Power and Wealth

Chapter 936: These are done by my Brother-in-law

Seaside mansion.


Xie Ran asked. "Brother-in-law, what is going on?"

Xie Huilan looked at Dong Xuebing. "Tell us, how did you sink that vessel?"

Dong Xuebing smiled. "Their vessels are not new. The hull had been repaired, and I happened to crash into the repaired part."

"So simple?" Xie Ran doubted.

Dong Xuebing nodded. "It's so simple."

Xie Hao added. "It involved some physics theory too. You all will not understand even if Brother-in-law tells you."

Xie Huilan paused for a second. "No matter what, don't ever talk about this matter again. All of you must not say a word to others."

Xie Hao replied. "Yes. Brother-in-law had instructed us."

Xie Huilan continued. "I am repeating this. This is a serious matter, and it involves foreign affairs."

Knock… knock… knock…. Wu Er and Youyou knocked on the door and entered.

Wu Er saw everyone and smiled. "I heard some noises and came over to check. All of you are back safely. That's great."

Youyou asked. "Brother Dong, Brother Hao, did you all rescue those fishermen?"

Dong Xuebing answered first. "The waves are too high, and we turn back. Oh, Uncle Wu. The glass windows on the yacht were smashed, and there were minor damages. I will pay for the repairs."

Wu Er smiled and waved his hand. "It's alright as long as you all are safe."

Youyou exclaimed and pointed to the TV. "Look! They have returned."

Wu Er looked at the TV. "Oh, it seems like the rescue party had reached there in time. Eh? A yacht sunk a Coast Guard vessel?!"


Wu Er and Youyou were stunned for a minute.

Wu Er exclaimed. "Can a yacht crash and sink a Coast Guard vessel? Is that a military-grade yacht? The report also mentioned it was a young man who was steering the yacht. He is too daring to crash a yacht into a ship several times bigger."

Youyou shouted. "That's so exciting."

Dong Xuebing and the rest did not interrupt them. Only Xie Ran was looking at Dong Xuebing weirdly.

Wu Er did not suspect Dong Xuebing as he knew his yacht well. It was an ordinary yacht he had used for a few years. It would be a miracle if it did not sink during a storm, let alone collide against a Coast Guard vessel.

It felt good.

They had finally taught the Japanese a lesson.

Twenty minutes later.

Wu Er and his daughter returned to their rooms. Xie Ran, Xie Jing, and the rest left the room, leaving only Dong Xuebing and Xie Huilan.

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat when he saw Xie Huilan's eyes.

Xie Huilan smiled and looked at Dong Xuebing. "Tell me, what should I say about you?"

"Then don't say anything." Dong Xuebing hugged her. "It's late. Let's sleep."

"Don't change the subject." Xie Huilan pushed Dong Xuebing's hands away. "Do you know why I allowed my Brother and Sister to follow you? I hope you will be restrained, and don't be rash when they are on the yacht."

Dong Xuebing argued. "But you agreed to let us go."

"Did I agree to let you crash the yacht into that vessel?"

"Ah…. I had no choice. You don't understand the situation. Fine… fine…. I will take note of what you said and will not let you have the chance to scold me again."

"I hope so. How many times have you said this?"

Sun Kai's room.

The door opened, and Xie Jing entered. "Eh? Are you sleeping?"

Sun Kai saw Xie Jing in her pajamas and blushed. "Huh? Jingjing, why are you here?"

"Be quiet. I don't want my Sister to scold me." Xie Jing closed the door softly behind her and said. "I can't sleep. Chat with me."

Sun Kai nodded. "I also can't sleep, and I am reading the online forums."


"Oh, is there anything interesting?"

"Yes. This discussion is quite interesting."

Xie Jing sat beside Sun Kai in front of the PC monitor.

Although it was early morning, many people were still on the internet. Many people were talking about the Diaoyu Dao sea incident. They were discussing the yacht that sunk a Coast Guard vessel. It was a popular topic and had more than one million views.

"Is this news real? Has it been confirmed?"

"Yes. I have a relative living near the sea. He said the rescue party crew saw it. How can it be fake?"

"It's too fierce."

"That's right. Who is that guy?"

"It must be a master! He reminds me of that master who stole our National Treasures from Japan's museum and donated them to our museum. He also took one of their National Treasure. Our country has many patriots, but these two masters are the ones I respect."

"I agree."

"It should be three masters. Do you still remember a mysterious tourist who won against all Seoul's Taekwondo schools and helped our overseas students? He is also a master."

"That's right."

"The three of them are daring and ruthless."

Sun Kai said. "Our country has many masters. I had heard of the theft in Japan's National Museum in broad daylight and fighting dozens of Taekwondo black belts in Seoul. It seems that there are masters as good as Brother Dong."

Xie Jing laughed. "What are you talking about? The mysterious tourist in Seoul was my Brother-in-law. Didn't I tell you about it?"

Sun Kai's eyes popped out. "What did you say?!"

Xie Jing pointed at the monitor and continued. "Oh, he was also the one who took our National Treasures from Japan Museum. Please keep it to yourself. It's a secret."



All three patriotic masters are your Brother-in-law?!

Sun Kai almost fainted from his shock.

Sun Kai had heard about the previous two incidents and respected those two mysterious masters. He finally found out the truth. Xie Jing's Brother-in-law did everything.

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