Power and Wealth

Chapter 678: Ball


Morning. The weather has been great these two days.

Dong Xuebing sat behind his desk in his office to finish his work. After that, he stares out of the window in a daze. He sent Mayor Geng back to Nan Shan District after his car was repaired, and he returned home to sleep. He kept thinking about her after he woke up.

I should give her a call.

Dong Xuebing called Geng Yuehua.

"Hello, Mayor Geng. I'm Xiao Dong."

Geng Yuehua replied with her monotonous voice. "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. Err…. I just want to ask if your wound has healed. Is it still inflamed?"

Geng Yuehua's voice turns cold. "Mind your own business."

"No…. Err…. I just want to show my concern. It was my fault you are bitten by a snake, and I…."

"Manage your Subdistrict first if you got the time to talk about these." Geng Yuehua interrupted and hung up.

Dong Xuebing put down his phone and sighed. What is wrong with her attitude?

Dong Xuebing has been thinking the whole day and doesn't understand her. They had slept together, and she acted as if nothing had happened. Are you telling me that it was a misunderstanding that night, and you want to draw the line? I won't know what is going on if you are not saying anything. How am I going to guess what you are thinking? He is someone who must get to the bottom of things and can't fall asleep if something is bothering him.

Knock… knock….

Dong Xuebing looks up. "Come in."

Office Department's Deputy Director Wang Yuling entered the office with a smile. "Director."

"Yuling, come in." Dong Xuebing greeted her politely. "How is Secretary Wang doing?"

Wang Yuling closed the door behind her. "His wound is not healing well, but he is much better than a few days ago. His condition has stabilized."

"Good." Dong Xuebing nodded. "Oh, what is it?"

Wang Yuling blinked and giggled. "Director, are you free tonight?"

Dong Xuebing was surprised and joked. "Tonight? Are you asking me out for dinner? Are you not afraid your boyfriend will be jealous?"

Wang Yuling blushed. "No…. The District Committee had organized a ball tonight, and I hope you can be my dance partner. You are so popular, and I don't want others to snatch with me. So, I am inviting you first."

Dong Xuebing is speechless. Bullshit. How can I be popular? Everyone can't wait to avoid me.

Wang Yuling told Dong Xuebing about the ball in detail. It is an activity organized by the Nan Shan District. It is similar to the social activity in Yan Tai County. But Yan Tai County's ball is because Xiang Daofa likes it and made it a weekly event. The ball in Nan Shan District is once a month, and it's open to mid-management and above staff. It's optional for staff to participate, but the District Party Secretary or the District Mayor will attend it. Such after-work activity is an opportunity for staff to mingle with the Leaders. Wang Anshi is hospitalized, and Geng Yuehua should be attending this month's ball.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and agreed. "Sure. What time is it?"

"7.30 pm." Wang Yuling giggled. "Ok. I will wait for you tonight."

"Haha…. Ok."

"I will go back to work."

"Go ahead. See you tonight."

Dong Xuebing has his considerations for agreeing. Firstly, he did not treat Wang Anshi's illness, and he felt there was a crack in his relationship with Wang Yuling. It might be a minor crack, but he must not overlook it. This ball is a good opportunity to repair their relationship. Secondly, he is isolated by most of the Nan Shan District Leaders. He needs to see how's the current situation. Thirdly, it is because of Mayor Geng. He wants to find out what she is thinking.

Evening, 7.30 pm.

Dong Xuebing adjusted his mood and drove the to District Committee Guesthouse's ballroom.

Dong Xuebing saw many familiar faces. Most of them are staff from the District Government and Subdistrict Offices, and a few brought their family members along.

"Has Mayor Geng arrived?"

"I went in earlier and did not see her."

"Eh? Old Chen. You are here with your partner."

"Haha…. That's right. Where's your wife?"

"She is accompanying our kids to do their homework."

The Leaders greeted each other warmly and avoided Dong Xuebing when they saw him. Some walked away, and some pretended not to see him. Everyone in Nan Shan District Government knows he had offended Wang Anshi and Geng Yuehua to the point of no return, and no one wants to have anything to do with him. No one is speaking to him other than work-related matters.

Dong Xuebing thought nothing about it and continued his way in.

"Director!" Wang Yuling waved to Dong Xuebing happily. She is wearing a yellow color long dress with flowery prints. "You are here."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Have you waited long?"

"I have just arrived too. Let's go in."


The door opens, and Dong Xuebing can feel the cool air from the air conditioner gushing out. People are swaying to the music, but no one is dancing as the ball has not started, and the top Leader has not arrived. Dong Xuebing and Wang Yuling sat in a corner and chatted. Executive Deputy District Mayor Shen Fei, Investment Promotion Agency Chief Pang Zhengyi, Ping An Subdistrict Office Director Chu Qinghua, and many others.

Ten minutes passed.

Dong Xuebing laughed and looked around. "Yuling, you should not ask me to be your partner today. Look…. Everyone is avoiding our table."

"That's not right."

Wang Yuling looked around and laughed.

Dong Xuebing laughed and did not say anything.

Wang Yuling had noticed this much earlier. The other staffs are mingling among themselves, but no one dares to come close to them, even when she is the Party Committee Secretary's niece. This shows how bad Dong Xuebing's impression on others is.

"Director, Yuling." A woman greeted behind them.

Dong Xuebing turned and saw Zhou Yanru and her husband.

This ball is for the middle management staff, and Zhou Yanru's rank is not high enough to attend. But not every staff will attend, and the ball will be open to all.

Wang Yuling laughed. "Sister Yanru."

Dong Xuebing stood up and greeted Zhou Yanru and her husband. "Let's sit together."

Zhou Yanru's husband looks like he is much older than her. He shook Dong Xuebing's hand firmly. "Director Dong, I still have not thanked you for arranging my daughter's school. Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Dong Xuebing replied. "How is Chenchen doing?"

Zhou Yanru laughed. "She's doing well. She has been asking about you every day. Haha."

Dong Xuebing step aside. "Don't keep standing. Have a seat first."

Wang Yuling and Zhou Yanru started chatting about women's topics after joining. Dong Xuebing and Zhou Yanru's husband exchanged looks and laughed.

At 7.30 pm, the ballroom suddenly becomes quiet.

Dong Xuebing and the rest also stop talking and look over.

"Mayor Geng."

"Good evening, Mayor Geng."

A beautiful woman entered the ballroom. It's Geng Yuehua, and she is dressed casually today. She is wearing a woman's blouse and light brown casual pants.

Secretary Ma Jian, beside Geng Yuehua, whispered something to her, and she waved her off.

Ma Jian picked up a microphone and announced the start of the ball. Geng Yuehua seldom speaks in these events.

The music starts.

Many people walked to the dancefloor and started dancing with their partners.

Dong Xuebing also accepted Wang Yuling's invitation to dance. Still, his eyes kept looking towards Geng Yuehua to see if she had noticed him. She just sat at a table with her drink emotionlessly, to his disappointment. Her eyes are looking at the dancefloor but not looking at him.

I must be thinking too much.

"Director, what are you looking at?" Wang Yuling asked while dancing.

Dong Xuebing's hand is around Wang Yuling's waist. "Why is no one inviting Mayor Geng to dance?" It should be Mayor Geng dancing first at such events.

Wang Yuling laughed. "Don't you know that Mayor Geng has never danced? She had been in Nan Shan District for around seven to eight years and had never danced. I am not sure of the reason, but no one dares to invite her.

"Not even once?"

"Not even once."


No wonder everyone is afraid of Mayor Geng. She is unapproachable after work too.

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