Power and Wealth

Chapter 460 – Shocked the whole County!

County Party Committee Building.

Meeting Room 2.

Xie Huilan's statement had stunned everyone. The meeting room falls into silence, and even Xiang Daofa is stunned for a while.

Xiao Dong is with you the whole night and did not even leave your side for a minute?

No one in the meeting room is stupid. They immediately know what Xie Huilan means. Mayor Xie is telling them that Dong Xuebing was sleeping with her last night until 6 am! What else can a man and woman do at night? Mayor Xie is using her reputation to prove Dong Xuebing's innocent. This is shocking!

Only Huang Li knows about Xie Huilan and Dong Xuebing's relationship and smiles to himself.

The others are surprised to see Huang Li's expression. Secretary Huang knew about this? Mayor Xie and Xiao Dong are a couple?


How is this possible?!

No one had expected this shocking turn of events!

Xie Huilan looks at them and reaches into her bag. She took out a bunch of keys and threw them in front of Liang Chengpeng. "Chief Liang. Since the Public Security Bureau wants evidence, these are the keys to my apartment. You can send your men to dust for prints. You should find Xiao Dong's fingerprints on my bed, closet, and table. You can also check the bedsheet and pillows. You should find his hair there."

Dong Xuebing had gone into Xie Huilan's room more than once, and his prints will be found there.

Liang Chengpeng could feel a chill down his spine. He is only a County Public Security Bureau Chief and is not even a Party Committee member. How can he search for evidence in the Mayor's apartment? Even the City Public Security Bureau doesn't dare to do such things! Investigating Dong Xuebing is still fine, but investigating a Director rank government officer has political risks! He will also not dare to do it even if Xiang Daofa ordered him. Things will be blown out of proportion if he does it.

Xiang Daofa did not expect Xie Huilan to counter him this way. Go to her apartment to look for evidence? How is that possible? He will never agree to it. If he orders the Public Security Bureau to search Xie Huilan's apartment, he will fall out with her openly. It's fine for the No. 1 and No. 2 not to get along, but the City Government will interfere if they do it openly. Either one of them will be transferred away. That's why Xiang Daofa doesn't want this to happen, as he wants to gain control of the County steadily. If this incident blows up, he will have to take on more responsibility as the No. 1 of the County compared to Xie Huilan.

No one doubts Xie Huilan after she threw her keys on the table.

Mayor Xie would not use her reputation to help Xiao Dong unless he had spent the night at her place. No wonder Xiao Dong insisted on being sleeping at home alone. He is trying to protect Xie Huilan's reputation.

Furthermore, everyone knows Dong Xuebing has nothing to do with Li Hong's case.

So… everything is cleared.

Even if Xiao Dong had not spent the night with Mayor Xie, no one would dare to verify it. It might be fine if it was someone else. But this is a Mayor's testimony, and it's a female Mayor. Why will dare to doubt her words? Unless the City Leaders want to investigate, no one in Yan Tai County will dare to do it!

With Mayor Xie as the important alibi, Dong Xuebing has nothing to do with this case.

But everyone is still puzzled about Dong Xuebing and Xie Huilan's relationship. Did Mayor Xie sacrifice her reputation to protect Xiao Dong?

Or… are they a couple?

Is this possible?

Xiang Daofa, Zhao Xinglong, and the rest don't believe this is true. Dong Xuebing and Xie Huilan are from different worlds. One has average looks, and the other is extremely beautiful. One is very young, and the other is reaching thirty. One is rash and impulsive, and the other is mature and calm. They are too different. Everyone might believe if Xie Huilan is dating any County Government Staff except for Xiao Dong! This is too unbelievable!

This is like sticking a lovely flower into a pile of cow dung.

How can these two people be together?

But Xie Huilan confirmed their relationship. She smiled graciously. "Xiao Dong and I have started dating recently, and we have met each other's parents. We can be considered engaged. Haha… we might be getting married later this year. We will invite all of you to attend our wedding banquet."

Are they really dating?

They had even confirmed their wedding date?!

Damn! Zhao Xinglong and Geng Yuchao look at each other in disbelieve. This is too shocking!


County Public Security Bureau.

The interrogation room's door opened, and Deputy Team Leader Feng Lei entered with a shocked expression. He keeps looking at Dong Xuebing after he entered the room.

Dong Xuebing is feeling frustrated and asked. "What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

Feng Lei laughed. "Chief Dong. You are not treating me as your friend… how can you hide something so important from me?"

"What?" Dong Xuebing doesn't understand. "What am I hiding? What happened? Is the Public Security Bureau going to charge me for murder? F**k!"

"No… no…" Feng Lei quickly explains. "The bureau will be releasing you as you have an alibi to prove you are not at the crime scene."

Dong Xuebing is stunned. "I can leave?!"

"Yes. I am here to send you back."

"What's going on?" Dong Xuebing is confused. Where did the alibi come from? He was sleeping alone at home last night.

Suddenly, they heard Qin Yong's laughter from inside. "Chief Dong, Brother Dong… you are treating me as an outsider!"

Dong Xuebing is even more confused as he looks at Qin Yong, who had entered the room. "What is going on? Why are you two saying the same thing?" From their attitude, he knew he should be fine and is relieved.

Qin Yong laughed and points at Dong Xuebing. "Are you still trying to hide this from us? Mayor Xie had returned earlier and told the Party Committee that she is with you last night to this morning. After that, she revealed you two are dating and are getting married this year-end." Qing Yong is impressed with Dong Xuebing for winning Mayor Xie's heart quietly.


Dong Xuebing jumped to his feet.

Xie Huilan had proved his innocence?

Dong Xuebing knew he had never left home last night, and Huilan uses her reputation to prove his innocence.

Dong Xuebing is touched as he knows a woman's reputation means a lot. Furthermore, Xie Huilan is the Mayor, and… she revealed they had spent the night together to prove his innocence. This is too risky. Also, they are both single and are not married. People will be saying the Mayor is cohabiting with a man before her marriage. Although this is not a big deal, it will be a stain on her career.

Xie Huilan's testimony is very important for Dong Xuebing.

Even Dong Xuebing did not expect Xie Huilan to give up her reputation to protect him.

Feng Lei laughed. "Congratulations, Chief Dong. I have always felt Mayor Xie, and you are a match made in heaven. You must remember to invite me to your wedding."

Since this had happened, Dong Xuebing felt it's meaningless to hide anymore. "Thank you."

Qin Yong laughed and congratulated him too.

A match made in heaven?

Dong Xuebing knew Old Feng is not saying this from the bottom of his heart. If Feng Lei thinks he is compatible with Xie Huilan, he would not have that shocked expression earlier. Dong Xuebing also knows he is not good enough for Xie Huilan, and everyone will also think this way.

As they are talking, the whole County is talking about them!

What Xie Huilan said in the Party Committee meeting had spread!

How many people are watching this single female Mayor? When news of her dating spreads, it triggered an earthquake. The Party Committee Office, Publicity Department, Commission for Discipline Inspection, Cultural Department, Public Security Bureau, Investment Promotion Agency, and other departments are all talking about it. Within an hour, everyone in Yan Tai County's Government Service knows about this!

Mayor Xie is getting married?

Her boyfriend is that infamous God of Plague?!

Everyone who heard this was stunned. This is more shocking than the leaders getting caught for corruption or having an affair with a subordinate. No one had imagined Mayor Xie would date someone like Dong Xuebing!

How did Mayor Xie and the God of Plague get together?!

Damn! How can this be true?!

When everyone knows the mature and beautiful Mayor will get married to the infamous God of Plague, they felt this is ridiculous!

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