, your father and Senior Xie…."


"Xiao Jing, I really can't do anything…."

"Brother-in-law, I know you will find a way." Xie Jing sobbed.

Dong Xuebing's weakness was softhearted. He felt terrible when he saw Xie Jing sad and lit a cigarette. "You are making me a sinner." Senior Xie, Xie Guobang, Xie Guojian, and even Xie Huilan agreed with Xie Guoliang. If he helped Xie Jing, he would be going against everyone's wishes.




Dong Xuebing could not stand it. "Fine…. Tell Sun Kai to leave with me tomorrow morning. Since he cannot teach in Beijing, I will help him get a job in a school elsewhere and let him be a leader. You must not tell anyone."

Xie Jing cheered. "Thank you, Brother-in-law. Thank you."

Xie Jing knew Dong Xuebing would help her, and her tears were not wasted.

Dong Xuebing saw Xie Jing smiling immediately and was speechless. "You ah…. You are getting me into trouble."

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