Power and Wealth

Chapter 601: Asking for favors


Qian Meng.

After parting ways with Zhou Yanru and Wang Yuling, Dong Xuebing hailed a taxi to get to Qu Yunxuan's parent's house. This is one of the reasons he comes to Beijing. It's been almost two weeks since they met, and he missed her and their child. She is due in less than four months.

Dong Xuebing took out his phone to make a call in the taxi. Ring… ring…

Qu Yunxuan answered. "Hello, who's this?"

"You don't know my number?" Dong Xuebing laughed.

"Oh, it's you." Qu Yunxuan sounded weird.

Dong Xuebing could hear Qu Yunxuan's mother shouting in the background. "Hmph! Is it Xuebing?!"

"It's not him. It's a former colleague. I am going to my room to answer this call." Sounds of footsteps and door closing. "Alright. We can talk now."

Dong Xuebing is speechless. "What happened?"

Qu Yunxuan giggled. "My Mum and Dad are waiting to beat you up."

"Are you serious?" Dong Xuebing took a deep breath.

"Why should I lie? Our baby is almost due, and they had been pushing us to get married. I could not hide it anymore and told them we could only get married five to six years later because of your work. They don't agree and want to confront you."

Dong Xuebing is sweating. "Then I should meet them. I am in Beijing now and will arrive at your place in ten minutes."

"You… better don't add more problems. Don't come over now. They will calm down after a few days."

"I am about to reach. How about you come out and meet me?"

"They are watching me closely, and I cannot leave the house alone. My Mum will even accompany me when I go downstairs for a stroll. Haha… How long will you be staying in Beijing? If you are staying overnight, I can sneak out at night to meet you."

"Do you need to go so far as to sneak out at night?"


Dong Xuebing is speechless. "Alright. Let's meet and talk at night."

"We can have a chat, but we cannot do other things. Don't even think about it."

"Hehe…" Dong Xuebing asked. "What do you mean by other things?"

"Are you asking for a beating? How dare you talk to me this way?" Qu Yunxuan joked.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Then I will wait for you to punish me tonight. Oh, since you cannot leave your house, what am I going to do this afternoon? I had lent my car to my colleagues and didn't have a vehicle. How about I go over to your place, and you throw your keys to me from the windows?"

"You must be careful not to get spotted."

"I know… I know…."

A few minutes later.

The taxi entered Qu Yunxuan's parents' neighborhood, and Dong Xuebing alighted. He looked around and walked quickly to the building.

A window upstairs opened.

Qu Yunxuan's pretty face appeared at the window and looked at him. She is holding back her laughter as she throws her car keys down. Thud! The keys landed on the grass patch.

Dong Xuebing smiles and picks up the keys before giving an 'OK' sign to Qu Yunxuan.

Qu Yunxuan pointed in a direction, indicating her car was parked there and waved him away. She was smiling and mouthed the words 'Stupid fool.'

Dong Xuebing rolled his eyes and waved to Qu Yunxuan before driving away.

Dong Xuebing received an SMS from Qu Yunxuan when he left the neighborhood. "Drive carefully. See you tonight."

Dong Xuebing smiled. It warmed his heart, and he is determined to show his love and passion for her tonight.

One hour….

Two hours….

Three hours….

Dong Xuebing drove the Silver Mercedes around aimlessly. He doesn't have a place to go. Although he grew up in Beijing, he doesn't have many close friends. He was quiet during his school days. After his father passed away, he was depressed and stopped contacting his remaining few friends.

4 pm.

Dong Xuebing is bored after leaving the petrol station. He called Zhou Yanru. "Sister Zhou, where are you?"

"We…" Zhou Yanru hesitated. "I think this place is called Hu Fang Bridge."

"Which side of Hu Fang Bridge?"

"I think it's the west side. We are along the west service road."

"Ok. Stay there and wait for me. It's almost dinner time. I will bring you all out for dinner."

After a while, Dong Xuebing arrived and saw the black Cayenne parked along the roadside. Wang Yuling and Zhou Yanru are waiting beside the car under an umbrella. They expected Dong Xuebing to arrive in a taxi and did not notice him until he descended from the Mercedes. Wang Yuling and Zhou Yanru are shocked when they see the S-class Mercedes Benz.

Dong Xuebing got another car worth over a million RMB within hours after lending them his Cayenne. What does his family do? Why is he so rich?

"Where did you all go this afternoon?" Wang Yuling and Zhou Yanru did not ask about the Mercedes, and Dong Xuebing did not explain. "We went shopping at the mall. See, Xiao Wang had changed her outfit."

Wang Yuling laughed. "I had just tried it on and didn't take it off."

"We also went to Xi Dan. It was so crowded." Zhou Yanru seems to be in a bad mood but tries her best to smile.

"Eh, where's Chen Chen?"

"She is in the car." Zhou Yanru turned and called her daughter. "Chen Chen."

Chen Chen alighted from the Cayenne. Her eyes were red, and she was crying.

Zhou Yanru felt her heartache but still gave her a stare. "Stop crying."

Dong Xuebing asked. "What happened?"

Zhou Yanru sighed. "We went to Xi Dan, and Yuling drove us to a few top High Schools. I thought it would be easy, but all of them are unwilling to accept students from other provinces. Sixty-six High School has limited spots for students from other provinces and is all given out. It is useless even if you had gotten high scores for your Middle School exams. Some of them still have entry exams."

Dong Xuebing replied. "It's hard to enter the top schools. What about other High Schools?"

"I checked with one of them. The sponsorship fee is over 100,000 RMB, and that school is not good. The student also needs to take an entrance exam. We might as well remain in Fen Zhou City."

Zhou Yanru had finally experienced how difficult it is in other Cities. In Nan Shan District, she can use her connections to contact the schools. Even if her daughter has poor results, she can also get admitted. But no one knows her in Beijing. The Principal of the High School here held the same rank as Nan Shan District Party Committee Members. She can only go through the normal registration procedures and can't use her status as a Government staff. But all the available spots are given out, and her daughter might not even get into an ordinary High School in Beijing.

Chen Chen sniffed and started crying again.

Zhou Yanru felt sorry towards her daughter. They had brought their luggage along but realized it was too hard for Chen Chen to get into her school.

Wang Yuling consoled. "Sister Yanru, let's ask other High schools."

Zhou Yanru sighed. "That teacher had told us that all Beijing High Schools are the same. If they didn't set a barrier, everyone would be rushing to study there."

Dong Xuebing knew it would not be easy from the start. He can only enter an ordinary High School with his Beijing Hukuo previously, let alone an outsider. He looked at Chen Chen and stroked her hair. "You are going to be a High School student soon. Stop crying."

Chen Chen wiped her tears, but her eyes were still red.

Dong Xuebing got softhearted as he doesn't like to see women cry. He thought for a while and said. "How about this, Chen Chen. I will call someone and ask if it is possible."

Zhou Yanru quickly says. "Director, how can I trouble you… This…"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "I am only trying, and it's not guaranteed."

Dong Xuebing walked away and took out his phone. He thought for a while and called Xie Huilan's younger brother, Xie Hao's number.

The call was answered immediately.

"Haha… Brother Dong! My idol! Why are you calling me suddenly?" Xie Hao is always so cheerful.

Dong Xuebing is amused. "I am in Beijing now. I am calling you to ask you where you are."

"In school. The teachers are giving us vacation homework. Sigh… my vacation only starts next week."

After chatting for a while, Dong Xuebing asked. "Xiao Hao, are you in Yu Cai High School? Is your school still recruiting students from outside provinces?"

"Hehe… how would I know about this? Why are you asking?"

"My colleague's child wishes to enter your school. Can you help me ask around?"

"Oh… No problem. I am close with our Principal, and I will ask him to accept this request."

Dong Xuebing is suspicious. "Are you sure about this?"

"Brother Dong, rest assured. You should know I am a reliable person. Where is that student? Ask him to look for me, and I will bring him to register."

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