Power and Wealth

Chapter 669: Trapped

It is raining heavily outside, and the Rui He Hotel lobby is tense.

Almost all the hotel staff are looking at Dong Xuebing. They are afraid he might do something shocking like the last time. The last time he was here, he had humiliated Da Feng County Leaders in public. It made the County Mayor mad and almost canceled the County Government's contract with the hotel. The hotel owner returned from the County Government and vented his anger on the staff.

The hotel staff stood there for a few seconds.

The Lobby Manager had no choice and stepped forward. "Errr…. Do you all have any reservations?" He asked Ma Jian, who is standing in front. But his eyes kept glancing at Dong Xuebing nervously.

Ma Jian paused for a second and replied. "We are waiting for someone."

The Lobby Manager asked. "Do you need me to arrange rooms for you all?"

"No need. Thank you." Ma Jian rejected.

The Lobby Manager looked at them and returned behind the counter. He whispered to his staff and went upstairs. After a while, five security guards appeared in the lobby, and their eyes kept looking at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing is frustrated and thinks to himself. What's wrong with you all? Why are you all watching me like a hawk? He felt like a criminal in front of his colleagues. This will create a bad impression on him.

But Dong Xuebing did not know that everyone already had a bad impression of him.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened, and Geng Yuehua walked out. She frowned when she saw the hotel security guards and staff watching her staff.


"Mayor Geng."

Ma Jian, Pang Zhengyi, and the rest walked over to greet her.

Geng Yuehua looked around and asked. "What's wrong with them?"

Ma Jian cleared his throat. "Err…. I am not sure. They are like this the moment we enter."

Geng Yuehua doesn't like to waste time. She nodded and told her staff. "The investors are on level six. It is raining heavily, and it will be late when we return to the District. Go and make a dinner reservation for them, and send them to Nan Shan District after dinner."

They found the investors.

Everyone is a relief.

Dong Xuebing did not expect Da Feng County to give in so easily. Seems like Mayor Geng is quite powerful.


The sky is almost dark.

The rain got heavier after their dinner.

Dong Xuebing is bored. Since afternoon, everyone had ignored him, and he didn't want to remain there. He walked up to Geng Yuehua and said. "Mayor Geng, I have something on at home, and I need to go back now." The District's Investment Promotion Agency had sent several cars to Da Feng County, and he doesn't need to drive her back.

Geng Yuehua gave Dong Xuebing a stare. "Everyone is still here, and why are you trying to be special?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "All the problems here are settled, and I…."

"What do you mean by everything is settled? Are you saying these investors have nothing to do with your Subdistrict Office?"

"I don't mean that. Sigh…. Fine. I will continue to stay here." Dong Xuebing remembers Geng Yuehua had taken care of him this morning and couldn't get mad at her.

After a while, Geng Yuehua called secretary Ma Jian over. "I had spoken to the investors. You can bring them back to our District now and drive safely."

"Yes." Ma Jian asked. "What about you?"

"You all go ahead first. I have an appointment with Mayor Li later."

"It's raining quite heavily. I will ask Xiao Wang to stay and drive you around."

Geng Yuehua turned and glanced at Dong Xuebing. "It's fine. Xiao Dong is around."

Everyone around turned and looked at Dong Xuebing. All of them know Mayor Geng is a workaholic and who knows how long he will have to wait. He might not even go home tonight. This is Mayor Geng's way of making life difficult for him. Everyone carried on with their businesses. Ma Jian accompanied the Japanese Investors downstairs, and Pang Zhengyi and his staff drove their cars over to fetch them. They left the hotel a while later, and only Dong Xuebing and Geng Yuehua remained there.

9 pm.

Dong Xuebing smoked and waited in the lobby. He saw Li Feng and his secretary Wang Bo going upstairs to meet Geng Yuehua.

Finally, the elevator door opened, and Geng Yuehua walked out with Li Feng. Wang Bo is carrying Li Feng's bag behind them.

"Mayor Geng, how about you leave tomorrow? I had made arrangements at the guesthouse."

"No need. I need to go back."

"Alright. I will not ask you to stay. It is raining heavily outside, and you have to be careful on the road."

"Thank you, Mayor Li. You don't need to walk me out."

Dong Xuebing noticed Wang Bo, who is following behind them, kept staring at Geng Yuehua's butt. Li Feng is also looking at her face while smiling brightly. Although Geng Yuehua has a poker face all the time, she is still very attractive.

Some women are attractive even when they have poker faces.

Dong Xuebing stopped his car at the hotel entrance.

Li Feng and Wang Bo walked Geng Yuehua out to the entrance and looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing got out of the car and greeted. "Mayor Li, Secretary Wang." After that, he opened the rear passenger door for Geng Yuehua.

Li Feng will not say anything to Dong Xuebing before Geng Yuehua. He just stood there and waved to her.

Geng Yuehua nodded and boarded the car.

The Cayenne drove off in the rain.

All the hotel staff was relieved when they saw Dong Xuebing leaving.


It is getting cold, and Dong Xuebing asked. "Mayor Geng, do you want me to switch on the heater?"

"No need." Geng Yuehua is sitting behind Dong Xuebing, and he can only see her shoulders through the mirror. "Did you come to Da Feng County before?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "Yes. I came here to settle some problems and had met Da Feng County leaders."

Geng Yuehua asked in a firm tone. "What did you do at the Investment Promotion Agency this morning?"

"This morning?" Dong Xuebing feigned ignorance. "What do you mean?"

"I am talking about you scolding Secretary Wang in public."

"Oh, Secretary Wang kept insisting he doesn't know anything."

Geng Yuehua interrupted before Dong Xuebing could finish. "So, you scolding him?"

"I think so." Dong Xuebing replied.

"You are a Party Member and a Civil Servant!" Geng Yuehua shouted. "How can you scold others like this?"

Dong Xuebing argued. "I was doing it for the District. We…."

Geng Yuehua kept interrupting him. "You dare to say it was for the District?! What you did is ridiculous. Stop explaining. I want a reflection letter from you tomorrow!"

"Mayor Geng…."


Dong Xuebing knows Da Feng County Leaders had complained to him and is mad. "It was Da Feng County who has no respect for us by snatching our investors. The more we talk nicely to them, the more they disrespect us. Mayor Geng, I am not claiming credit, but if I had not scolded them this morning, we would not get back our investors so fast. I had dealt with Da Feng County before and understood their characters well. I was only doing my job."

Geng Yuehua coldly replied. "You are full of excuses."

Although Dong Xuebing was grateful to Geng Yuehua for taking care of him, there's a limit to his patience.

Dong Xuebing got angry. "I can give you a reflection letter if you insist. I know you are unhappy with me, but…."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Geng Yuehua coldly replies. "Tell me about it."

Dong Xuebing felt it was meaningless to argue. He kept quiet and thought to himself. I had sent you to Da Feng County and helped our District, but you kept finding fault with me. He becomes moody and speeds up on the muddy road.

Suddenly, Geng Yuehua shouted. "Watch out!"

Dong Xuebing immediately stepped on the breaks. There's a bend in front, behind the fog. Screech!!! The hard braking caused the car to skid.


"I can't!"

The car skidded off the road and rolled down a slope.

The Cayenne rolled downhill for a while until it reached a small forest, and the engine died.

The car stopped, and panting sounds became clearer.

Dong Xuebing turns around and asks. "Are you ok?"

Geng Yuehua was panting and did not reply.

Dong Xuebing wiped the sweat off his forehead and tried to start the engine. But failed after trying a few times.

The car had broken down in a secluded forest.

The rain got heavier.

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead and regretted arguing with Mayor Geng while driving.

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