Power and Wealth

Chapter 635: Miracle Doctor Xiao Dong

Guang Ming Subdistrict Office.

Everyone is overjoyed after learning they had gotten the National Respect and Care for the elderly's model unit award.

"Director, when is the award presentation will be held?"

"The Role Model Unit office only mentioned it will be brought forward but did not tell me the date."

"Then we should make preparations first."

"Haha… we can wait until we get the invitation. Don't announce it to the rest of the staff yet. This is an instruction by the District."

The meeting ended. Dong Xuebing and Geng Xinke discussed the award presentation as they walked out of the meeting room. They look amicable but Dong Xuebing is laughing in his heart. He still remembers how Guo Mingfeng had ungratefully accused him during Xue Qingrong's son incident. He suspects Guo Mingfeng was acting under Chief Xue's instructions, but Geng Xinke was also involved. That's why Guo Mingfeng dares to frame him. After all, Guo Mingfeng is one of Geng Xinke's men.

Dong Xuebing knows he cannot join Geng Yuehua's faction because of Geng Xinke.

Dong Xuebing has a headache when he thinks about what Xie Huilan told him about joining a faction. He cannot join Mayor Geng's faction. There will be a conflict of interest because of her brother, and the only option is the District Party Secretary.

Dong Xuebing called Deputy Director Wang Yuling to his office.

The door opened, and Wang Yuling entered with a smile. "Director, you want to see me?"

"Come in." Dong Xuebing points to the chair in front of him and smiles. "I just noticed you are dressed nicely today. Are you going on a date with your boyfriend later?" Wang Yuling replied with slight embarrassment. "No… It's just a casual dress."

Dong Xuebing is amused. "Oh, I had forgotten to ask you about your Uncle's condition. How is he?"

"His condition has stabilized." Wang Yuling replied. "But he still feels his stomach hurts. He is still undergoing treatment."

Dong Xuebing asked curiously. "Why is he not getting an operation for his chronic appendicitis? The pain is unbearable." Wang Yuling sighed. "That's right. But my Uncle is diabetic, and the doctors are afraid his wounds will not heal properly after the operation."

"Oh… it will be complicated because of his medical conditions."

"Yes. My Uncle did not go to work today. I think his appendicitis acted up this morning again."

Dong Xuebing immediately got an idea. "Which block and unit is your Uncle's apartment?"

Wang Yuling left after giving Dong Xuebing her Uncle's address. He thought for a while in his chair and looked at the time. It was almost lunchtime, and he drove out to buy some health supplements. This is a good opportunity to visit Wang Anshi.

Dong Xuebing had wanted to visit Wang Anshi since he was transferred to Nan Shan District. He had not met Secretary Wang yet. Since he decided to join Wang Anshi's faction, he cleared all their previous misunderstandings and grudges.


District Party Committee family quarters.

Dong Xuebing found Wang Anshi's apartment and took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell.

Ding Dong…. Ding Dong…. A middle-aged woman opens the door. It is Wang Anshi's wife, Madam Yan.

Dong Xuebing greeted politely. "Good afternoon, Madam Yan." Madam Yan looks at him without any emotions. "You are Guang Ming Subdistrict Office's Xiao Dong, right?"

"Yes, it's me. I had gone to Beijing for work and returned today. I heard from Yuling that Secretary Wang is not feeling well, and I am here to visit him."

"Thank you."

"These are some health supplements, and I have some work matters to report to Secretary Wang." Madam Yan paused for a second and said. "Old Wang is not feeling well and is resting now. I can help you pass the message."

Madam Yan is stopping Dong Xuebing.

Anyone will be overjoyed if the District Secretary's wife remembers his name and unit, but not Dong Xuebing. They had met once at a wedding banquet in Ping An Street, and he offended her by ordering a dish, "Women at forty." This is why he doesn't want Madam Yan to remember him. He could not even get past the front door now.

When Dong Xuebing was about to leave, someone walked up the stairs.

It was Wang Yuling. She exclaimed. "Eh? Director, why are you here?" She was here to visit her Uncle and have lunch with him.

Dong Xuebing replied. "Oh, I am here to visit Secretary Wang." Wang Yuling remembers giving him her Uncle's address earlier and thought he would visit in the evening. "Did you have lunch yet? Let's have lunch together. Aunt?" Madam Yan looked at them and did not send Dong Xuebing back. "Alright. Come in."

"Sorry to bother you." Dong Xuebing said.

"It's alright. Director, come in." Wang Yuling said.

Dong Xuebing did not care about Madam Yan and entered the District Party Secretary's apartment.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened.

A sickly-looking middle-aged man, in his pajamas, walks out slowly. He is Wang Ahshi and is looking terrible. He is frowning and looks like he is in pain. He looks at his wife. "Bring me my medicine. Oh, Yuling, you are here. Who is this?"

Madam Yan went to get the medicine and water immediately.

Dong Xuebing quickly reply. "Nice to meet you, Secretary Wang. I am Guang Ming Subdistrict Office's Dong Xuebing." Wang Anshi nodded. "Oh, you are Yuling's Leader. Have a seat. Yuling will bring you tea."

Madam Yan returns with the medicine, and Wang Anshi swallows the pills with a few gulps of water.

Dong Xuebing has observed Wang Anshi's expression, trying to see his attitude towards him. But he did not show any expression after he introduced himself. He could not tell what Wang Anshi was thinking, but at least he was not thrown out.

Wang Anshi felt better after taking his medicine and sat on the sofa.

Madam Han said. "Xiao Dong says he has some work to report to you."

"Oh?" Wang Anshi looks at Dong Xuebing. "What is it?" Madam Yan saw them start talking and went to the kitchen with Wang Yuling to prepare lunch.

Dong Xuebing did not sit and stood there. "It is about the National Respect and Care for the elderly's model unit award. We have received an invitation to attend the award presentation by the Central Government."

Wang Anshi nodded. "Good job."

Dong Xuebing continued. "We don't dare to claim the credit. We can get this award is because of your leadership, and we are only following your directives." This is a hint to express his interest in joining Wang Anshi's faction.

Wang Anshi looked at Dong Xuebing and did not reply.

Dong Xuebing had expressed his intentions and could only wait for Wang Anshi to accept him. "Are you feeling better?"

Wang Anshi laughed. "I am much better compared to a few days ago." Dong Xuebing showed his concern. "The pain from chronic appendicitis is never-ending and must be operated on. There are many good hospitals around if you are worried about your diabetic condition. It shouldn't be a problem."

Wang Anshi shook his head. "I shall take medicine and see how it goes." Dong Xuebing did not persuade him anymore.

Dong Xuebing had heard of patients having diabetes and chronic appendicitis. Most patients are older, and it's hard for their wounds to heal after their operation and might be fatal. That's why many patients are willing to bear the pain and don't want to undergo any operations.


Wait a minute.

Dong Xuebing suddenly has an idea. Wang Anshi has to tolerate the pain, and it's risky to get an operation. If he can treat his condition, he will be doing him a great favor. This will help him get accepted by Wang Anshi and clear up the misunderstanding with Madam Yan.

How is he going to treat this illness?

Dong Xuebing's REVERSE can turn back time on a specific object.

REVERSE can make a ripe pomegranate return to the time it was unripe.

REVERSE can return a shattered jade pendant to its original state.

REVERSE can remove Xu Yan's wrinkles to the time she was younger.

This means REVERSE can return Wang Anshi's body to the time before he got chronic appendicitis.

That's right.

This can be done.

REVERSE is a new power discovered by Dong Xuebing, and he had not used it many times. This thought had opened a door, and he got excited. REVERSE can cure all illnesses!

Ah! Am I going to become a miracle doctor?

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