Power and Wealth

Chapter 439 – Following me?

Next morning.

Da Feng County, Rui He Hotel.

Dong Xuebing just woke up and lit a cigarette. He is considering if he should switch on his phone. He decided to switch it on after a long consideration. He needs to know his County Government's attitude towards his actions. In the past, he will keep his phone off whenever he does outrageous things as he is afraid others might scold him or he will offend others. Xie Huilan is still fine as she is not an outsider. But others like Secretary Cao Xupeng might call him and order him to return. If he refused, he would be offending him.

Ring… ring… ring… within ten seconds after switching on his phone, it rang.

It is from the Investment Promotion Agency, and Dong Xuebing answered. "Hello…"

"Chief." Luo Haiting was relieved to get in touch with Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing snubbed his cigarette. "What's the situation like in the County? Did Mayor Xie and Mayor Zhao say anything or scold me?"

"… no."

"Eh? What happened?"

No one had reprimanded him?! This is impossible!

Luo Haiting sniggered. "The City Mayor Zheng, who is in charge of investment, had called to reprimanded our County, and Mayor Xie got mad. She argued with Mayor Zheng and ordered the Fire and Health Departments to seal Peng Kenong's teahouse again. This time, it will be sealed for at least a month, and the fines are increased, and… the City and Provincial Government did not say anything else after that."

Huilan got mad?

Argued with the City Leader and sealed the teahouse?!

Dong Xuebing was shocked after Luo Haiting told him what happened yesterday. Xie Huilan must have done something to shut Zheng Shizhang up, or else he will not keep quiet. "Did the County Government say anything? Are they asking me to come back?"

"This… the County Government had not said anything and did not mention about asking you to come back."

Are they not ordering me to go back? This is weird.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while. "Alright. Help me look after the Agency. I should not be back this week."

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing thought about what happened. Xie Huilan was facing all the pressure from the higher-ups and cleared the path for him. If he cannot get back at Da Feng County, he will be letting Sister Xie down. All Yan Tai County Leaders are not saying anything means they agreed with his actions. He felt Xie Huilan is also establishing her authority through this incident. Her 'adjustment period' in Yan Tai County had ended, and she is making her move now?

This is not the time to make guesses.

I should do what I need to do!


Dong Xuebing got dressed and left his room for the elevator.

A few moments later, the elevator doors opened, and Dong Xuebing saw two familiar faces inside. Li Feng and his secretary Wang Bo.

Dong Xuebing blinked and greeted them. "Oh, hi… Mayor Li and Secretary Wang. Good morning."

Li Feng's face changed when he saw Dong Xuebing. He had called the higher-ups and hoped the City Government could force Dong Xuebing to leave and punish Yan Tai County. But things did not go according to plan. He heard Yan Tai County's Leader got mad and scolded Deputy Mayor Zheng and even ignored the Provincial Leader's secretary's orders by sealing the teahouse again. At night, he called Zheng Shizhang again and noticed his attitude changed towards him. Zheng Shizhang brushed this matter off, and Li Feng knew the City Government would not interfere. They are allowing Dong Xuebing to do whatever he wants in Da Feng County.

Li Feng is really angry.

Peng Kenong had called Li Feng for help again after the teahouse is sealed again. But what can Li Feng do? That is Yan Tai County, and even the local leaders ignore the Provincial Government Leader's Secretary. The most he can call the Provincial Government to ask for help but cannot ask them to interfere directly. He does not have the influence or power to do that. Many people say he is a distant relative with a Provincial Government Leader. Still, only a handful of people knows his distanced relative is not a leader. He is only the Leader's relative. That's why Li Feng cannot do anything to Yan Tai County and had made him lose 'face'!

The City Government is not going to do anything about this?

Then we will settle it ourselves!

Li Feng's character is overbearing. This is shown by his refusal to apologize after snatching Yan Tai County's investment and the fake injury incident. This time, he is really angry as a lowly Investment Promotion Agency Chief from another County disrespects him. How dare he come to my turf to create trouble?!

In the elevator.

Li Feng ignored Dong Xuebing.

Wang Bo glanced at Dong Xuebing and closed the elevator's door to go up.

Dong Xuebing is not going up, but he had pressed both the up and down buttons earlier. He grumbled under his breath. 'How rude. They don't even know how to return my greeting."

After the elevator doors closed, Li Feng's eyes grew cold. "Call Sun Pengpeng! Get someone from Public Security to watch over him! I want him to be watched 24 hours!"

Wang Bo is stunned. Subjecting a Section Chief ranked civil servant under surveillance is… but it is critical now. Many investors from overseas and local reporters, etc., are here for the investment fair. If Dong Xuebing starts any trouble, it will be disastrous. This investment fair must not go wrong. Wang Bo gritted his teeth and called Public Security Bureau's Deputy Chief Sun Pengpeng, who is in charge of the investment fair's security.

The elevator arrived, and Dong Xuebing went downstairs to the lobby. To his surprise, the lobby is empty except for some hotel staff and security guards. All of them are looking at Dong Xuebing, and Da Feng County must have said something to them. He thought for a while and could guess what happened. The investors had arrived at the hotel yesterday, and the opening ceremony should be today. All of them should be in a ballroom on the top floor listening to Da Feng County Leaders giving speeches.

Dong Xuebing did not go upstairs and went out to grab an earlier lunch.

Dong Xuebing had purposely chatted with investors in front of Li Feng and other Da Feng County Leaders to spite them. He might be rash, but he still knows the rules. He will not barge into the ballroom stupidly as it will be crossing the line.

After lunch, Dong Xuebing drove around Da Feng County.

Suddenly, he looked at his rear-view mirror and frowned. He noticed a Beijing Hyundai which had followed him since he left the hotel. Other people might not notice it as the car is not following him closely. It kept a distance behind other cars and followed him quietly. But Dong Xuebing had worked in State Security and Public Security before, and his anti-surveillance skill is quite strong.

You all are following me?!

Dong Xuebing turned into Rui He Hotel and stopped suddenly to alight!

The Hyundai slowed down and tried to turn away from Dong Xuebing. But Dong Xuebing had stepped in front of that Hyundai and forced them to stop. Two men are in the car. One is in his thirties, and the other is around twenty-six or twenty-seven. After being in Public Security for so long, he knew these two should be Police Officers.

How dare you all send people to follow me?! Are you all treating me like a criminal?

Dong Xuebing is mad. Even if the Police want to subject a criminal to surveillance, they must also get approval from the higher-ups, let alone a government leader. They should not have permission to do this! Damn! Da Feng County is too much!

"Get down!" Dong Xuebing stormed over and opened the car door.

The front passenger stared at Dong Xuebing coldly. "What are you trying to do? Why are you blocking us? Didn't you see we are turning right?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "You all had followed me all around Da Feng County! You still dare to deny?"

That younger officer replied. "Follow you? Does this road belong to you? Are you the only person who can drive on it and not us?!"

"Hmph! Good!" Dong Xuebing does not have evidence and could not do anything to them. "I remembered your faces. I dare you all to continue following me!"

The younger officer laughed. "Are you crazy? Why are you talking to yourself?"

These two officers had received orders to follow Dong Xuebing and know this is against the regulations. That's why they will never admit they are following Dong Xuebing. When Dong Xuebing stopped their car, they were also stunned. Isn't this person the Investment Promotion Agency Chief? How come he can discover us? How come someone from the Investment Promotion Agency is so strong at anti-surveillance?

A few men walked out from the back of the hotel towards them.

The person in front is wearing Police uniforms. He is middle-aged and balding. From his rank, he should be a Deputy Public Security Chief. "What is going on?"

The two officers immediately got out of their car. "Chief Sun, we had just returned from patrolling, and this man stopped us and insisted we are following him!"

Sun Pengpeng frowned as he looks at those two officers. How come they cannot even complete such a simple task?

Dong Xuebing glanced at that man. "Chief Sun? Deputy Bureau Chief Sun Pengpeng? I have heard of you."

Sun Pengpeng laughed. "I should be the one saying this. Everyone within the Public Security has heard of your name, Chief Dong." He had heard of Dong Xuebing's name from others.

This guy had worked in Public Security before!? Those two officers finally understood why Dong Xuebing was so alert.

Dong Xuebing continued. "I will not pursue this matter as this is the first time. But I don't want to see this happening again. You all should know the consequences of subjecting a Government staff under surveillance without proper paperwork!"

Sun Pengpeng frowned. "Chief Dong, are you being too unreasonable? My men had only gone out for patrol. When did they follow you?"

Dong Xuebing coldly replied. "You should know what is going on! This is all I have to say. If you all are going to ignore my warnings, try following me again!" Dong Xuebing said and walked away.

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