Power and Wealth

Chapter 929: Speed up to them


Dong Xuebing had changed and onto the yacht. Xie Hao, Xie Jing, and Sun Kai also got onboard, while Xie Huilan and Wu Er remained on the pier.

"Xiao Dong, are you all sure?" Wu Er asked again.

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Don't worry about us, Uncle Wu."

Wu Er sighed. "Fine. I shall not say anymore. Be careful."

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"Ok." Dong Xuebing thanked. "Thanks for lending us your yacht."

"The yacht is not important." Wu Er waved his hand. "Just return safely."

Youyou waved to them. "Brother Dong, Brother Xiao Hao, come back soon."

Xie Hao laughed. "Yes, yes. Wait for us to return in triumph."

Dong Xuebing waved goodbye and exchanged looks with Xie Huilan. They understood each other without saying anything, and he turned to the rest. "Xiao Hao, you will steer the yacht and ask your father for the fishing boat's coordinates. If your father refuses to tell you, tell him it was Huilan who wanted to know. Xiao Sun, you will assist Xiao Hao in steering the yacht. I don't trust him to steer the yacht. Xiao Jing, you will enter the coordinates into the GPS and plan our navigation route. It's dark, and we can get lost easily."

"I understand."

"Yes, Brother-in-law."

Xie Jing, Xiao Hao, and Sun Kai moved quickly, and the yacht sailed out of the pier.

The sea was calm, and seagulls circled the yacht.

The yacht was fast, and they could not see the pier after a few minutes.

Inside the cabin.

It was tight in the small cabin.

"Brother-in-law." Xie Hao waved his hand. "We are reaching the coordinates."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Good. Let Xiao Jing confirm the direction while I listen to the radio."

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Sun Kai was worried and asked Xie Jing softly. "Jingjing, why did you tag along? What if something happens to you? I…."

Xie Jing laughed. "What can happen with Brother-in-law around?"

Sun Kai was speechless. "But your Brother-in-law cannot guarantee that."

Xie Jing gestured to Sun Kai for him to lower his voice. "Don't let him hear that. Since my Brother-in-law joined the Government, he has been an all-rounder firefighter. There are no fires he cannot put out. You are curious and kept asking me about him. Now, you can see it for yourself. With him around, nothing will happen to us." She paused for a second and added. "Hehe…. Why would my sister marry him if my brother-in-law cannot even do this?"

Sun Kai was still in doubt.

"What are you all talking about?" Dong Xuebing looked at them while tuning the radio.


"Err… nothing." Xie Jing replied, "Brother-in-law, I have entered our route. Did you receive any update?"

"I am looking for it." Dong Xuebing switched radio stations.

The radio reported the latest update. The situation was the same. That damaged fishing boat was not rescued. Two Japanese Coast Guard vessels had surrounded them, and the rescue boats could not go near. The Japanese Coast Guard dropped a lifeboat, and a few Police Officers tried to get near the trapped fishermen. They want to arrest them, but the strong waves prevent them from boarding the fishing boat.

"The Japanese officers are going to arrest them!"

Xie Hao said. "They will have to release them anyway."

"It's different this time." Sun Kai had been paying attention to the situation. "Japan had announced Diaoyu Dao belonged to them, and they will charge any Chinese boats for illegal entry when they enter that area. They will not release them like before."

"But that's our sea!"

"They can say and do whatever they want after they arrested the crew. They might bow to other countries, but they are unreasonable against us. It would be too late if the fishermen were arrested."

Xie Hao shouted. "We must not let them arrest anyone!"

Sun Kai got anxious. "We had been sailing for a while and did not see anyone."

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"It's too early for us to see any boats." Xie Jing replied. "We are getting nearer and should reach there in time."

Dong Xuebing was looking terrible. "I am taking a rest. Call me when we are reaching." He needs to preserve his energy.

One hour….

Two hours….

"Brother-in-law, wake up." Xie Jing said.

Dong Xuebing sat up. "Have we reached?"

Xie Jing pointed in front. "We are not far from the coordinates. Diaoyu Dao sea is in front of us."

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It's late, and Xie Hao is falling asleep. The person steering the yacht was Sun Kai.

Dong Xuebing stood up. "Thanks for the hard work."

Dong Xuebing went to the bow with binoculars and looked around.


Hope we can get there in time."

Dong Xuebing will not allow the Japanese Coast Guards to arrest anyone, as it would affect the claim dispute over Diaoyu Dao. The arrested fishermen would be in danger if they were arrested. Who knows what the Japanese Police would do to them?

Where are they?

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing noticed lights in the distance. He looked in that direction and shouted. "Northeast direction! There!"

Xie Hao jumped to his feet. "Where? Where?"

Xie Jing shouted. "Lights! I see lights!"

Sun Kai added. "There is no land in that direction. Those must be boats!"


"We finally reached! Let me steer the yacht!" Xie Hao pushed Sun Kai aside and held the helm.

One thousand meters….

Five hundred meters….

Three hundred meters….

As they got closer, Dong Xuebing saw a few boats. Those were Taiwanese and Chinese fishing boats. They should be fishing nearby and come over to rescue the damaged fishing boat crew. The Taiwanese Government's rescue boats were delayed by bad weather.

The four fishing boats were full of people and drenched because of the high waves. They were talking among themselves, and a damaged fishing boat was beside them. That should be the damaged rescue boat reported in the news. Dong Xuebing got furious when he looked further. Two Japanese Coast Guard vessels, full of police officers, were looking down at the fishing boats. Behind them was the damaged Chinese fishing boat. The bow and body of the boat were heavily damaged, and the crew was using all kinds of tools to scoop out water. The damaged fishing boat was rocking dangerously in the waves.

A big wave would capsize the boat quickly. Scooping the water out of the boat was useless.

It was a dangerous situation.

Dong Xuebing and the rest did not expect this dangerous situation.

Both Japanese Coast Guard vessels did not make any rescue efforts and still stopped the other rescue boats. Dong Xuebing immediately got furious.

The vessel shouted orders in Japanese from its loudspeakers.

Dong Xuebing looked at Sun Kai. "Xiao Sun, what did they say?"

Sun Kai explained. "They are saying the same things. Diaoyu Dao sea belongs to Japan and would attack any boats who go near."

The police officers onboard the Japanese vessels looked calm and relaxed.

However, the crew on the sinking fishing boat behind them and the rescue boats were anxious.

"Bullshit!" A fishing boat shouted through their speakers. "This is our territory! Get out of our sea!"

The other rescue boats' crews started shouting. "Get out!"

"You all had intruded into our territory and crashed into our boats! This is unacceptable!"

"Let us through and release our people!"

"You all are too much! What else do you all want?!"

The Japanese Coast Guards ignored the fishing boats and continued with their warnings. They insisted the fishing boat had entered Japan's territory illegally and would be bringing them back for interrogation. If any other boats dare to enter this area, they will attack.

The rescue party was furious.

"Who gives you the right to arrest anyone?!"

"You all are the ones who entered our territory!"

Japan had sent out its Coast Guard vessels and crashed into fishing boats. They were trying to take over Diaoyu Dao by force!

Even the historical records showed that this sea belonged to China, these Japanese refused to admit it. They insisted this area was their territory and secured this area illegally. Who knows what they will do in the future? Will they claim Taiwan or China belong to them?!

The yacht got nearer.

Dong Xuebing looked in front and said. "Xiao Hao, Xiao Sun, speed up to them!"

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