Power and Wealth

Chapter 839: Smooth

Passed midnight.

Hospitals at night felt eerie.

The corridors and the wards were quiet.

Geng Yuehua's eyes were half-closed, and it looked like she was drifting to sleep. Her breathing was soft, and her brows were slightly knitted. It seemed that she never smiled and was either frowning or looking grumpy. Dong Xuebing sat beside the bed, looking at her. His back was aching, and his legs cramped after sitting in this position for more than half an hour. She did not allow him to leave, and he had to sit there all night.

Suddenly, footsteps got nearer to the door.

After a while, someone tried to open the door from outside, but it was locked.

Dong Xuebing got nervous and held his breath.

"Sis!" Geng Xinke knocked on the door. "Why did you lock the door? Are you sleeping?"

Lin Pingping panicked. "Xinke, Sis might be sleeping. What are you doing?"

Geng Xinke replied. "I want to check on her. What if she is feeling uncomfortable?"

"Don't worry. The monitoring devices will sound if anything happens." Lin Pingping sounded like she was pulling Geng Xinke back. "Stop knocking and let Sis rest."

Geng Yuehua suddenly opened her eyes and said towards the door. "I am fine. You two should go back early."

"That's good to hear. Sis, let us stay with you."

"I don't need you to be around. Go home and sleep."

"But I am worried about leaving you alone. Mum and Dad had instructed me to look after you."

"That's right. Sis, we will be outside." Lin Pingping added. "Call us if you need anything. We will not enter the room. Just have a good rest." Dong Xuebing got the hint behind what she said.

Geng Yuehua could not be bothered with them. "Whatever."

The footsteps got further, and they seemed to have returned to the benches at the resting area.

Dong Xuebing whispered. "I thought you were sleeping."

Geng Yuehua coldly replied. "I am not sleepy."

"Then why were you ignoring me? I was sitting here looking at you for so long."

"Why should I talk to you?"

"Then why did you ask me to stay here?"

"I did not ask you to stay. You chose to remain here."

"Fine…. I will never win an argument with a woman."

Geng Yuehua looked at Dong Xuebing coldly. "If you are unhappy with me, the door is over there. You can walk out anytime."

"Look at you. You are angry again."

Geng Yuehua took a deep breath and looked at Dong Xuebing. "Help me to the toilet."

"Ok. Get up slowly." Dong Xuebing helped Geng Yuehua sit up slowly and helped her wear her slippers.

Geng Yuehua got off the bed slowly, but she almost tripped.

Dong Xuebing saw it and quickly stopped her. "No…. I think you better use a bedpan."

Geng Yuehua's face changed. "Say that again?!"

"Err…. But you should not be walking. Let me carry you to the toilet."

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Geng Yuehua kept quiet.

Dong Xuebing repeated himself. "I am going to carry you."

"It's your arms. Do you still need my permission?"

Dong Xuebing was not angry. He wrapped his arm around Geng Yuehua's waist and scooped her up gently across his chest. He walked slowly to the toilet and used his leg to lift the toilet bowl cover. His arms were aching. Geng Yuehua was heavier than Xie Huilan. She was a fuller figure and curvier. He could feel her full boobs pressing against his chest.

Both of them looked at each other in the toilet.

Dong Xuebing asked. "Do you want me to take off your pants for you?"

"I am not paralyzed."

"Then go ahead. What's wrong?"

Geng Yuehua kept quiet and continued to stare at him coldly.

Dong Xuebing finally understood and slapped his forehead. "I…. I will wait outside. Call me when you are done."

A rustling of clothes, followed by dripping water sounds….

Dong Xuebing stood by the door, listening attentively.

Five minutes later, Geng Yuehua said. "Xiao Dong."

"Yes." Dong Xuebing opened the door and saw Geng Yuehua supporting herself against the wall with one hand. She could not pull her pants up properly, and her dark red lacy underwear was showing. It was sexy, and he almost drooled. "Are you done?"

Geng Yuehua nodded.

Dong Xuebing carried Geng Yuehua again and gently placed her down on her bed. He was sweating when he was done. "Ah…. Sleep early. I will stay by your side."


"Oh, do you have hot water here?"

"Yes. It's available the whole day."

"Can I use your bathroom to take a shower? I am covered in sweat."

Geng Yuehua glanced at Dong Xuebing and turned away. "This is not my house. Go ahead if you want."

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. "Then, can I use your toothbrush and towel?"

Geng Yuehua replied impatiently. "Why are you asking so much? Use it if you want. Stop bothering me."

"Fine… fine… fine…." Dong Xuebing replied. "I am going to use it."

Geng Yuehua lay on her sides and turned to Dong Xuebing again with a frown. "Xiao Dong, do I sound harsh to you?"

Dong Xuebing paused for a second. "Huh? No…."

Geng Yuehua replied emotionlessly. "I am not angry with you nor venting my anger on you. This is how I have spoken since I was young, and I am used to it. I can't change the way I speak."

"Yes. I understand."


She explained to me. That shows she cares about how I think of her.

Dong Xuebing smiled to himself and entered the bathroom. He closed the door and started his shower. Ah…. It felt good. After being with Geng Yuehua for a while, he was influenced by her swift nature. He grabbed her red toothbrush and started brushing while showering. After his shower, he used her towel to dry himself.

It felt good after a hot shower.

Dong Xuebing got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. He looked at Geng Yuehua, who was sleeping on her side.


"Are you sleeping?"

"Secretary Geng? Sister Geng?"

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Geng Yuehua did not reply and looked like she was asleep.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while. He knew he could not leave tonight. Geng Yuehua would be mad if he left. But he can't be sitting by the bed until morning. He might be a good fighter, but he is also human. Sitting on a chair for hours will be torture.

Maybe I will share the bed with Yuehua.

The door was locked inside, and even the nurses could not enter.

Dong Xuebing tapped on Geng Yuehua's shoulder lightly. Seeing she did not react, he removed his pants and got onto the bed with only his underwear. He moved closer and got under the blanket beside her. He could smell her beautiful scent under the blanket.

Dong Xuebing slowly hugged Geng Yuehua from her back gently.

The next moment, Geng Yuehua's head moved slightly. "Who asked you to get on the bed?"

Huh? I thought you were sleeping? He smiled. "It's cold, and I need to rest my back. Just let me lay on the bed with you. Carry on sleeping, and you don't need to care about me."

"Help me sit up."

"What do you want to do."

"Just help me up!"

"Ok." Dong Xuebing helped Geng Yuehua up and let her lean against the headboard. "Is this fine? Are you thirsty?"


"Are you hungry? I can peel an apple for you."


"Then what do you want?"

Geng Yuehua looked at him emotionlessly. "I can't sleep. Chat with me."

Dong Xuebing looked at his watch speechlessly. "It's after 1 am. You need to rest." Geng Yuehua's face changed, and he quickly changed his tone. "Alright. Let's chat. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know."

"Chat about work?"


"Let's talk about relationships?"


"The economy?"


Dong Xuebing was getting irritated. "Then what do you want to talk about?" Geng Yuehua was harder to please than Xie Huilan. "How about we talk about sex?"

This time, Geng Yuehua did not reply.

Dong Xuebing almost fainted. This was what you wanted to talk about, and you made me guess for so long.

Dong Xuebing wanted to get cuddly with Geng Yuehua, but she had just undergone major surgery and was still recovering. He was horny, but he will not do anything with her now. Now, she was hinting to Dong Xuebing that she wanted to talk about sex, which made him horny again.

Dong Xuebing reached out and touched Geng Yuehua's legs under the blanket.

Geng Yuehua did not react or move away.

Dong Xuebing got bolder and stuck his hand under her gown to release her bra. He started kneading her soft flesh gently.

Geng Yuehua still did not stop him.

Dong Xuebing got more confident and started unbuttoning her gown and pulling her pants down. He started kissing her legs and butt.

Geng Yuehua's breathing got faster, and she grabbed her hair. She bit her lips and gasped for air while looking at the ceiling.

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