Power and Wealth

Chapter 871: Investigating Wan Sizhao

Next day.


Dong Xuebing got up and rushed to the hospital to visit Qu Yunxuan. He bought breakfast for her and her parents on his way. He had stayed at the hospital until 3 am yesterday, and her parents stayed with her at night. He had gotten up early to accompany her and for her parents to rest.

When Dong Xuebing was reaching the Emergency Center, his phone rang.

Dong Xuebing stopped his car and answered. "Huilan."

Xie Huilan asked sternly. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday? How is Yunxuan?"

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath, "Her condition is stable, and the doctor says her condition is not critical. But the hospital still needs to observe her."

"Was it Secretary Wan's nephew who did it?"

"Wan Sizhao tried to rape Yunxuan, and she jumped out of the window." Dong Xuebing coldly replied.

Xie Huilan paused for a second. "What did the police say?"

"The police took her statement yesterday, and they should be collecting evidence now."

"Let the police handle it. I am still in the south and will not be back these few days. Wait for me to return. This is not the end of it!"

"Of course, and I will handle it."

"I asked you to wait for me."

"Alright. I will wait."

"I will pressure the Public Security Bureau later."

"Okay. Bye." Dong Xuebing could tell Xie Huilan was furious.

Wan Sizhao dared to do this in a popular restaurant in a city. This was too much. He slapped and kicked Qu Yunxuan and even tried to rape her. This person had no regard for the law. Dong Xuebing will not allow this to happen to anyone. He started planning how to throw him behind bars. He would not get a life sentence for attempted rape and assault, and Dong Xuebing would not let him off so quickly. He will take revenge in his ways.

Wan Sizhao….

Dong Xuebing had checked this bastard's details after yesterday's incident.

Wan Sizhao, twenty-nine years old, single. He is currently Xi Ping District's Audit Bureau Deputy Chief. He did not hold a high rank, but he was influential in Xi Ping District because of his uncle. He was also influential in the City. He seldom appeared at work and did not have any duties there. Dong Xuebing had not heard anything bad about his character, which was why Yunxuan and he had let their guard down. Thinking back, Wan Sizhao's uncle is Wan Fanglei. No one would dare to talk about him, even with a bad reputation.

The Emergency Center.

Dong Xuebing was planning his revenge in his head when he walked up the stairs.

Aunt Xuan was sleeping, and her parents were beside her.

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Dong Xuebing placed the breakfast on the table. "Dad, Mum, eat something and go back and rest. I have booked a hotel room for you all. I will stay here and accompany Yunxuan."

Qu Yunxuan's father waved his hand. "Go to work. We will take care of her."

"No. You all did not sleep last night." Dong Xuebing replied.

"I took a nap early this morning, and your Mum will sleep later." Qu Yunxuan's father replied.

Qu Yunxuan's mother looked at Dong Xuebing. "Xiao Bing, I have a question, and I want you to answer truthfully."

Dong Xuebing looked at her. "What is it?"

"Are you afraid to go after that Wan Sizhao because of your career?"

Dong Xuebing replied firmly. "Mum, you don't understand me. I am not afraid of anyone."

Qu Yunxuan's mother nodded. "Fine! We will care for Yunxuan, and your mission is to get justice for her. We must not let him off lightly."

Dong Xuebing agreed. "I will not let him off. Don't worry."

Qu Yunxuan's mother replied. "Good. Go back to work. You don't need to worry about her. We will look after her."

Dong Xuebing hesitated for a while and said. "Fine. Call me if anything happens."

Dong Xuebing looked at Qu Yunxuan and left.

In front of the City Party Committee Building.

The staff was talking about yesterday's incident on their way to work.

"That TV Station's pretty news anchor jumped off a building yesterday."

"Really?! Did she commit suicide, or was she pushed off the building?"

"How come this was not reported on the news or newspaper? I have not heard about it."

"This incident is quite sensitive and will not be reported. I heard Xi Ping District's Chief Wan was involved."

"Chief Wan Si Zhao?"

"I stayed near that restaurant and heard about this incident from my neighbors. They said Chief Wan tried to force himself on that news anchor, and she jumped out of the window. She almost died from her injuries and was hospitalized now."


"It happened in broad daylight. I am speechless."

"This is too much. Do you all remember what happened last time?"

"Hey, stop talking. A leader is coming."

The Discipline Inspection staffs were close and would gather to gossip. When someone comes close, they will stop. After all, the city leader's relative was involved, and they feared getting into trouble.

The leader walking towards them was Dong Xuebing.

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"Director Dong."


Dong Xuebing nodded at them and continued his way upstairs.

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing stopped and turned. He looked at a young man. "I remember you are from the complaints department, right? Is Director Liang around?"

That young man quickly replied. "I saw Director Liang's electric bicycle earlier. I think she is around."

Dong Xuebing nodded and continued on his way.

Everyone noticed Dong Xuebing was in a bad mood. They looked at each other and wondered who had offended him. They still remember how he used ruthless methods to deal with Deputy Director Liu Hanqing. He crashed into Liu Hanqing's car and arrested his father for corruption. Even the senior Discipline Inspection staffs were not as ruthless as him.

Dong Xuebing did not go to his office. He went to the Complain Department instead.

Director Liang Xuan was watering her plants in her office. "Oh, Director Dong."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Director Liang, I need a favor."

Liang Xuan saw Dong Xuebing's expression and stopped smiling. "Sit. I will get you water."

"Thanks. No need." Dong Xuebing remained emotionlessly. "I want to know if our Discipline Inspection Complaints Department has received reports against Xi Ping District's Deputy Chief Wan Sizhao these past few years."

Liang Xuan was stunned, and she frowned. "Wan Sizhao?"

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Yes."

Liang Xuan kept quiet for a few seconds. "Director Dong, the higher-ups, had not given any instructions to investigate Wan Sizhao, and his status is…."

Dong Xuebing looked at Liang Xuan. "He is special?!"

Liang Xuan smiled. "I did not say anything. Yes. We did receive complaints against him. Almost all government staff will receive complaints, and we have kept all the complaint letters in a box. But the complaints were not specific, and looking into them is meaningless." She was puzzled about what Dong Xuebing was up to. If this were what the Inspection First Office wanted, she would assist him. But Wan Sizhao's status is sensitive.

Dong Xuebing replied. "You should have heard about TV Station Qu Yunxuan falling out of a building, and Wan Sizhao is involved in this case."

Liang Xuan nodded.

Dong Xuebing continued. "Qu Yunxuan is my cousin."

Liang Xuan was surprised, and she thought for a while before picking up her phone. "Xiao Lui, bring all the complaint letters against Wan Sizhao to my office. Yes…. Don't ask anything and just do it…." She understood why Dong Xuebing wanted to go after Wan Sizhao. If he almost killed her family member, she would also be furious.

A staff member entered the office with eight reports. "Director Liang, all the complains are here."

"Alright. You can go out now." Liang Xuan took out a document and passed it on to Dong Xuebing. "You need to sign here."

Liang Xuan kept the document. "Director Dong, I know you are angry, but I hope you understand who you will be going against."

"I know." Dong Xuebing left with the complaint letters.

Liang Xuan sighed. She had reminded Dong Xuebing.

It was okay if the person involved was another Deputy Section Chief Leader. The Inspection First Office could order their subordinate units to investigate them. It would be a simple process. But Wan Sizhao is the City Party Secretary's nephew, and Liang Xuan felt this incident should be left to the relevant departments to investigate.

But Dong Xuebing did not think like this. Throwing him into prison was too easy for Wan Sizhao. He wants him dead.

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