Power and Wealth

Chapter 882: Li Taibo and Xu Dabing were arrested



Wan Sizhao's death had caused an uproar.

Secretary Wan heard of his nephew's death and ordered the culprit to be arrested immediately.

Many people were looking at Dong Xuebing as they felt he had something to do with this case. After all, his cousin, Qu Yunxuan, almost died because of Wan Sizhao. Dong Xuebing thought nothing about it and switched off his phone. He continued working and attended meetings as if nothing had happened. Many Discipline Inspection staff were impressed by his composure as not many people can take this pressure.

The case was still under investigation.

All the Investigation Team detectives were mobilized.

Wan Sizhao was not only the City's Party Secretary's nephew. He was also a District Government Leader.

At the same time.

Li Taibo fetched Xu Dabing from the restaurant and drove to the Bureau.

The City's Public Security Bureau Chief's secretary had called. "Chief Cao wants to know the progress of the investigation. Did you find any clues?"

Li Taibo immediately replied. "Yes. Dong Xuebing is involved in this case."

The secretary replied. "Can you prove he was at the scene?"

"Yes. I am bringing the witness back to the Bureau now."

"Ok. We had finished collecting the fingerprints. We had found several fingerprints on Wan Sizhao's body and clothes, and we are waiting for the verification from our database."

Li Taibo brightened up. Dong Xuebing could not escape if his fingerprints were found. With Xu Dabing's testimony, he would have witnesses, evidence, and motive. He smiled coldly and looked at Xu Dabing. Xu Dabing also smiled back at him.

Wan Sizhao's death would affect Li Taibo's interest, and the latter hated Dong Xuebing.

So what if I fabricated the evidence?!

It is enough to get rid of you!

Around 2 pm.

City Public Security.

Li Taibo saw a black Porsche parked outside the Bureau when he reached. This car stood out, and it was rare in the City. Needless to ask, this was Dong Xuebing's car as none of the government staff could afford a 4 million RMB car.

Why was Dong Xuebing here?

Li Taibo laughed in his heart. This would save me trouble.

Dong Xuebing sat in an office, drinking tea. He had just arrived on the pretext of assisting with the investigation. Since when was he so helpful? He was here to watch the show. How can he miss this great scene?

"Director Dong, I am asking you again. At 12.40 pm, where…."

Dong Xuebing looked at the few Public Security Bureau officers opposite him.

Dong Xuebing interrupted that officer. "Comrade, your men had asked me more than three times, and I had answered them. Can you stop wasting time?"

Another office.

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Li Taibo and Xu Dabing entered the office.

Chief Cao Hai and a few Public Security Bureau leaders arrived.

Cao Hai was a good-looking middle-aged man, and many people were surprised to see him. The officers, who were recording Xu Dabing's statement, stood up to greet him.

Chief Cao had to oversee the investigation as Secretary Wan's nephew was the victim in this case, and the only suspect, Dong Xuebing, was special. He is a Discipline Inspection Leader, the Inspection First Office's Director, Fen Zhou City's earthquake hero, and Deputy Mayor Xie's husband.

Li Taibo greeted respectfully. "Chief Cao, I had brought the witness here."

Xu Dabing was slightly nervous. "Good afternoon, leaders. I am Xu Dabing. The boss of Liu Yang Restaurant."

Cao Hai nodded and waved to ask them to sit. "Let's start."

Li Taibo turned to Xu Dabing. "Boss Xu, tell us what did you see this afternoon."

Another officer picked up his pen to record whatever Xu Dabing said.

Xu Dabing replied without thinking. "I went upstairs to Team Leader Li and Discipline Inspection Director Luo's private room around 12.38 pm to drink with them, and I saw Dong Xuebing from the corridor."

Cao Hai frowned. "Are you sure it was Dong Xuebing?"

Xu Dabing nodded. "It's him. The private room door was opened, and he was having lunch with Chief Wan."

Cao Hai stared at Xu Dabing. "Are you sure it was 12.38 pm?"

"Yes. I looked at my watch." Xu Dabing replied.

Li Taibo added. "That means Dong Xuebing's claims of being at the Discipline Inspection committee meeting might not be true. He can't return to the Discipline Inspection within two minutes. I suspect it could be an accomplice who looked like him. Of course, this is my suspicion. We got to wait for the result of the fingerprint."

A few Public Security Bureau leaders exchanged looks. Dong Xuebing was at the restaurant then, and his alibi might not be valid.

Dong Xuebing could be the culprit.

Everyone only suspected Dong Xuebing, and Li Taibo and Xu Dabing confirmed their suspicions.

Knock… knock… knock….

An officer entered the interview room with the fingerprint results. He was looking shocked.

Li Taibo looked at that officer. "Xiao Zhang, how is it? Whose fingerprints are those?"

"Err…." That officer avoided Li Taibo's eyes and walked over to Cao Hai. "Chief Cao, this is the result. Err…."

Huh? Why are you avoiding me and not answering my question?

Suddenly, Li Taibo got a bad feeling.

Cao Hai and the other leaders looked at the result and were stunned.

Li Taibo asked. "Chief Cao, what happened?"

Cao Hai's face changed, and he threw the result on the table. He stared at Li Taibo coldly. "Tell me what's going on?!"

"I… what did I do?" Li Taibo was confused.

Cao Hai shouted. "Why are Xu Dabing and your fingerprints found on the deceased clothing?! Explain it to me!"

"What?!" Li Taibo and Xu Dabing were stunned. "Our fingerprints? Impossible!"

The other Public Security Bureau Leaders were furious. They threw the result to them. "Look at it yourself!"

Li Taibo grabbed the result and looked at it. Xu Dabing and his fingerprints were found on Wan Sizhao's belt and buttons.

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What is going on?

How did this happen?

Li Taibo and Xu Dabing could not believe their eyes.

"There must be a mistake!" Li Taibo had never done this, and why would he kill Wan Sizhao?

Xu Dabing also had the same thoughts. He would never dare to kill anyone.

A Public Security Bureau Leader said. "Mistake?! Do you think our fingerprint database is wrong? Your prints were recorded when you joined Public Security. Xu Dabing's prints were added to the database a few days ago during Qu Yunxuan's investigation. How can this be a mistake?"

Li Taibo panicked. "Could it be someone who had meddled with the database?"

Cao Hai closed his eyes and said. "Check all the fingerprints again."

The Public Security Bureau's Leaders did not expect this outcome, and the officers immediately went to verify the fingerprints again. This time, it checked the fingerprints against these two people and the results were out quickly.

The results were the same after ten minutes. The fingerprints found on Wan Sizhao matched Li Taibo and Xu Dabing.

The officers had collected the fingerprints from Wan Sizhao's clothing again, and there was no mistake.

Li Taibo panicked and tried to explain. "Wan Sizhao and I were close, and we dined together. My prints might have gotten on his clothing accidentally."

Xu Dabing quickly added. "Me too. I had eaten with Chief Wan too."

Cao Hai replied coldly. "How did your fingerprints get onto his belt and buttons over a meal? Huh?"

Li Taibo pleaded. "Chief Cao, I…."

Li Taibo was about to explain, and Cao Hai waved him off. "Arrest them and collect evidence!"

"Chief Cao!" Li Taibo shouted.

No one had expected this to happen. Everyone suspected Dong Xuebing, and it turned out someone from the Public Security Bureau had committed the crime. Cao Hai immediately orders to keep this a secret until they find evidence.

The City's Public Security Bureau was still hoping Li Taibo was innocent.

But the evidence collected from Li Taibo and Xu Dabing dashed all hopes.

The officer had collected skin fragments from under Li Taibo and Xu Dabing's fingernails. The DNA of the skin fragments matched Wan Sizhao's DNA. That means Li Taibo and Xu Dabing caused the scratches on his neck and back!

The Public Security Bureau was shocked.

This was critical evidence, enough to sentence Li Taibo and Xu Dabing to death.

The only things lacking were witnesses and a motive for killing Wan Sizhao.

Xu Dabing almost fainted when he heard the result. Li Taibo slumped to the ground in a daze.



Dong Xuebing met Li Taibo and Xu Dabing, being escorted to the lockup along the corridor when he left the interrogation room. He looked at them and smiled.

Li Taibo immediately knew what had happened.

It was Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing had framed them!

"Dong Xuebing!" Li Taibo shouted.

When Dong Xuebing walked past Li Taibo, he whispered. "So, do you know the real me now?"

Li Taibo finally knew all those weird rumors about Dong Xuebing were true.

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