Power and Wealth

Chapter 713: District Mayor’s Brother in trouble

Next day.

Morning 10 am.

The Subdistrict Office’s Secretary of the Disciplinary Work Committee Qu Yiqiang entered Dong Xuebing’s office when he was making a list of earthquake relief supplies.

“Secretary Qu?” Dong Xuebing looked up. “What’s the rush?”

“Something happened.” Qu Yiqiang is looking terrible as he passed a DVD to Dong Xuebing.

“What is this?” Dong Xuebing frowned.

“Our Disciplinary Work Committee received it this morning. It’s a video.”

“Who sent it?”

“It’s an anonymous person who sent it. We don’t know the sender.”

Dong Xuebing looks at the disc. He put it into his PC’s DVD drive and played the video. He was shocked. It is taken with a hidden camera in a hotel room, and a couple is kissing on the bed. They slowly stripped and got under the blanket. The video quality is good, and the faces of the couple can be seen clearly. The guy is Geng Xinke, and the woman is Lin Pingping.

Dong Xuebing knew there was something between them.

This video should have been recorded last night.

The video is more than half an hour, but Dong Xuebing did not continue to watch. He took out the DVD and threw it on his desk. “Who else knows about this?”

Qu Yiqiang replied. “This DVD had gone through two staff members, but I am the only person who watched it.”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Keep this matter between the both of us. I don’t want anyone else to know about this.”

“I understand.” Qu Yiqiang hesitated for a few seconds and asked. “This matter is quite serious and that woman….”

“I know this woman. She is working in Yan Tai County Government and is single.” Dong Xuebing is mad, and he hits his desk. “Secretary Geng is also single. There’s nothing wrong with both single adults being together. Why did the sender send this to us? I think the sender has other motives in mind. Old Qu, don’t report this to the higher-ups.”

A single female government staff?

That means there is no issue.

Qu Yiqiang is relieved after hearing this. He thought Geng Xinke was having an affair with some married woman when he saw the video. Hmmm…. He is also impressed with the way Dong Xuebing handles this matter. Director Dong might be rash and impulsive, but he sticks to the rules. Other people, who are on bad terms with Geng Xinke, would use this DVD to bring him down.

There’s nothing wrong with a single man and a single woman dating, but this video can still slightly affect Geng Xinke and that woman. Both their faces are shown in the video, and this will affect their career progression.

Qu Yiqiang and Dong Xuebing know the impact of this matter is not that serious as both are still single.

After Qu Yiqiang left, Dong Xuebing paced around his office, thinking about this matter. Is someone trying to bring down Geng Xinke, or is he targeting Geng Yuehua? If it is District Mayor Geng’s rivals, they should not use such immature tactics. It’s more likely to be Geng Xinke’s enemies.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and left with the DVD.

District Government Office Building.

Dong Xuebing did not go through Geng Yuehua’s secretary and went straight to her office.

“Come in.” Geng Yuehua said.

Dong Xuebing entered the office. “Mayor Geng, there’s something urgent.” Geng Yuehua puts down her pen and looks at him. “What?”

Dong Xuebing closed the door and passed the DVD to Geng Yuehua. “Watch this first.”

Geng Yuehua frowned and played the DVD on her PC. Her face changed immediately when she saw the video. “Where did you get it?”

Dong Xuebing replied. “This is sent to our Subdistrict’s Disciplinary Work Committee this morning by an anonymous sender.”

“Who else knows about this?”

“It’s only my Subdistrict’s Disciplinary Work Committee Secretary, Qu Yiqiang, and me. Old Qu is on my side, and I had asked him to keep this to himself. This DVD is left with me, and we are not going to report this to the higher-ups.” Geng Yuehua hears this and nods.

“The woman in the video is my former subordinate, Lin Pingping. She is single and is Xinke’s university classmate. They met at the Subdistrict Office yesterday afternoon, and this should have been recorded last night. How are you going to handle this?” Dong Xuebing looks at Geng Yuehua. “No one else in Guang Ming Subdistrict Office will know about this, but I am afraid the sender will not give up and send it to other places. If this blows up, your brother will be in trouble.”

“Lin Pingping?” Geng Yuehua mumbled this name.

“What’s wrong?” Dong Xuebing asked. “Do you know her?”

“I have not met her before, but I heard Xinke mentioning her name when he was in university. They were dating, but they broke up after graduation.

Dong Xuebing nodded.

Geng Yuehua took out her phone and called her brother. “Hello, where are you now?”

“Sis?” Geng Xinke is driving. “I am outside. What is it?”

Geng Yuehua asked coldly. “Are you still with Lin Pingping?”

Geng Xinke was shocked, and he turned to Lin Pingping, who was in the front passenger seat. “Sis, how do you know about Pingping?”

Lin Pingping looked at Geng Xinke, confused.

Geng Yuehua raised her voice. “You are getting out of hand. Come to my office immediately!”

“Sis, what happened?” Geng Xinke wants to know what happened.

“What happened? Someone had secretly recorded you and Lin Pingping in a hotel room last night, and the DVD is with me.”

“What?!” Geng Xinke is shocked. “I….”

Geng Yuehua asked. “Which hotel is that?”

“I….” Geng Xinke’s mind is in a mess.

“I am asking you which hotel did you two stay at last night!”

“It’s Chenghai Hotel. You… leave this to me. I will handle it myself.”

“What can you do? Come back now!” Geng Yuehua shouted and hung up the phone.

Lin Pingping looks at Geng Xinke. “What happened? Why is your sister asking about me suddenly?”

Geng Xinke did not say anything as he didn’t know how to reply to her.

Lin Pingping pursed her lips. “Did your sister find out that we spent the night at the hotel? I had made it clear earlier. We were both drunk last night, and we will go separate ways from now on. What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s not about that.” Geng Xinke replied. “We… have been secretly recorded in the room, and the video is made into a DVD. My sister has already seen it.”

“Ah!” Lin Pingping’s face turns red immediately.

Geng Xinke made a turn. “Don’t go back to Yan Tai County today.”

“What should I do now?” Lin Pingping is panicking. She is worried that this video will be posted on the internet.

“Let’s find my sister first.”

After Geng Yuehua graduated from university, she has been the pillar of her family. Her parents will let her decide on most matters. That’s why Geng Xinke is anxious to seek his sister’s advice when he is in trouble.

District Mayor Office.

Dong Xuebing asked. “Did your brother say which hotel is it?”

“Chenghai Hotel.” Geng Yuehua had started searching on the internet.

Dong Xuebing looked over and saw the hotel’s address. It is located in Dong Hai District and is some distance away from Nan Shan District. He knows Geng Xinke had to travel out of Nan Shan District is to avoid being spotted by people. But this made things complicated. Dong Hai District is not under Geng Yuehua’s jurisdiction, and she can’t do anything.

Geng Yuehua took a deep breath and picked up the phone on the desk.

Dong Xuebing quickly holds her hand. “How are you going to settle this?”

“I will try talking to them.” Geng Yuehua replied calmly.

Dong Xuebing shook his head. “It’s inconvenient for you to handle this. Leave this to me.”

Geng Yuehua looks at him. “This is my family matter. I don’t need your help.”

Dong Xuebing smiles. “We are not strangers, and your brother is my brother. Is there a need to draw a line? It’s more convenient for me to handle this. Leave this to me. I am an expert in handling such situations. You might not know, but I had handled lots of shocking cases when I was with Public Security. Anyway, just trust me. I have my ways to deal with them.”

Geng Yuehua knew it was better for Dong Xuebing to handle this than her and did not say anything.

Dong Xuebing continues. “That’s settled. This is not a minor problem nor a major issue. Just wait for my call. Oh, don’t tell your brother that I am helping him settle this problem. You know we are not on good terms. I will bring back the original disc.”

Geng Yuehua looked at Dong Xuebing and nodded. “Then watch out for your safety.”

“I know. Nothing will happen.”

“Call me immediately if anything happens.”

“Alright. I am going now.”

Geng Xinke is Dong Xuebing’s half-brother-in-law, and Lin Pingping is his trusted subordinate. He will not let anything happen to them.

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