Power and Wealth

Chapter 932: Is that a yacht or a tank?!

The Coast Guard vessel was sailing toward the yacht.

The yacht was speeding towards it.

Everyone on the rescue boats was nervous. If both collided, the yacht and that young man would be gone.

Xie Jing closes her eyes and doesn't dare to watch.

Sun Kai, Xie Hao, and the rest were sweating nervously.

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One hundred meters….

Fifty meters….

Twenty meters….

Dong Xuebing remained on course and did not avoid the vessel. He shouted at the vessel. "Come at me!"

These bastards finally showed their killing intent.

Come! Let's see who will survive until the end! Do you think I am scared of you?!

Ten meters….

Five meters….

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One meter….

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Crash! The big and small ships collided.

The vessel's bow crashed head-on into the yacht's bow.

The collision caused a high wave, and Dong Xuebing's yacht was no match for the stronger vessel. It crashed off course and glided sideways.

"Oh no!"


"Ah! Save him! Hurry!"

The rescue boats' crews shouted anxiously.

The damaged fishing boat crew saw Dong Xuebing risking his life to save them, and they were touched.

A Japanese officer on the vessel sneered.

An officer beside him quickly reminded him. "It will blow up if anyone is killed."

That officer thought nothing about it. "They are the ones who provoked and challenged us. Furthermore, they are entering our territory. I will bear all responsibility if anything happens."

After patrolling in Diaoyu Dao sea a few times, these Japanese officers become more arrogant.

The officers on the vessel's smiles froze the next moment. They were stunned.

After the wave subsided, everyone noticed Dong Xuebing's yacht was still intact. It did not break into pieces as everyone expected. The rescue party crew looked at the yacht with their binoculars and saw it did not even have a scratch! It was still sailing normally.

WTF?! What is going on?

The vessel was several tons heavier than the yacht. How can the yacht be intact after that high-speed collision?!

Everyone noticed something more shocking. The yacht was intact, but the vessel collided with it dented. Its hull was damaged by the yacht! How was this possible?!

The officers on that No.11 vessel did not see the damages, but the officers on the other vessel, the No. 12 vessel, saw it. They were shocked and told them about their hull's damage through radio. The officers on the No. 11 vessel were shocked too.


A commercial yacht managed to damage a military-grade vessel?!

This was the most incredible story, and no one would believe it!

Xie Hao laughed loudly. "I knew Brother-in-law would be fine! He is the best! Hahaha!"

Xie Jing was covered in a cold sweat. "It was too dangerous. But…. Why is Mr. Wu's yacht so sturdy? It's a lightweight commercial yacht!"

Sun Kai was dumbfounded.

The officer on No.11 vessel looked terrible and ordered his men to check the vessel's damage. Other than a dent, the vessel was fine. He roared to his men to crash into that yacht as revenge. Losing to the yacht was an embarrassment.

Only Dong Xuebing knew what had happened, and he laughed when he saw the dent on the hull.

You all want to try it again?!

Fine! I will face you head-on again!

Dong Xuebing controlled the yacht and faced the vessel again. He pushed the yacht to its top speed, cutting through the waves.

The rescue party held their breaths.

Twenty meters….

Ten meters….


Both collided again.

The moment the yacht collided with the vessel, Dong Xuebing repeated his previous action. He placed his hands on the yacht and focused on the bow.


One second… two seconds… three seconds….

The yacht was made of lightweight materials and should never win in a collision against a military-grade vessel. It was impossible, but Dong Xuebing had his ways. With his powers, this was no longer an ordinary yacht. He did not stop using REVERSE, and the yacht was constantly in yesterday's condition.

The impact destroyed the yacht's bow, and a split second later, it returned to yesterday's state again.

The yacht's hull cracked, and the cracks disappeared the next moment.

With REVERSE, the yacht had become indestructible. It was constantly in perfect condition, and nothing in the world could damage it, let alone the Coast Guard vessel.

After the collision, the yacht was pushed away again.

The yacht flew back more than two meters and landed heavily on the waves. Luckily, the yacht did not capsize. The No.11 vessel's hull had a deep dent and a small hole. It seemed to be leaking. The indestructible yacht was like reinforced concrete crashing into the vessel.

The first time might be an accident. But this was the second time!

What the hell is wrong with this yacht?!

Besides Xie Hao, who was cheering loudly, everyone else was stunned by what they saw.

What is going on?!

Why is that yacht so sturdy?!

Even if the yacht was made for military uses, how can it be intact after two collisions with the vessel?!

The Japanese officers on the vessel were stunned and looked at the yacht as if it was a monster.

What the hell is this thing!?

This was no longer a yacht in their eyes. Have you ever seen a yacht that is so sturdy?!

The No.11 vessel's officers froze and wondered if they were dreaming.

The No. 12 vessel quickly sails over to provide support.


Dong Xuebing looked at the other vessel, which was still far away. He turned the yacht around and started charging at No. 11 vessel again.

The No. 11 vessel did not move as its officers were still confused.

Dong Xuebing's yacht's advantage was its pick-up speed. It was faster than the vessel.

A few moments later, everyone saw that 'miraculous' yacht crashed into the Japanese Coast Guard vessel again.



The yacht's bow impaled into the hull, and Dong Xuebing spent a while dislodging from it. He turned the yacht around and sailed away.

The yacht had collided with the same spot the vessel three times.

When the yacht dislodged itself from the vessel, everyone saw a gaping hole in the hull. Water was gushing into the vessel.

Everyone on board the vessel started to panic.

"Sir! The hull is severely damaged, and water is coming in!"

"Fix it immediately!"

"There's no time! The water is coming in too fast. We are sinking!"

The Japanese officers' hearts sank, and the officer looked terrible. "Abandon ship! Prepare the lifeboats!"

The hole in the hull was as big as the yacht's bow, and the Coast Guard vessel was sinking fast. Within seconds, it had sunk around a meter.

Everyone on the vessel was scrambling onto the lifeboats.

Dong Xuebing was still angry and sailed the yacht further away. He prepared himself to speed up again.

No. 11 vessel had called for help, and No. 12 vessel immediately rushed to assist them.

Dong Xuebing had sunk one vessel and did not continue to crash into it. He had set his sights on a new target, the other vessel. He saw the other vessel coming nearer and lit a cigarette before positioning the yacht.

The yacht started to pick up speed.

The No. 12 vessel was too slow to avoid the charging yacht. The officers on board could only look at the yacht crashing into its hull.

The vessel rocked from the collision.

The yacht was still sailing after the impact without a scratch.

The officers on the No. 12 vessel started panicking. They shouted, and their captain was shouting orders in Japanese.

Dong Xuebing sailed to some distance and started charging at them again.

The officers on the vessel looked terrible and tried to turn the vessel around to avoid the yacht.


"Don't let the yacht hit us!"

"Turn! Turn around!"

It was chaos onboard the vessel.

No. 12 vessel managed to avoid the collision and started escaping. Dong Xuebing was frustrated after he missed that vessel and started chasing after it.

The officers on the vessel tried their best to avoid Dong Xuebing's yacht and even fired their water cannons. They could not afford to let the yacht get near them, and both started sailing in circles.

Everyone on the rescue boats was shocked by what they saw.

A yacht chasing a Japanese Coast Guard vessel around?!

Is that a yacht or a tank?!

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