Power and Wealth

Chapter 805: Misunderstanding? Show of strength?

Next day.

It was winter, and there was lesser sunlight.

Today was Dong Xuebing's official first day at work in the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Dong Xuebing woke up from the cold. He had kicked his blanket off the bed, which resulted in him sneezing. He looked at the time and realized he was late. He did not want to be late on his first day and quickly got out of bed to get ready. He finished brushing his teeth, got changed, and rushed out of Fen Zhou City First Guesthouse without taking any breakfast.

First Guesthouse was a hotel located outside of the commercial zone.

Although the Guesthouse was not far from the City Party Committee Building, the journey would take at least five minutes by car.

Dong Xuebing could not get a taxi because it was the morning peak.

Dong Xuebing looked at his watch. He still got seven minutes before work started.

After waiting for a while, Dong Xuebing still could not get a taxi. He did not want to leave a wrong impression on his leaders for being late on his first day. He made a decision and returned to the carpark behind the Guesthouse to get his Porsche Panamera. He could not care about the negative impact and drove towards the City Party Committee Building. It was rare to see a Porsche in Fen Zhou City, let alone a Porsche with a 9999 registration plate.

Two minutes to 9 am.

City Party Committee Building.

Dong Xuebing sped into the compound just in time.

Dong Xuebing visited the Party Committee Building yesterday and found out he could not park his car wherever he liked. The Party Committee Building had limited parking lots. Some lots were reserved for the City Party Committee, and some were reserved for the City Government leaders. Visitors had to park their cars at the temporary lots. The Commission for Discipline Inspection's designated lots were located behind the building. It was a row of fewer than ten lots.

Dong Xuebing drove towards his Department's designated parking lots and realized it was full of cars.

A few Audi A6L and Passat were parked in the lots and looked like government-owned cars. The Leaders' private cars were parked beside them. The cars were parked in the same lots as yesterday. It seemed that every Commission for Discipline Inspection leader had their lots.

Dong Xuebing looked around and saw an empty lot at the end.

But Dong Xuebing could not park in that lot because a black Toyota Crown in the adjacent lot had not parked properly. The right side of the car had encroached into the next lot. On the other side of the empty lot were the bicycle stands. He could not leave his car in the middle of the road as it was pretty narrow and would obstruct traffic. This black Toyota Crown made Dong Xuebing mad. There was an empty lot, but he could not park.

Who's car is this?!

Who is this ill-mannered fellow?!

A Toyota Crown was taking up two parking spaces!?!

Dong Xuebing did not say anything as he was new. He drove back to the parking lots in front of the Party Committee Building and circled to look for an empty lot. He found a lot after around two minutes and rushed to his office. He was late and could not care the parking lot belonged to who.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Inspection First Office Director Office.

Luckily no one checked on Dong Xuebing this morning. If his superior did not question him, no one would dare to say anything at his level.

Dong Xuebing saw someone in his office when he entered.

Luo Haiting smiled. "Good morning, Director."

Dong Xuebing asked. "Sister Luo, why are you here? Is there anything for me?"

"No." Luo Haiting pointed at the clean desk. "I am cleaning up your office for you."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "How can I let you do this? You are a Deputy Director now.."

Luo Haiting smiled. "It's alright. I am free anyway. Oh, I switched on the water dispenser for you. The water is hot now. I will pour a glass of hot water for you."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. This is my duty."

It felt good to have someone caring for him.

It's been a while since Dong Xuebing enjoyed such treatment. He sat behind his desk and drank the glass of hot water. He looked at Luo Haiting. "Sister Luo, let others do the cleaning in the future. You are a Section Chief leader, and I will feel uneasy if you do this. I remember you had cleaned my office when I reported to Yan Tai County Investment Promotion Agency. Don't do this again."

Luo Haiting straightens her dress. "Haha…. I feel assured to do this myself."

Sister Luo wore a sweater and a knee-length skirt today. Is she not afraid of the cold?

Dong Xuebing looked at Luo Haiting's face and dressing and felt relaxed. She might be in her thirties, but she did not look her age. She was still beautiful.

Luo Haiting noticed Dong Xuebing looking at her and slowly straightened her back. She smiled and asked. "Director, do you have any orders for me?"

Dong Xuebing looked away. "Nothing. What is the arrangement for our Commission for Discipline Inspection's parking lots?"

Luo Haiting paused for a second. "We did not have any arrangements for the parking lots. But I heard the staff had been parking like this for years, and it slowly became an unspoken rule. Most leaders' cars and official duties cars will park there. But we have limited lots, and most staff members will park their cars outside."

Dong Xuebing frowned. "Do you know who owns that Toyota Crown parked in the outer-most lot?"

Luo Haiting replied without thinking. "I am not sure about other cars, but only one person drives Toyota Crown in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. He is our Inspection First Office's Deputy Director Liu Hanqing."

Dong Xuebing recalled. "Oh, you mentioned him yesterday."

Luo Haiting nodded. "Only Liu Hanqing comes from a wealthy family in our City Commission for Discipline Inspection. Of course, he cannot be compared to you."

"Does he park like this in the past?"

"Huh? How did he park? Are you talking about the car in the outer-most lot?"

"Yes. He took up two lots." Dong Xuebing looked at Luo Haiting and pointed outside. "His car had occupied two lots and almost caused me to be late today."

Luo Haiting walked over to the window to look at the parking lot. She frowned. "This is too much!"

Dong Xuebing wondered if Liu Hanqing had done this purposely after discovering he owned that Toyota Crown. He did not want to bring up this matter as it would make him look like he was making a fuss out of a small matter.

Luo Haiting knew what Dong Xuebing was thinking and said. "I did not notice it if you had not told me. Not many of our Discipline Inspection leaders own cars, and that's why a Sub department's Deputy Director Liu Hanqing gets to park there. We have more than twenty Deputy Directors in our Department."

The Commission for Discipline Inspection Secretary and Discipline Inspection Chief had designated parking lots each. But a lowly Sub-department Deputy Director occupied two lots. This was too much.

Liu Hanqing might know Dong Xuebing owned a car and had done this purposely to demonstrate his strength.

Dong Xuebing narrowed his eyes. "Tell me more about Deputy Director Liu."

Luo Haiting cleared her throat. "I have some brief information about him. He looked ordinary and appeared to be arrogant to many. I heard his mother was our Fen Zhou City's Executive Deputy Mayor in the past and was highly respected. She retired a few years ago due to health reasons, but she still has a strong influence on the City Government. His father is the head of a credit department in our City's bank. You should know about the banking industry. They have high salaries and bonuses, especially for the department heads. His family also has businesses and is quite wealthy."

Dong Xuebing listened and nodded.

"Before Liu Hanqing's mother retired as the Executive Deputy Mayor, she was very close with some Commission for Discipline Inspection leaders." Luo Haiting hesitated for a few seconds. "He was supposed to take over the Inspection First Office after the former Director retired due to injuries, but you appeared. He must be feeling sore."

So, this is the reason.

Dong Xuebing felt this was a small matter. Still, he knew Liu Hanqing must be feeling sore for snatching the Inspection First Office Director position from him. Of course, he cannot confirm if Liu Hanqing had purposely parked his car this way and will need to meet him first.

"Let's go, Sister Luo." Dong Xuebing looked at the time. "Let's take a look at the Inspection First Office."

Dong Xuebing's first task since his appointment was to unite his men under him, or else he could not get anything done.

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