Power and Wealth

Chapter 884: Strange happenings

Afternoon, 4 pm.

Public Security Bureau, Interrogation room.

A Public Security Bureau Deputy Chief was interrogating Li Taibo.

"Li Taibo, tell me what happened."

"Chief Sun, I did not do anything."

"We have your fingerprints, and the DNA matches the victim. You still dare to deny it?!"

"It's not me. It must be Dong Xuebing! He set this up to frame me!"

"Then how do you explain only Xu Dabing and you were the only ones at the scene?"

"I entered the room after I heard a scream. I was afraid Dong Xuebing might harm Chief Wan. Xu Dabing can verify for me."

"You two are the suspects in this case. His words cannot be taken into account."

"What about Director Luo and the other detectives from the Investigation Team?"

"They were not with you. They saw you in Room 28 when they arrived."

Li Taibo turned pale and kept quiet. He hit the table angrily and knew this was the end for him. The evidence and witnesses' statements were against him, and there was no way for him to argue.

Another interrogation room.

An Officer hit the table. "Xu Dabing! We have evidence and witnesses now. What else do you have to say?"

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Xu Dabing was scared and broke down. He regrated getting involved in this mess. He was only a businessman, and why did he put himself in this situation? He wanted to slap himself. The penalty for murder is the death sentence. He would not have been in this mess if he had not given false statements to help Li Taibo and Wan Sizhao.

Xu Dabing panicked. "I have nothing to do with this. I don't know who pushed Wan Sizhao out of the windows. I admit I had lied. I did not see Director Dong a few minutes before the incident. Team Leader Li asked me to say it, and I will never kill anyone. You all must investigate thoroughly."

The Officer shouted. "What else are you hiding?! Tell us everything!"

"Alright…. I will tell you everything." Xu Dabing panickily replied. "It was Wan Sizhao and Li Taibo who asked me to give false statements in Qu Yunxuan's case. They asked me to say I saw Wan Sizhao leaving the restaurant. I did not want to do it, but they forced me…."

The Officer's face turned cold. "That means everything you told the police was false and made up?!"

Xu Dabing scratched his head in agony. "It was Team Leader Li! I did not want to do it!"

"You did not want to do it?!" A female Officer hit the table and shouted. "Do you know your false statements can lead to an innocent person getting thrown to jail!? The real criminal will continue to commit crimes?! You dare to give false statements in a serious case where someone was almost raped and nearly died. What else you don't dare to do?!" The female Officer was furious. Xu Dabing and Li Taibo's statements that day were lies! This was too much.

Since Xu Dabing had admitted he had not seen Dong Xuebing, this case had nothing to do with the latter.

Li Taibo and Xu Dabing had the time to kill Wan Sizhao. The Public Security Bureau had the evidence and witnesses. There's no way for them to escape!

Behind the one-way glass.

The Public Security Bureau Leaders heard everything, and their faces turned green.

Especially Public Security Bureau Chief Cao Hai. He threw the document he was holding onto the table. "Continue to question them! I want them to spill everything!"

A Leader asked. "Chief, what about the City Party Committee?"

Cao Hai replied. "Prepare the case report now. I will report this to Secretary Wan."

This case could be concluded at this point. Both the suspects had been arrested, and Cao Hai could answer to Secretary Wan. The conclusion of this case was not perfect. As a Public Security Bureau Leader, Li Taibo helped Wan Sizhao fabricate evidence and gave false statements to help him escape the law. Now, the truth was out, and there was no way to hide it.

This case was too serious to hide from anyone.

By the end of the day, details of the case had spread throughout the government agencies.

Li Taibo and Xu Dabing were the ones who killed Wan Sizhao, and they were also the ones who gave false statements in Qu Yunxuan's case.

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Many people who were watching with interest felt this case was too weird.

Many staff turned their focus to Dong Xuebing. Everyone thought it was Dong Xuebing who killed Wan Sizhao initially. After all, his cousin's case was not a secret. They thought it was his revenge. But the investigation outcome made everyone's jaw drop.

The real criminal was someone else.

This case had nothing to do with Dong Xuebing.

Everything Dong Xuebing said at the Public Security Bureau was recorded. He claimed to leave the restaurant to buy alcohol and was not at the scene. These were the exact words Wan Sizhao said in Qu Yunxuan's case. It was an eye for an eye, and his cousin had fallen out of Liu Yang Restaurant's Room 28. A few days later, Wan Sizhao fell out of the windows in the same room and landed in the same spot. In the end, Li Taibo and Xu Dabing, who had testified for Wan Sizhao, were the culprits.

Was this coincidental?

The few people involved in Dong Xuebing's cousin's case were either dead or thrown behind bars.

But this was what happened, and everyone had to believe it.

This was too weird.

Dong Xuebing looked toward the interrogation rooms as he walked out of the Public Security Bureau. He got into his car and drove away.

Dong Xuebing had revenged for Aunt Xuan, and the truth of her case was out.

Dong Xuebing's anger was appeased slightly now. He was not a noble person, and he did not think he had done anything wrong. Yunxuan was almost raped and nearly died because of Wan Sizhao, and he felt this punishment was too light for him.

You dare to force my Aunt Xuan to jump out of the building?!

I will make you jump off of the building!

Li Taibo and Xu Dabing gave false statements to help Wan Sizhao?!

I will let you two have a taste of being falsely accused.

I will do the same thing back to you all!

This is Dong Xuebing. No one can compare to him if he decides to be ruthless.

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