Power and Wealth

Chapter 587: The God of Plague’s forte!


Side-building, Dong Xuebing's office.

Dong Xuebing thought everything was over when he returned to his office. Still, the District Public Security Bureau enforcement unit's officers came looking for him again.

Dong Xuebing is frustrated. What else do you all want?

The Officer said after entering Dong Xuebing's office. "Director Dong, we received new information about the case and need to ask you about last night's incident."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Didn't I tell you the whole incident?"

"I hope you can understand that we are doing our job."

"Fine… fine… what else do you want to know?"

The Officer looks at Dong Xuebing. "Who started the fight last night at Guang Ming Street? Was it you or Xue Xiaoliang?"

Dong Xuebing frowned. "I had told you that it was Xue Xiaoliang who attacked Guo Mingfeng first."

The Officer paused for a second and said. "But the information we received is different from your account."

"Huh?" Dong Xuebing felt something was off.

The Officer continues. "We had contacted Deputy Director Guo Mingfeng. He said you were the one who attacked Xue Xiaoliang first."

"Ah?" Dong Xuebing doesn't know if he should laugh or cry. "What did you say?"

The Officer replied. "Guo Mingfeng said he was on his way home last night and did not get into any dispute with Xue Xiaoliang. He saw Xue Xiaoliang smoking beside his car along the road, and you arrived in Cayenne. You descended and got into an argument with Xue Xiaoliang, and you made the first move by twisting his arm. After that, you kicked him into the rubbish bin. Xue Xiaoliang had never done anything and was beaten up by you. We also did not find the extractable baton you mentioned in his car."

Dong Xuebing couldn't believe his ears. "Did Guo Mingfeng say this?"

"Yes." The Officer looks at Dong Xuebing. "Both Xue Xiaoliang and Guo Mingfeng's accounts matched. Guo Mingfeng claims he does not know why you hit Xue Xiaoliang and felt you might be drunk, or you two have some previous grudges."

Drink driving?!

I am the aggressor?!

Dong Xuebing smirked.

Guo Mingfeng! I had helped you because you are Guang Ming Subdistrict Office's staff, yet you backstabbed me! Do you even dare to fabricate evidence to frame me?! One must have a bottom line. Xue Xiaoliang did not attack you, and I was the only one who attacked him?! Fine! I had saved you, but I got into trouble instead?! Guo Mingfeng, this is a brilliant move!

The Officer continues. "There are only three of you there during that time. Guo Mingfeng was not involved in the fight and is the only witness. His statement is the same as Xue Xiaoliang. So, we have to…."

"What is it?"

"We need you to come with us to the station. You had committed intentional assault."

Dong Xuebing looks at the Officer. "What injuries does Xue Xiaoliang have? Intentional assault?!"

"The hospital had confirmed his injuries are very serious. Not only his arm is broken. His ribs are also fractured. If he had not received treatment in time, it might be life-threatening."

"Life-threatening?" Dong Xuebing asked. "Did the Second Hospital issue this report?"

"Yes." The Officer felt life-threatening is exaggerated, but he is only in charge of the investigation. Everything points to Dong Xuebing as the aggressor. If he cannot reach a private settlement with the other party, he might be sentenced.

Dong Xuebing did not expect things to turn out this way. He nodded and called Guo Mingfeng. Ring… ring… ring… no one answered.

Guo Mingfeng had given a false statement….

The hospital's injury report….

Dong Xuebing felt this was a setup, and Xue Qingrong should be behind it. That old bastard must have threatened Guo Mingfeng and made him turn against Dong Xuebing. After that, he instigated the hospital to exaggerate his son's injuries for Dong Xuebing to be charged for intentional assault. After he is charged, the Commission of Discipline Inspection will go after him. He will be punished and will lose his position!

This is a well-calculated ploy!

Dong Xuebing is furious. Your son had attacked others, and you pushed the responsibility to me?!

Xue Qingrong! How are you qualified to be a Party Member?! How can you be a Government Leader?!

You want to set me up?! You must be blind!

"Director Dong." The Officer stood up. "Please come with us…."

Ring… ring… ring… Dong Xuebing's mobile phone rang.

Dong Xuebing looks at his phone. It is his mother. "I can go back with you all. But let me answer this call first. Please wait outside."

The officers looked at each other and left the room. If this was other civilians, they would forcefully restrain and bring him back. But Dong Xuebing is a Civil Servant, and they can allow some leeway.

The door closed, and Dong Xuebing answered the call. "Mum."

"Xiao Bing!" Luan Xiaoping anxiously asked. "Why have you gotten yourself into trouble again?"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "You are quite fast."

"I heard that your Nan Shan District's Organization Department Chief's son was beaten up and found out you are the one…."

"I am not at fault." Dong Xuebing replied. "His son should be beaten up. If I knew this would happen, I would not have held back."

"This is not the time to talk about all these. Don't worry, I will call Old Yang."

"No… no…" Dong Xuebing doesn't want Yang Zhaode to get involved, as his mother and he are still not married.

"What can you do without his help? Isn't that Xue guy from your District Government's Organization Department?"

"So what?! I would not let him off easily if he stepped on my toes!" Xue Qingrong had crossed the line, and he was furious. "Mum, don't worry about me and don't ask Old Yang for help. You should know how capable I am. Xue Qingrong dares to frame me?! He should find out how I climb to my position in the past two years first!"

"Are you sure you will be fine?"

"Don't worry. I have my ways."

Dong Xuebing laughed after he hung up. He had encountered all sorts of troubles, and this incident was nothing to him. He might not be good at building a relationship with the Leaders, but fighting against the Leaders is his forte!

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