Power and Wealth

Chapter 657: A call from the City Party School


Nan Shan District has a never seen before weird atmosphere.

Dong Xuebing had slapped all Nan Shan District Leaders with his actions.

The Party Committee is furious. News of Secretary Wang banging his desk in anger and Xue Qingrong losing his temper spreads. The District Party Committee will deal with Dong Xuebing, and no one thinks Dong Xuebing will have a good ending. This guy had kicked the hornet's nest by offending everyone.

Suddenly, this matter took a drastic turn.

Someone from the City's Party School called Nan Shan District Party Committee's Office. This person hangs up after saying two sentences.

The Deputy Director's face changed after answering that call.

The surrounding staff members looked at him, wondering what had happened.

That Deputy Director took a few deep breaths and rushed upstairs to the District Party Secretary's secretary to tell him what happened.

Secretary Cang was stunned and quickly made a call to confirm the authenticity of this piece of news. After getting the confirmation, he rushed to report to Secretary Wang without delay.

District Party Committee Secretary Office.

Wang Anshi and Xue Qingrong discussed the punishment for Dong Xuebing's insubordination and reached an agreement.

"Let's suspend Dong Xuebing first."


"Go and inform him. I will speak to Yuehua and Old Wu."

"Yes. I will inform him now."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door anxiously.

Wang Anshi frowned. "Come in."

Secretary Cang entered the office. "Secretary, there's a small problem." From his expression, it must not be a small problem.

"What happened?" Wang Anshi frowned. "Speak."

Xue Qingrong also turns to Secretary Cang.

Secretary Cang wiped the sweat off his forehead and said. "The City Party School had called and had also faxed a document over. They say…."

Wang Anshi asked. "What did they say?"

Secretary Cang cautiously replies. "The City's Party School had rejected Dong Xuebing from this training course. They are not accepting him."

Wang Anshi paused for a second. "He is rejected? What about the rest?"

Secretary Cang replied. "The other two guys whose names are submitted together with Dong Xuebing are fine. They did not mention anything about them, and only Dong Xuebing was rejected. I asked for the reason, but the higher-ups did not answer me.

Xue Qingrong got a fright when he heard this.

Wang Anshi is also stunned.

The Party School does not conduct courses all the time. They have a fixed number of courses each year, and the dates are fixed. This training course is one of the scheduled courses. Each District is given limited places for the course. The District Party Committee will decide the candidates for staff at Dong Xuebing's level. They will submit the candidate's name to the Party School, and it will surely be approved. Even if the candidate barely meets the requirement or does not meet the age requirements, it will be overlooked.

Dong Xuebing had met all the requirements for this course, but the City Party School rejected him.

More importantly, the higher-ups had not informed Wang Anshi before doing this and called the District Party Committee Office directly. They are not giving any 'face' to Nan Shan District Leaders. This is a strong signal.

Xue Qingrong concluded.

Someone within the City Government is angry, and this is a warning to them.

The City's Party School rejects only Dong Xuebing and not the rest.

Wang Anshi's face changed.

Xue Qingrong's back is covered in a cold sweat.

Everyone, who is waiting for the District to announce their punishment for Dong Xuebing, notices the District Party Committee had suddenly gone quiet. They had made a fuss and gone silent with no further actions. When everybody is puzzled, they receive a piece of shocking news. The city had rejected Nan Shan District Leaders' decision and rejected Dong Xuebing's enrolment into the City Party School. This is a slap to the District Leaders' faces.

PAH! This is a loud slap!

Everyone's first thought was, "How is this possible?"

But the District Party Committee's silence confirmed it.

Geng Yuehua and her Deputy Mayors are meeting in the District Government small meeting room when a staff member enters. He said something softly to her and left. Geng Yuehua remained emotionless as she nodded.

Geng Xinke and Yu Rongfeng were having tea in his office when they heard the City Party School did not accept Dong Xuebing.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Secretary Geng, this…."

Geng Xinke is confused. Why is the Party School not accepting Dong Xuebing? If Dong Xuebing is not going to the Party School, how will he get credit for the Role Model Award? He is shocked and angry. Finally, he understood why Dong Xuebing dared to work at the Subdistrict Office today. He had come prepared.

Peng Gang is right.

How can Dong Xuebing be stupid if he can climb to his position at his age?

Even Geng Xinke's sister could not reach Section Chief at Dong Xuebing's current age. If he is stupid, there will be no smart people in the whole District! He finally doesn't dare to belittle Dong Xuebing anymore. He realized Dong Xuebing was too scheming. If someone has a connection with the City Government, he would be talking about it every day. But Dong Xuebing had never revealed anything since he came here.

This guy knows how to keep low?!

Geng Xinke is very angry, and how can someone like Dong Xuebing know how to keep low? Which City Leader is willing to help him?

The expression on everyone's face is different when they hear about this.

Zhou Yanru, Qu Yiqiang, and Wang Yuling were relieved that Dong Xuebing had escaped this time, but they were also speechless. Director Dong had successfully offended all the District Leaders at the same time.

The City's Party School is not accepting Dong Xuebing, and his name was rejected from that course. This means Dong Xuebing had not disobeyed the Organization's decision. Nan Shan District Party Committee's plan to punish him had become a joke, but not many dared to laugh.

No one had expected this turn of events.

For the first time, many people realized Dong Xuebing has backings in the City Government.

Guang Ming Subdistrict Office.

Work Party Secretary Office.

Yang Zhaode called Dong Xuebing on his mobile phone. "I had done what you wanted. Haha…. You are a trouble maker."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Thank you, Uncle Yang."

"Don't say that. You are Xiaoping's son, which is also my son. How can I let them send my son to the Party School? Are you kidding me?! Although it is the Deputy Principal doing the work at the Party School most of the time, I am the Principal there! Since they want to target us, I shall play a joke on them."

That's right.

Yang Zhaode is not only the Organization Department Chief. His full title is the City's Executive Party Committee Member, the City's Organization Department Chief, and the City's Party School's Principal.

Dong Xuebing is amused. Yang Zhaode was the Party School's Principal for years, and those people tried to send him to the Party School to punish him. What a joke."

"But Xiao Bing… you had created a big mess and had offended almost all the Leaders in your District. Although this matter is settled, the grudges will remain. Even if I speak up for you, they might comply in appearance, and I can't help you every time. It will be stressful for you to remain there. How about I keep a lookout for other vacancies and help you change the environment? What about Xi Ping District? You can still be a Subdistrict Office Director there."

Transferring after one month into the job is not a promotion. It would be hard even to get the same level transfer.

Dong Xuebing understood what Yang Zhaode meant, but he rejected the offer. "Thank you, Uncle Yang. But I am not going anywhere. I had just gotten some results here and cannot leave. I don't want others to reap the fruits of my labor. I don't care whether if I had offended them. Anyway, they are the ones who started it first, and I will continue to work here."

Yang Zhaode is amused. "Are you sure?"


Actually, Dong Xuebing did not mean what he said. He chose to remain in the District is because he doesn't want to lose 'face.' How can I leave after stabbing you? People might think I am afraid of your retaliation. I am staying here and seeing what they will do to me.

I am not afraid of you all!

Yang Zhaode laughed. "I will not comment on your political wisdom, but you are much braver than my younger self. Fine. Just remain there."

Dong Xuebing blushed. "How can I be compared to you?"

Dong Xuebing can hear his mother's grumbling. "He had been aggressive since young. How can you praise him for that? The more you praise him, the more trouble he will create. He will be offending everyone in the District tomorrow."

Yang Zhaode laughed. "If you are doing your job, you are bound to offend others."

Dong Xuebing likes this statement. Which Leader doesn't offend others? I had only offended a few more people.

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