Power and Wealth

Chapter 674: Ambiguous relationship


The rain has eased.

Dong Xuebing secretly peeped at Geng Yuehua, who was sucking his lips.

It felt good.

This is a blessing.

The inside of the car is dim despite the moon being in the sky. Dong Xuebing can't see Geng Yuehua's face and expression. He can only vaguely see her features in the dark. Her body was pressing against him as she sucked on his lips. He can feel her wet bra on his chest, and she smells good.

A few seconds later.

Geng Yuehua pushed herself up and spat out her saliva.

"Are you feeling better?" Geng Yuehua asked monotonously. Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. "My tongue…. My tongue is still numb."

Geng Yuehua acknowledged and kept quiet.

"Mayor Geng…." Dong Xuebing said.

Geng Yuehua paused for two seconds. "Open your mouth."


Dong Xuebing quickly opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue. Geng Yuehua immediately sucked his tongue between his lips, making him tremble excitedly. He was shocked earlier and did not get to enjoy it. He closed his mouth slightly and pressed his lips against her this time.

It felt wet and slippery.

Their lips suddenly parted.

Geng Yuehua frowned. "What are you doing?"

Dong Xuebing felt his face turns red. "Nothing…."

Geng Yuehua turns and spat out the saliva. "Are you alright now?"

It's a while since they got poisoned, but they are fine other than some numbness. That snake's venom should not be lethal, and Dong Xuebing did not ask for more. He nodded. "Yes. I am feeling much better. Thank you, Mayor Geng."

"Sleep for a while." Geng Yuehua laid down, facing Dong Xuebing.

Although they had 'kissed' twice, it's not those kisses between lovers. Nevertheless, it is still a kiss. Dong Xuebing got bolder and didn't care if Geng Yuehua would get angry or not. Of course, he is also hesitating. He looked at Geng Yuehua's beautiful face for a while and closed his eyes.

Both faces are inches apart, and they can feel each other's breath.

Dong Xuebing only need to move forward slightly to kiss her.

Dong Xuebing is in a dilemma. He knows Geng Yuehua dislikes him, and her opinion will not change despite sucking the poison for her. But he can't control his urge.

A beauty, who is almost naked, is inches away from him. How can one resist her?

Dong Xuebing's willpower in front of temptations is not strong. He deliberated for a while and gave in. He opens his eyes and wonders if Geng Yuehua is asleep. He opens his hand slowly and moves it under the padding. He adjusted his position and moved his hand towards her crotch.

Dong Xuebing's hand touched Geng Yuehua's smooth and soft complexion. He knows his hand should be on her thighs.

Geng Yuehua did not move as if she was sleeping soundly.

This gave Dong Xuebing the courage to move his hand outside her thighs. He is impressed with himself for lusting after the District Mayor and even dares to touch her. He adjusted his hand's position between her thighs and caressed her inner thigh.

Dong Xuebing moved his fingers and enjoyed her thighs' warm and soft sensations. Geng Yuehua had closed her legs together, and he stuck his left hand between them.

When Dong Xuebing was about to continue moving his hand, Geng Yuehua opened her eyes suddenly.

Geng Yuehua stares at Dong Xuebing without blinking. "What are you doing?"

Dong Xuebing panics. "Errr…. I…." Geng Yuehua did not move her legs as she stared at him with cold eyes.

"I…." Dong Xuebing quickly explained. "I am worried about your wound. I want to feel if your wound is still bleeding."

Geng Yuehua emotionlessly replied. "I am fine."

"Oh… good to hear that. I am afraid your wound is not getting better. Is it still numb?"

"Do you think the wound will heal so fast?"

"Ah…. Is your wound still numb? Let me take a look."

"No need." Geng Yuehua did not continue and gave Dong Xuebing a stare before closing her eyes. His hand was still between her legs, and she did not move at all.

Dong Xuebing saw Geng Yuehua's stare and wanted to retract his hand. She did not get mad or scold him, and he pushed his hand deeper between her legs. "No…. we cannot ignore it. I need to look at your wound."

Geng Yuehua ignored him.

Dong Xuebing did not wait for Geng Yuehua's reply and moved his hand upwards to the wound. Although the wound is only a few centimeters away, her thighs are closed, making it difficult to move his hand.

No words can describe this feeling.

"Hmmm…. It's not bleeding." Dong Xuebing said.

Geng Yuehua frowned and did not move.

"Let me see if the wound is inflamed." Dong Xuebing pulled the padding and took out his handphone. He used the light from the screen to look at her lower body.

The phone's screen lit up the car, and Dong Xuebing could see her legs and lacy red underwear.

Dong Xuebing's heart is racing. The moonlight earlier was dim, and he could not see clearly. Now, he gets to see everything. He saw Geng Yuehua did not have any reactions, and he untied the cloth around the wound. "Oh, it's inflamed." The two punctured wounds have some pus.

Geng Yuehua did not open her eyes. "Ok."

"Why didn't you tell me about it?"


What do you mean by uh? Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead. "Let me treat your wound." He was afraid she might misunderstand his actions and added. "I heard saliva can heal inflammation."

Geng Yuehua slowly opens her eyes and looks at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing felt guilty conscience and cleared his throat. "You…."

Geng Yuehua firmly replied. "No need. Go and sleep."

"But…." Dong Xuebing said. "If it gets any worse, it will be…. We still have a few hours to morning."

Geng Yuehua closed her eyes and turned her body, facing Dong Xuebing with her back.

What do you mean by this? At least you should give me a reply. Dong Xuebing doesn't know what is Geng Yuehua thinking? Did she sense he is up to no good? But she doesn't look like she is angry. Could she be mad until she doesn't want to speak to him?

What is going on in her mind?

Dong Xuebing is feeling complicated. He wants to take advantage of Geng Yuehua, yet he is worried about her wound.



This is not looking good.

Dong Xuebing hesitated for a few seconds and decided. He moved himself to Geng Yuehua's lower body and moved her leg with one hand. The light from his phone shone on the wound, and he lowered his head to suck on her wound.

Suddenly, Geng Yuehua's body jolt. "I said no need."

Dong Xuebing can hear her tone is not as firm as before, and he ignores her. He sucked on the wound and spat on the floor a few times.

In the quiet cabin of the car, Dong Xuebing can hear Geng Yuehua inhale loudly once in a while.

Dong Xuebing doesn't know if it was due to pain and didn't care. He continues to clean her wound with his mouth.

Geng Yuehua's breathing got louder.

Dong Xuebing could not suppress the temptations. After cleaning the wound, he peeped at Geng Yuehua's face and used his finger to pull her lacy underwear aside.

Geng Yuehua's body suddenly becomes stiff. She opens her eyes immediately and stares right into Dong Xuebing's eyes.

Translator's notes: Lol. I almost puke when I imagine the scene of him sucking the pus out of her wound. This is the grossest chapter I have ever translated.

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