Power and Wealth

Chapter 733: Arrest all of them!


Guang Ming Road East.

A group of people surrounds a police car. It is chaotic. Guang Ming Subdistrict Police Station and District Public Security Bureau argue on the road.

"Release them at once!"

"Chief Pang, you all had broken the law!"

"I had broken the law?! Who are you to arrest my men?!"

"You all should be maintaining law and order! Instead, you all are instigating the residents to evacuate!"

"Bullshit! We had received orders to evacuate the residents, and what has it got to do with you all?!"

"Our Public Security Bureau Branch had received orders to arrest the ones disrupting public order and spreading rumors! We have the right to arrest you all!"

The Public Security Bureau had sent two teams to Guang Ming Subdistrict. This team of officers had chased away the residents on the streets, and they were stopped by a Guang Ming Subdistrict Police Station officer. Those Public Security Bureau Officers immediately arrested that officer, and Pang Gang's men quickly stopped them from leaving.

A crowd had formed because of the commotion.

The situation was chaotic, and it got worse now.

Suddenly, a few cars arrived.

Dong Xuebing got out of his car and was furious by what was happening. He knows the Public Security Bureau is targeting his Subdistrict because of what he said earlier at the District Party Committee Meeting. Wang Anshi is going all out to get him.

Other than Dong Xuebing, Deputy Chief Chu and his men and Subdistrict Office's staff arrived in their cars.

"Director!" Pang Gang, arguing with the Public Security Officers, saw Dong Xuebing and quickly went over. "They had arrested Xiao Wang. He is in that car now."

"This is too much! They are being unreasonable!"

"Who are you all to arrest our Officer?!"

Guang Ming Subdistrict Office's staff started scolding.

Dong Xuebing nodded and looked at that police car.

The group of Public Security Bureau saw Deputy Chief Chu and quickly greeted him. "Chief Chu."

Deputy Chief Chu knows this matter cannot be resolved peacefully. He remembers his superior's orders and shouts at the Guang Ming Subdistrict Police Station officers. "Get out of the way! Are you all trying to revolt?! Ah?! Old Pang! What are you all doing?!" He is Pang Gang's superior, and he can issue orders to Guang Ming Subdistrict Police Station. But Pang Gang and he are not on good terms.

Pang Gang scorned. "Chief Chu, you all are the ones who arrested my man. Why are you asking me?!" Deputy Chief Chu looked at Pang Gang coldly. "Your officer is disobeying orders and trying to create public disturbances. He should be arrested! Pang Gang, you are a Public Security Bureau Officer. Don't do stupid things." He said and grabbed a loudhailer from another officer. "Get out of the way! The Public Security Bureau is making an arrest! I want to see who dares to block the police car! Xiao Xu, drive the car back! Old Zheng, continue patrolling the streets with your men. Get all residents back home! I repeat! Don't listen to rumors! There will not be any earthquakes! Go home now!"

Pang Gang's face changed when he saw they were about to drive off. "I want to see who dares to leave!"

Deputy Chief Chu asked sarcastically. "Pang Gang, are you trying to disobey my orders?!" Dong Xuebing walked over slowly. "Deputy Chief Chu, what did you say earlier? Did you say you want to arrest our Police Station Officers and continue to chase our residents back home?"

Deputy Chief Chu firmly replied. "That's right!"

"Ok." Dong Xuebing clapped to attract everyone's attention. "Old Peng, bring your men aside and let our residents disperse."

Pang Gang is shocked. "Director, they…." Zhou Yanru anxiously said. "Director Dong…."

They are bullied, and their staff is arrested. Why is Director Dong asking them to disperse? Why is the God of Plague bowing his head now?!

Pang Gang asked his men took a few steps back unwillingly.

Only Dong Xuebing, Deputy Chief Chu, and his men are around the police car.

Deputy Chief Chu is thrilled when he sees Dong Xuebing giving in. He waved his hand. "Go! Bring him back to our station, and the rest continue with your patrolling!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Did I say you all are allowed to leave?!" Many people are shocked. You are the one who asked your men to disperse. Doesn't that mean you had given up on stopping us?!

"Do you all think you can leave after arresting our Subdistrict Police Station's Officer?! Deputy Chief Chu, are you kidding me?!"

Deputy Chief Chu suppressed his anger. "What's the meaning of this?!"

Dong Xuebing looks at them. "I am ordered to set up disaster relief measures and evacuate the residents. But you all are purposely disrupting our work. What the f**k do you think I am doing?! I suspect your identities. We had received reports that a group of people is impersonating Police Officers. They are wearing fake uniforms and driving fake police cars to scam people. Deputy Chief Chu, can you all show your identification card to me first?"

Everyone is stunned and doesn't understand what Dong Xuebing is up to.

This group of officers is imposters!? This is bullshit! It is Deputy Chief Chu who is leading them!

Zhou Yanru is speechless. "What is Director doing?"

"How do I know?" Pang Gang replied. "When did we receive reports about fake police officers?! Furthermore, how can they don't have identification cards?!"

Deputy Chief Chu laughed. "You want to see my identification cards?! I have been working in Nan Shan District for more than ten years! How can I be an imposter?" Dong Xuebing extended his hand. "Then show me your identification!"

Deputy Chief Chu is mad, and he reaches into his pocket for his wallet.

To everyone's surprise, Deputy Chief Chu's face changed. He touched his pants pockets and back pocket, and they were empty. His wallet, identification card, and wallet are gone!

The surrounding officers quickly check their pockets. All seven officers' wallets and identification cards are missing!

"My wallet is missing!"

"My identification card is gone!"

"Damn! Where did I drop it?!"

"Did anyone see my Public Security Bureau ID?!"

"Mine's missing too."

Everyone is shocked by Deputy Chief Chu and his men's actions.

Zhou Yanru, Pang Gang, and the rest of the Subdistrict Office's staff looked at Dong Xuebing in shock. How did he do it?

This is unbelievable!

The Public Security Bureau Officers are panicking and searching their pockets.

They will never find their IDs because Dong Xuebing used STOP and took them away. He has used this trick in Yan Tai County before.

Deputy Chief Chu knew it must be Dong Xuebing. He stared at him and shouted. "Where are our IDs?!"

You still dare to shout at me?! Go f**k yourself!

Dong Xuebing unleashed a kick at Deputy Chief Chu without warning. Bam! He fell backward into the police car and caused a dent in the door.

"Chief Chu!" The skinny officer shouted.

"Chief Chu!" One officer quickly went over to help him up.

Deputy Chief Chu stares at Dong Xuebing in pain. "You dare to assault a Public Security Bureau Officer?!" Dong Xuebing walked over and said. "You all don't even have IDs. How dare you all say I am assaulting an officer?! I am beating up an imposter, pretending to be a Police Officer!"

"We have our badge numbers. You can verify our identities!"

"It is easy to create fake badge numbers. I want to see your IDs!"

While talking, Dong Xuebing had reached Deputy Chief Chu. He elbowed and pushed an officer blocking him and standing in front of him. Deputy Chief Chu is bent over, holding his stomach in pain. He saw Dong Xuebing and retaliated with a punch. But Dong Xuebing reacted fast and twisted his arm. A loud crack is heard, followed by Deputy Chief Chu's scream. Dong Xuebing dislocated his arm! Dong Xuebing pulled out the handcuff on him and handcuffed him. He grabbed his collar and threw him towards Pang Gang. "Arrest these people!"

"You dare?!" An officer immediately takes out his baton. His colleagues around him also got into a fighting stance.

Dong Xuebing laughed and walked towards them. "Fine. Try me and see if I dare or not." Everyone knows about his fighting capabilities. He had fought against a few dozen hooligans armed with knives and poles by himself, and they couldn't even land a scratch on him! These officers know they are no match for Dong Xuebing. Furthermore, this crazy guy dares to hit their Deputy Chief Chu and scold the District Party Secretary in front of everybody. What else does he not dare to do?

Pang Gang quickly rushed over with his men, and they subdued those Public Security Bureau Officers.

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. "Old Pang, bring these imposters back for investigations! Lock them up. I will bear full responsibility for this matter!" He is on the verge of going into prison and doesn't mind getting more charges.

Deputy Chief Chu shouted angrily. "Dong Xuebing! You are too bold!"

Dong Xuebing even dares to arrest a Public Security Bureau's Officer. He is indeed fearless.

Dong Xuebing looks at him. "Oh, you realize this now?! Haha…. I have been bold since young. Bring them back and lock them up!" He doesn't want them to disrupt his evacuation plans in his Subdistrict.

Many residents and Subdistrict Office's staff are shocked by Dong Xuebing's actions.

Dong Xuebing had arrested the Public Security Bureau's officers! Who would believe a Subdistrict Office Director can behave worse than a hooligan?!

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