Power and Wealth

Chapter 853: Under the blanket

Night. 1 am.

The ambiance in the room changed.

Dong Xuebing froze when Xu Yan spoke. He lay there like a statue and didn't even dare to lift one finger.

Sister Xu was awake!

Maybe she was awake all this while!

Dong Xuebing could feel the warmth of Xu Yan's breast in his hand, and he did not know what to do. What should I do now? Should I pull back my hand? She asked me if I had a nightmare. Does she know this was unintentional? Should I lie to her? He changed his mind about lying to her as she could easily see through his lies. He will only make a fool of himself.

I'm finished.

I had offended Sister Xu this time.

Dong Xuebing was seldom in such an awkward situation. Should he pull back his hand or leave it there? He decided to pretend to sleep and see Xu Yan's reaction.

One minute passed….

Five minutes passed….

Dong Xuebing was surprised. Xu Yan did not say anything again, and she seemed asleep as if nothing had happened.

Did I fool her?

Impossible. It's not so simple.

Dong Xuebing did not let his guards down or move. He just continued to hug her silently.

The more you want to sleep, the harder it is, and the more you want to stay awake, the faster you fall asleep.

Dong Xuebing was like this. He lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Next morning.

It's been a while since Dong Xuebing had a good sleep. He opened his eyes slowly and yawned. He felt something soft in his arms and hugged it subconsciously. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Xu Yan, who was in his arms. His chin was resting on her shoulders, and his face was buried in her hair. He was inhaling her body scent, and his hand was still inside her pajama, cupping her breast. He must have grabbed her breast hard from the creases on her pajamas.

Dong Xuebing immediately remembered what had happened in the middle of the night.

Damn! Why didn't I pull out my hand before I fell asleep?

Dong Xuebing saw Xu Yan was still sleeping and tried to pull his hand out. But his wrist was stuck between the buttons of her pajamas.

"Huh?" This sudden movement caused Xu Yan to stir.

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Dong Xuebing did not dare to move. He stopped moving his hand and placed it on her chest again to prevent her from waking up.

Xu Yan yawned. She woke up.

Dong Xuebing quickly shut his eyes to pretend he was sleeping. It was too late for him to pull out his hand now.

A few seconds later, Xu Yan turned toward Dong Xuebing and slapped his butt lightly. "You had touched me the whole night. It's time to wake up."

Dong Xuebing was speechless. Why are you bringing this up? I should pretend to be dead.

Xu Yan pushed Dong Xuebing. "You are bold to take advantage of me! Haha…. Do you do this with your wife?"

Dong Xuebing stopped pretending. "No."

Xu Yan laughed. "Take your hand out. How long more do you want to touch?"

Dong Xuebing quickly pulled out his hand. His hand was stuck between the buttons, but he got it out after a few tries. He had cupped and squeezed her breast all night, and her scent lingered on his hand. He saw Xu Yan looking at him and said apologetically. "Sister Xu, yesterday…. I had a dream last night, and I don't know how…. I am sorry. Please forgive me…. I…. I don't know what to say…. It was unintentional."

Xu Yan laughed. "It's fine. I know you did not do that on purpose."

Dong Xuebing scratched his head. "Please continue sleeping. I will prepare breakfast."

"No need." Xu Yan looked at the clock. "It's only 8 am. We don't need to work today. Just lie here with me for a while."


The bedroom became silent again.

Dong Xuebing had snuggled under Xu Yan's blanket last night, which was not big enough for them. They had to sleep closely. He felt he should not share the blanket with her now. He lifted his blanket quietly and tried to get under it.

"What are you doing?" Xu Yan asked.

Dong Xuebing replied nervously. "Nothing…. I… I am returning to my blanket."

Xu Yan giggled. "Just lie here if you want."

"Ermm…. I'm afraid that's not right."

"It's fine." Xu Yan replied. "I had not slept with my son since my divorce. I enjoy the feeling of you cuddling with me."

Dong Xuebing replied awkwardly. "What cuddle? I was dreaming last night and…."

Xu Yan patted Dong Xuebing's hand under the blanket. "Your father had passed away early, and it is normal for you to get attracted to women at my age. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Haha…. I don't mind you touching me. I am twenty years older than you, and you are still a baby in my eyes. Do you think I will mind?"

Dong Xuebing could not say anything. Sigh…. My image in front of Sister Xu was destroyed.

Xu Yan did not let go of Dong Xuebing's hand after patting it. She held his hand gently and played with his fingers.

Dong Xuebing blushed and tried to change the topic. "Oh, Sister Xu. I wanted to ask you why are you not considering remarriage after becoming young and pretty again?" Geng Yuehua is Hebei Province's prettiest Party Secretary, Xie Huilan is Hebei Province's prettiest City Mayor, and Qu Yunxuan is the prettiest TV anchor. Xu Yan has become the prettiest Bureau Chief in Fen Zhou City.

Xu Yan smiled and shook her head. "I don't have such plans now."

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Dong Xuebing continued asking. "Are you not interested in anyone now?"

"Yes, but the main reason is I am not thinking of remarriage." Xu Yan replied. "I am used to being alone after all these years."

"But… being alone is…."

"Stop talking about me. How about you? How's life after marriage?"

"Huh? Not bad, I think. My wife's temper is a bit…."

Xu Yan laughed. "People change after marriage. Your wife is older and holds a higher position than you. It's normal she has a stronger character than you."

Dong Xuebing smiled wearily. "She treats me well but is quite overbearing sometimes, and I must listen to her." He did not tell these things to anyone, including his mother, Qu Yunxuan and Xie Huilan. However, he felt comfortable telling Xu Yan everything. This had nothing to do with age. She had taken care of him since he joined the government service.

Xu Yan squeezed Dong Xuebing's hand lightly. "Be content with what you have. If your wife is weaker than you, holds a lower rank than you, relies on you, and is indecisive, you will not be interested in her. This might be an extreme example, but it's the same."

Dong Xuebing thought for a while. Xu Yan was right. He shudders at the thought of Xie Huilan having a weak character and relying on him.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "You are good at consoling others."

Xu Yan laughed. "That's because I had gone through a lot. Take it easy."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "I will treat her better when I go back."

Xu Yan replied. "That's life. You got to give and take and understand each other."

"Thanks for your advice."

"Stop flattering me. Haha…."

Dong Xuebing felt comfortable after chatting with Xu Yan for a while. He felt less embarrassed for touching her. Sigh…. Look at Sister Xu. She's forgiving and willing to comfort him after his actions.

It was almost 9 am.

Dong Xuebing said. "It's getting late. Let me prepare breakfast."

"I will do it." Xu Yan laughed. "I don't mean to say this, but you got to practice cooking more."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Then let me assist, and I can learn at the same time."

Xu Yan patted Dong Xuebing's leg. "Alright. Let's get up."

Another accident happened.

Dong Xuebing was lying in bed beside Sister Xu and had cupped her breast since last night. He was still having an erection now, and she had patted on his d*ck.

Dong Xuebing's legs jerked, and his face turned green. It was not due to pain. It was due to embarrassment.

Xu Yan felt it and looked at Dong Xuebing before laughing.

Dong Xuebing was afraid she might misunderstand and tried explaining. "I just woke up, and… this is a natural reaction."

"You had been awake for almost an hour." Xu Yan laughed.

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