Power and Wealth

Chapter 594: Dong Xuebing’s wicked plan!

End of the day.

The sky is still bright.

Guang Ming Subdistrict Office is tense in the afternoon. Everyone is careful of what they say, and they are monitoring the situation.

Ring… ring… ring… Dong Xuebing was packing up when he received a call.

It's the District Enforcement Unit's Team Leader. "Hello, is this Director Dong?"

Dong Xuebing narrowed his eyes. "It's me. How is the investigation?"

"We had spoken to Guo Mingfeng and Xue Xiaoliang this afternoon, and they are sticking to their previous statements."

"Does this mean I have to take the blame if they refuse to admit it?"

"I'm sorry. We could not find new evidence, and both witnesses' statements are the same. It's hard to have new conclusions."

"What about the injury on Guo Mingfeng's face?"

"It is not enough as we can't prove the injury was caused by Xue Xiaoliang."

"What about that fabricated injury report? What's the outcome?"

"Our men are with Xue Xiaoliang at First Hospital for a re-examination. We will let you know once we know the results."

Dong Xuebing thought to himself after hanging up. It's been a few hours, and the re-examination is not complete. Needless to say, Xue Qingrong is trying to drag it out and try to cover it up. But Dong Xuebing is not concerned with Xue Xiaoliang and his father. He will settle the score with them after dealing with Guo Mingfeng. None of them can escape!

But how is he going to deal with Guo Mingfeng?

Dong Xuebing cannot use the regulations or transfer him away. He also doesn't have evidence of him giving a false statement. There's no way to deal with Guo Mingfeng through proper channels. This is also the result of him not having a good relationship with Nan Shan District Government Leaders. Without support from the higher-up, it will be hard for Dong Xuebing to do anything. He can only watch Guo Mingfeng accuse him and can't retaliate. Is Dong Xuebing out of ideas? Impossible! Since he cannot bring himself down with normal methods, he will use extreme methods! This is where Dong Xuebing excels!

You dare to challenge and accuse me?!

Then I don't think you should blame me for not holding back!


Guang Ming Subdistrict Office Family Quarters.

Dong Xuebing leaned against the window frame and smoked after dinner. His laptop is playing a pop song behind him, and he is tapping along with the beats.

One minute….

Five minutes….

Thirty minutes….

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman enters the family quarter's compound. She is holding a grocery basket with her right hand and seems to have returned from grocery shopping. Dong Xuebing knows this woman is Guo Mingfeng's wife. She had stopped working after the button factory she worked at closed down.

It's the time!

Guo Mingfeng and his family are staying on the second floor, unit 201.

Dong Xuebing snubbed his cigarette and switched off the music. He opened his door and walked down to the stair landing between level three and level four.

Ta… ta… ta… ta… ta… ta….

The footsteps of Guo Mingfeng's wife got louder, followed by the sounds of her opening the door.


Time stopped!

Dong Xuebing doesn't have a lot of time remaining, and he quickly runs down the stairs. A middle-aged woman is holding on to the door handle and is about to enter the apartment. He runs over and squeezes himself through the gap before running into the apartment's master bedroom. He deactivated STOP once he entered the bedroom.

Time resumed.

"Oh, are you back?" Guo Mingfeng said.

"Can't you see for yourself? Are you blind?" Guo Mingfeng's wife replied angrily.

"What are you so mad? Are you trying to pick a fight?"

"Do you know how everyone from your workplace looks at me when I come back? Ah? You are useless! You had been beaten by Xue Xiaoliang but refused to admit and offended Dong Xuebing! Now, everyone knows you had given a false statement!"

"Let them say whatever they want! They have no evidence!"

"What are you thinking? Why would you offend your Subdistrict Office's No. 1 for no reason?"

"What do you know? Ah? If I don't offend Dong Xuebing, I would be offending Xue Qingrong. You should know who holds more power. Xue Qingrong had called and hinted to me to pin everything to Dong Xuebing! He is the District Organization Chief! What else can I do? Do you think I want to give a false statement to help Xue Xiaoliang?! I wish I could kill that little bastard with one kick!" Guo Mingfeng did not hold back his words as they were at home.

"But Dong Xuebing had to save you, and you…."

"What's there to say now? He is up to no good when he saves me. He wants to pull me over to his side and create a rift between Xinke and me. He has a motive for saving me, and why should I be grateful to him? Furthermore, Xinke will be suppressed when he is around in the Subdistrict Office, and it will take a long time for him to get promoted. If he doesn't get promoted, how am I supposed to move up? That's why Dong Xuebing got to step aside. I thought this incident could bring him down, but Xue Xiaoliang had faked his injuries and was discovered. Dong Xuebing is lucky to escape this time." Guo Mingfeng knew he had miscalculated. If Dong Xuebing had not been brought down, his false statement would have become a timebomb, and he is in a bad mood because of this.


Dong Xuebing is furious when he hears what Guo Mingfeng says. I had saved you from Xue Xiaoliang, and you claim I have other motives?! Xue Qingrong had pressured you, but the main reason for backstabbing me is you want to get rid of me for your benefit.

You are digging your grave!

Dong Xuebing took out his phone and wanted to record Guo Mingfeng's conversation. This is his purpose of entering his apartment. He had admitted to giving a false statement in the conversation, and the recording can be used as evidence. But everyone will think he had installed listening devices in his subordinates' apartments. It will be bad for his reputation and will leave a bad impression. Guo Mingfeng can also claim he was drunk last night and could not remember the details. At most, he will be transferred to another department with Geng Xinke's help. The recording is not sufficient to terminate him.

A recording will not work.

It will not bring down Guo Mingfeng and still will affect Dong Xuebing's reputation.

Dong Xuebing started thinking of a way to give Guo Mingfeng a deadly blow.

The conversation in the living continues.

"What are you going to do now? Dong Xuebing is fine now."


"Say something! What are you going to do?"

"Let's wait and see. Anyway, he can't do anything to me."

"He is the Director, and you think he can't do anything to you?!"

"You don't know anything. It might be possible if it is someone else. But Dong Xuebing couldn't do anything to me because he had not established any connections with the higher-ups. Secondly, he had offended Mayor Geng and Wang Shian's wife during the wedding banquet. This is his weak point, and Xinke will not allow him to do anything to me. Without evidence, the District Government will not do anything to me." Guo Mingfeng relaxed. That's right. Dong Xuebing cannot do anything to him.

"Are you sure you will be fine?"

"Of course. It's too late to regret offending him now. At most, I will try to avoid him at work. What can he do to me? I will monitor the situation, and this might be an opportunity for me. Xue Qingrong owes me a favor because of this incident. The fake injury report will not harm him as he had established his network over his years here. With his and Xinke's help, I might even be promoted after this incident is settled."

"Huh? You might still be promoted?" Guo Mingfeng's wife was surprised. She felt it would be a miracle if Dong Xuebing did not target Guo Mingfeng. How is it possible he might be promoted?

Guo Mingfeng got excited when he thought about it. "I had done Xue Qingrong's son a big favor, and he will not allow Dong Xuebing to penalize me after this case is settled. I might really get something good out of this!"

Dong Xuebing almost burst out laughing. You gave a false statement to frame, and you are thinking of getting a promotion?! Do you think I am invisible?

Guo Mingfeng's wife asked. "Does that mean offending Dong Xuebing is a good move?"

"You are right." Guo Mingfeng laughed. "Who cares about offending him? He is not Wang Anshi."

"Hmph! You would have shat your pants if you had offended Secretary Wang."

"What's so great about Wang Anshi?" Guo Mingfeng retorted. "He had gotten his position because of his wife's family. I don't think he is capable of moving up with his capabilities. He had been suppressed by Mayor Geng these few years. Both of them are almost equivalent now."

"You are jealous of him."

"What's there to be jealous of?"

"You are jealous of his wife's family network, and she has a better figure than me!"

"You are wrong about this. Last year, I went to the District Party Committee and knocked into Wang Anshi's wife at a corner. My arm brushed against her breast. It felt soft, and it's obvious she had used padding to increase the size. Your figure is better."

"Stop touching me."

"Your man had even touched the District Party Secretary's wife. Why can't I touch you?"

"Get lost! It's dinner time."

They had been married for years and could say anything to each other.

This might be a joke between Guo Mingfeng and his wife, but not to others. Dong Xuebing's eyes suddenly brighten up. A wicked plan was formulated in his mind!

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