Power and Wealth

Chapter 919: Old acquaintance

On board the plane.

It was sudden.

The first-class cabin was silent after Dong Xuebing kicked and punched those two. The other passengers' jaws dropped, and Xie Jing, Sun Kai, and the rest were stunned.

One second….

Two seconds….

Dong Xuebing stared at that Japanese man coldly. "You are a Japanese territorial association's Vice President?! That association who incited your people to claim Diaoyu Dao is your territory?! You all had protested on the streets against China?! What a joke! Are you all too free?! I don't care what you all do in your country, but this is China! You came all the way here to claim Diaoyu Dao?! Are you trying to create trouble?! You all have no respect for us! The territorial claim is not something a civilian like you can decide! You are asking for a beating!"

Dong Xuebing finished scolding and turned to Sun Kai. "Xiao Sun, translate what I said!"

Sun Kai wiped his sweat from his forehead and translated everything.

Dong Xuebing might not hit that Japanese man if he is an ordinary civilian. However, this man is a territorial association's Vice President, and Dong Xuebing will not hold back against him. They are the ones who started this dispute. If these associations did not incite the public in their country, the Japanese would not think Diaoyu Dao was their territory.

Oh, you all still dare to make these claims in China?!

Are you all trying to challenge our authority?!

You are asking for it!

That Japanese man's translator got up and pointed at Dong Xuebing. "How dare you hit us?!"

Dong Xuebing looked at him. "What is your nationality?"

"Why do you care?!" The translator shouted. "Are you trying to rebel?!"

Dong Xuebing got frustrated. "Who is the one trying to create trouble here?!"

"Shut up!" The translator screamed. "Security! Security! Arrest him now!"

Xie Ran, who was sitting at the back, sighed. Nothing good will happen to anyone who speaks to Dong Xuebing this way.

As expected, Dong Xuebing grabbed that translator's hand, which was pointing at him. He twisted his hand hard. CRACK! It was the sound of a dislocated shoulder. The translator screamed in pain, and Dong Xuebing did not stop. He raised his leg and kicked that translator's back. That translator flew and landed face down at the end of the first-class cabin walkway.

It's okay if that Japanese man wants to be arrogant.

You are Chinese and are siding with the Japanese of claiming Diaoyu Dao belongs to Japan?! You are seeking death!

Dong Xuebing did not hold back against traitors.

The Japanese man started shouting for help!

"Nice!" Xie Hao cheered.

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The other passengers also cheered. "They are asking for it!"

"Well done! We don't need to hold back against people like them!"

Xie Hao waved his fists and cheered. "Hit them! Brother-in-law beat them up!"

Xie Jing was afraid of the consequences and looked at Xie Huilan. "Sis, Brother-in-law…."

Xie Huilan did not move an inch and continued to sip on her fruit juice as if nothing had happened. "Don't you all know your Brother-in-law is an 'angry youth?' I cannot stop him."

Xie Jing looked at Xie Ran, and they were speechless.

Madam Han had instructed Dong Xuebing to protect them from trouble. However, Dong Xuebing had beaten up others before the flight departed. Shouldn't he set an example for the rest as the leader? Xie Ran and Xie Jing knew their Brother-in-law well and were not very surprised by his actions. That Japanese man and his translator were too arrogant. How can Dong Xuebing keep his temper under control?

The stewardesses on the plane heard the commotion and rushed over.

The stewardess checking the boarding pass at the door rushed over. "What happened?"

That Japanese man shouted something in Japanese. "&^@%"

The translator struggled to his feet. "Can't you see these people had assaulted us?! Where is the security?! All of them must be arrested!"

The stewardess frowned and looked at Dong Xuebing. Why would anyone start a fight on a plane, and it was the first-class cabin?!

Before the stewardess could ask anything, Dong Xuebing launched another kick to that translator's face. "Shut up! Who are you to show at me?!"

The translator's face was covered in bruises.

The two stewardesses quickly stopped Dong Xuebing. "Stop! Stop!"

Xie Ran also went up to pull Dong Xuebing. "Brother-in-law!"

"Bro, don't stop Brother-in-law! Let him beat them up!" Xie Hao shouted.

That Japanese man continued to shout in Japanese. "$#%^."

Sun Kai heard what he said and got mad. "He says Diaoyu Dao has belonged to Japan since ancient times! He is also going to the media, and he will get us arrested!"

Xie Hao rushed over and kicked that Japanese man's stomach twice. "You still dare to say these?! I will beat you up until your mother cannot recognize you!"

Xie Huilan's face finally changed. "Xiao Hao! Come back!"

Xie Hao saw his eldest sister's expression and returned to his seat with his head bowed down. He mumbled under his breath. "You don't care when Brother-in-law hit them. Hmph! Yet you stop me!"

The two stewardesses roughly knew what had happened. This Japanese man and his translator had proclaimed that Diaoyu Dao belongs to Japan. They exchanged looks and glanced at him. Is this guy mad? You can say what you want in your country, but why are you saying these in our country and on our plane?! Are you an idiot? No wonder you are beaten up. This is like bringing a slice of pork around in a Muslim area! You are asking for it!

The plane was delayed.

The aggressor and victim will be brought to the airport's police station for any incident on a plane. Although the stewardess did not want to report it, she contacted the control station to tell them the situation.

The other stewardess reminded Dong Xuebing. "When the airport police are here, don't tell them you started the fight."

A middle-aged couple sitting beside added. "Young man, I can testify for you. They are the ones who started it."

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"Me too." An old man, who looked wealthy, said. "I did not see this young man hitting anyone. Did you all see anything?"

"No! I did not see anything."

"I don't know anything."

"They had tripped and fell, and their injuries have nothing to do with this young man."

All the passengers tried to testify for Dong Xuebing.

The Japanese man and the translator heard the other passengers, and they were fuming.

Dong Xuebing bowed to everyone. "Thank you, everyone. This is nothing, and I had hit them. We don't need to reason with people like them. No matter what we say or whatever proof we produce, they will still insist that Diaoyu Dao belongs to them. They have a political agenda and will never reason with you. They had done numerous shameless things in history. We are reasonable, but we don't need to reason with these shameless people. Reasoning with them is useless."

That translator and Japanese man were furious, and they were about to start scolding again.

Dong Xuebing glanced at them, and they immediately shut up. They don't want to get hit again.

Around five officers from the airport police arrived.

Dong Xuebing felt the police team leader was familiar.

Team leader Sun saw Dong Xuebing and was stunned. Isn't this guy that person?!

The translator saw the police and shouted. "Arrest this man! He hit us! Look at my injuries!" He rolled up his sleeves.

The policemen looked at that Japanese man, who was still bleeding from his nose.

Team leader Sun asked. "Who hit them?"

"Him!" The translator pointed at Dong Xuebing.

"Alright. I know." Team leader Sun nodded and pointed at the translator and the Japanese man. "Bring them back!"

The policemen immediately arrest them.

The translator shouted. "He had assaulted us! Why are you arresting us?!"

Team leader Sun coldly replied. "You two are spreading rumors and stirring up trouble on the plane."

The Japanese man and translator started scolding vulgarities at the police officers.

An officer got mad. "You still dare to scold us?! Don't even think of leaving the lock-ups in two days!"

The officers dragged the two men off the plane.

Sun Kai and the other passengers were surprised. The young man hit them, and the police officers did not arrest him.

Team leader Sun smiled and extended his hand for a handshake. "It's been a while."

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and said. "Oh, it's you. Team leader Sun."

Dong Xuebing remembered Team leader Sun. When he was still Investment Promotion Agency's Deputy Chief, he brought Luo Haiting and his men to Japan for an investment fair. A Falun Gong brochure was found in Luo Haiting's bag, and Team leader Sun attended to the case. They were first escorted to the Airport's eastern terminal police station and then sent to the local police station. Dong Xuebing lost his temper and called Beijing City Public Security Bureau Chief. His actions scared the officers, and they managed to board their flight.

No wonder I find this officer familiar.

Oh, he is an old acquaintance.

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