Power and Wealth

Chapter 621: Help!

Before noon.

County First Middle School.

Dong Xuebing pulled Yu Qianqian into the school building.

A math teacher walked past them and noticed something was wrong. He frowned and turned to look at Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing's mother had taught in this school previously, but he had never visited his mother at the school. At most, he had waited for his mother outside the school. That's why no one recognizes him.


Dong Xuebing asked. "Year 2 class 1 is on which floor?"

"It is on the second floor." Yu Qianqian's eyes had swelled from crying, and she held onto Dong Xuebing's hands tightly. "They still have lessons."


Go to hell with your lessons!

"Let's go." Dong Xuebing walks up the stairs.

Yu Qianqian followed Dong Xuebing closely. She is still afraid.

Second floor.

Year 2 Class 1.

A man in his mid-thirties is standing in front of the class with a book in hand. He is the class teacher of this class. "All of you will be in Year 3 next semester and will be sitting for the High School Entrance Examination next year. The classes we had over the past few days prepared you all for that examination. You all must listen attentively. Alright. I shall continue to talk about the Tang and Song Dynasty."

The teacher continued with his lesson. Most of the students are listening attentively, except for a few. Huang Tingting and her friends.

"Lei Zhi, what are you all doing?" Huang Tingting asked.

"We are watching a video clip. The one we took when we beat up that girl." Lei Zhi laughed.

Xiao Fan interrupted. "I had posted that video online and gotten lots of views."

"How did you post it?" Huang Tingting asked excitedly. "Show me… quick."

Xiao Fan replied. "I went to the teacher's office to tell them you need to check for some information online, and they let me use the PC."

Huang Tingting asked. "Why didn't you delete the part where you called my name?"

"Huh? I forgot. I don't think it's a problem."

"That's right. Many people are also called Tingting." Huang Tingting thought nothing about it and laughed. "Anyway, we did not show our faces, and the video is not very clear."

"See… look at how Yu Qianqian cries."

"Hahaha… this is so funny. Let's teach her a lesson again."

"That bitch is graduating soon. How about we call her over during noon?" Huang Tingting said. "We shall see who can hit her face with a basketball the most." Yu Qianqian is prettier than her, and she is jealous.


"How about we strip her and then hit her with basketballs? It should be fun!"

"That's right." Huang Tingting laughed. "We will record and post the video on the internet. I want to know how she will face others in the future. Hahaha…."

They are talking softly, but other students, including the teacher, can hear them. But they are used to it. Since Huang Tingting was transferred to the school, she mixed around with hooligans like Lei Zhi and Xiao Fan. They go around and bully other students. Most students dared not say anything, and a few students complained to the teachers. But the teachers did not take any action against them.

The teacher pretended not to hear Huang Tingting and continued with his lesson.

Everyone in the school knows Huang Tingting's father is Yan Tai County's newly appointed Ministry of Education Chief. The Ministry of Education oversees the schools and oversees the teachers. That's why Huang Tingting enjoys special privileges in school.

"Remember to take notes." The teacher wrote on the board. As long as Huang Tingting and her friends had not gone overboard, he will not reprimand them.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The classroom door was pushed open from outside.

It seems to be kicked open. Everyone in the class got a fright from the loud bang.

Dong Xuebing held Yu Qianqian with his right hand and stepped into the classroom. "Who is it? Point them out for me!"

Yu Qianqian looks around the classroom nervously and quickly lowers her head. She mustered her courage and lifted her head slowly. She pointed at Huang Tingting, Lei Zhi, and Xiao Fan, sitting in the middle row. "It's the three of them."

The teacher frowned. "We have classes. What are you all doing?!"

Dong Xuebing looks at the teacher coldly. "Go to hell with your lessons! Your students beat up my child, and you still want to carry on with your lesson?!"

"What is wrong with you?! Ah?! Why are you shouting?" The teacher gave Dong Xuebing a stare. "You are in a school!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "School? You still know this is a school!? I sent my child to school is to learn and not send her here to be beaten up. Are you the teacher for this class? How did you teach them?! Your students had been bullying my child, and you pretend not to see anything?! Huh?!"

Dong Xuebing had started scolding the moment he stepped into the class. All the students were shocked.

The class teacher had met many unreasonable parents, and Yu Qianqian had pointed Huang Shizhong's daughter as one of the people who hit him. He had no choice but to intervene. He pointed at Dong Xuebing and shouted. "This is not the place for you to create trouble. Get out now!"

Your students had beaten up Qianqian, and you want to kick us out of the classroom?!

F*ck you!

Dong Xuebing is fearless when he loses his temper. He raised his leg and kicked the teacher in his stomach. The teacher flew backward from the impact and hit the wood podium, smashing it into pieces.



"Help! Help!"

The classroom is in chaos.

Lei Zhi, Xiao Fan, and Huang Tingting were also stunned. Who is this person?

Yu Qianqian is also stunned. She did not expect Dong Xuebing to hit the teacher.

The teacher groaned and pointed at Dong Xuebing. "How dare you hit me?"

Before the teacher can finish, Dong Xuebing steps forward and kicks him again. "Yes! You are the one I am hitting!"

The teacher was scared as he groaned in pain. Out of all the unreasonable parents he met, Dong Xuebing is the most extreme.

Dong Xuebing felt it was the class teacher's responsibility to teach the students. It is impossible for him not to know what Huang Tingting and her friends did in school. But he did not take action, and this made her more fearless. He has to be held responsible for her actions. You want to suck up to the County's Ministry of Education Chief's daughter using Qianqian?! Go to hell!

"Uncle!" Yu Qianqian panicked and was about to cry again.

Dong Xuebing patted Yu Qianqian's head. "It's alright. Don't be scared. No one can bully you with me around!"

Yu Qianqian was touched and calmed down. She is no longer as scared as before.

The class teacher was beaten up, and all the students quickly retreated to the side of the classroom.

Only Huang Tingting and her friends remain seated. She looks at Yu Qianqian and smiles. "Oh, you had asked your family to come… that's so smart of you."

Yu Qianqian lowered her head and bit her lips.

Dong Xuebing looks at Huang Tingting. "Are you the one who hit her?"

Huang Tingting is not afraid. "It's me. What do you want?"

Dong Xuebing nodded and walked towards her.

Huang Tingting looked at Dong Xuebing and threatened. "Do you believe that no schools in Yan Tai County will accept her if you touch me?!"

Before Huang Tingting could finish, Dong Xuebing grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up from her seat.

Huang Tingting was shocked. "What are you trying to do? Let go of me!"

Dong Xuebing raised his hand. Slap!

"Ah!" Huang Tingting could not believe this was happening.

Dong Xuebing looked at her and asked. "Did you slap Qianqian this way? How many times did you slap her?"

Huang Tingting cursed. "F*ck you."

Slap! Dong Xuebing slapped the other side of her face. "If Huang Shizhong doesn't know how to teach his children, I will do it for him."

Huang Tingting fell to the floor, and her tears were flowing. "You…. You know who my father is?"

"Who cares who your father is!" Dong Xuebing replied. "Even if your father is Liang Chengpeng, I will also beat you up!"

Who is Liang Chengpeng? Other students might not know him, but the class teacher, who is still lying on the floor, knows. He is Yan Tai County's Public Security Bureau Chief.

The class teacher, Li, felt his heart turns cold.

This person is not a nobody.

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