Power and Wealth

Chapter 432 – XiaoDong’s revenge!

The dinner ended before 8 pm.

The living room is full of alcohol smell as they had finished two bottles of Maotai.

Hu Silian looks at her watch and said goodbye. Everyone stood up to walk her out. After she left, Liu Dahai, Chen Fa, and Deputy Team Leader Feng also left. Dong Xuebing is worried for their safety and asked Deputy Team Leader Feng to get someone to send them to a hotel. Only Luo Haiting, Lin Pingping, and Guo Panwei remain in the living room.

Dong Xuebing smiles. "It's getting late. You all should go back and rest too.""

""I'm not in a hurry." Luo Haiting stood up in her long tight dress and starts clearing the dishes. "I will leave after doing the dishes. How can I let you clear up after us?"

Lin Pingping quickly goes over to help her. "I will wipe the table."

Guo Panwei also got up to help. He swept the floor and took out the trash.

About ten minutes later, the living room is cleaned. Dong Xuebing said. "I had wanted to give you all a treat but end up troubling you all by cooking and cleaning up for me. But Sister Luo and Sister Lin's food are delicious. I would be embarrassing myself if I had cooked. Hahaha… thank you. I will treat you all at a good restaurant another day." They had just helped him clean up, and it's not nice to ask them to leave. "Sit around for a chat."

Everyone sat at the dining table again.

Dong Xuebing took out a cigarette, and Guo Panwei immediately took out his lighter.

Dong Xuebing looked at Luo Haiting and Lin Pingping and pushed the lighter away before keeping the cigarette.

Lin Pingping quickly says. "Just carry on."

"We are fine." Luo Haiting took out a lighter and tried to light Dong Xuebing's cigarette. "Don't mind us. Just smoke if you…."

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. "Never mind. How can I let you two ladies suffer from second-hand smoke? Haha… I can also cut down on my cigarettes. Oh, Panwei." He points at the little closet by the door. "There should be eight or nine cartons of cigarettes there. Help me take them out." There is no more alcohol in his apartment, but there are still lots of cigarettes. These are all given to him by colleagues during Chinese New Year. He pushed the cigarettes forward after Guo Panwei took them out. "Panwei, Sister Lin, and Sister Luo. Take three cartons each when you all leave."

Luo Haiting quickly shakes her head. "No… how can I accept your gift?"

Lin Pingping and Guo Panwei also rejected.

Dong Xuebing smiled. "I can't finish so many cartons. Just treat it as helping me. Don't forget to bring them back when you all leave."

These are either Zhong Hua or Fu Rong cigarettes and are expensive.

Lin Pingping and the rest had not given Dong Xuebing any gifts and felt awkward to take his gifts.

Luo Haiting smiled. "Then I will thank you on behalf of my husband for the cigarettes."

Dong Xuebing replied. "What's there to thank? If you all need cigarettes, just come over and get it from me."

After Director Luo accepts the gift, Lin Pingping and Guo Panwei did not reject Dong Xuebing's offer.

Dong Xuebing did not send them off, and they are not in a hurry to leave. They continued chatting at the table.

As they were chatting, Dong Xuebing's eye suddenly twitched. He felt someone had stepped on his foot. He thought it should be someone's feet had touched him accidentally. But after a while, he realized that person has no intentions of moving his or her foot away. That soft foot rubbed against the top of Dong Xuebing's shoe and moved up against his leg. He felt the familiar sensation on the other party's foot. It's stockings.

Luo Haiting and Lin Pingping are sitting opposite Dong Xuebing, and Lin Pingping is wearing leather shoes today. It's not easy to remove leather shoes. Without a doubt, the foot belongs to Sister Luo as she is wearing heels.

What is Sister Luo doing?

This is killing me.

"I heard Mayor Xie had gone to the City, and Secretary Xiang and Secretary Duan had complained against Da Feng County to the City Government."

"I have also heard about this. All of our Leaders are furious. But even if the City Government reprimanded Da Feng County and Mayor Li, we also cannot get back Peng Kenong's investment."

"What is Peng Kenong thinking? He didn't keep to his words and had really offended our County this time."

"Peng Kenong's company is not in our County, and he is not afraid of us. That's why he dares to offend us and embarrass Mayor Xie and Mayor Zhao. But I heard he had set up a teahouse with some friends at Hua Mei District. That is the only business he has in our County, and all of his other factories and investments are in other cities."

Guo Panwei, Lin Pingping, and Luo Haiting started chatting about this incident again.

Luo Haiting sips on her tea as they chatted and did not show any other expressions.

But the little foot stroking Dong Xuebing's leg moves higher. Luo Haiting is crossing her legs, and the tablecloth covered what she was doing under the table. She looks dignified but is teasing his leg underneath.

Dong Xuebing controlled himself and asked. "What teahouse? I thought Peng Kenong does not have any investment here?"

Luo Haiting flicks her hair seductively. "That teahouse is not fully owned by him, but he owns a big portion of the shares in it."

"Hua Mei District?" Dong Xuebing stops moving his leg. "Is it that two stories, "Nong Cha" teahouse?"

Luo Haiting nodded. "Have you been there before?"

Dong Xuebing smiles. "It's such a coincidence. My helper was called to that teahouse by a few State Security Officers. I went over to have a look, and those State Security Officers are imposters. They had made a fake work pass and even got the serial numbers wrong. Haha… So, that's Peng Kenong's teahouse?! Great!"

Lin Pingping could sense the unspoken. "You… Are you going to…"

Guo Panwei's eyes brightened up. Should he get the Industry Bureau to create some troubles for them?

"I did not mean anything." Dong Xuebing replied. "Our County's focus this year is getting investors to invest with us. Even if the investor is untrustworthy like Peng Kenong, we must treat them seriously and not be petty. He might have disrespected our County, Agency and even threatened us to increase our benefits. We should treat them with respect. If we get back at Peng Kenong by targeting his teahouse, we might scare other investors away."

Luo Haiting was surprised by what Dong Xuebing said.

Lin Pingping was also impressed by Chief Dong…

Only Guo Panwei was unfazed. Luo Haiting and Lin Pingping had only known Dong Xuebing for two months, but he knows him for quite some time. He knows how Dong Xuebing does things. Be forgiving towards Peng Kenong? Bullshit! If Chief Dong can think of the bigger picture, he would not have offended so many people!

As expected, what Dong Xuebing in the next second revealed his true colors. "Of course, the Health Bureau and Fire Department can check on that teahouse. It's almost Labor Day, and public safety is our main concern. If Mr. Peng's teahouse is good in these areas, we must still remind him about this. Attracting investors is important, but protecting the civilians is more important. We must not ignore our people because we want to attract investments."


After saying so much, you still want to get revenge.

Lin Pingping almost fell off the chair. She should have known Chief Dong is not so forgiving!

Dong Xuebing will settle the score, but that does not mean he is not concerned about the big picture. Peng Kenong had offended the whole Yan Tai County. Maybe he thought it will not blow up, but this incident had blown up. He had gone back on his words and embarrassed Mayor Xie and Yan Tai County's Investment Promotion Agency in the first place. It's fine if he had accepted Da Feng County's offer because of other reasons. But he had slapped Yan Tai County because of some benefits and subsidies. Does he think he can do whatever he wants with a Government Department? The county government gave in to him, offered the best policies to his company, and even gave him free publicity by letting Mayor Xie and Mayor Zhao host the contract signing ceremony. How can he treat Yan Tai County like this?! He even threatens to walk away if they are not going to lower the land price.

F**k you!

No one can do this to a Government department! This grudge has been made, and someone must get back at Peng Kenong!

Peng Kenong only has a teahouse in Yan Tai County, and it is a partnership. This target is too small for the County Leaders to go after him personally. After some considerations, Dong Xuebing decided to do this on behalf of the Leaders. This is also considered helping the Leaders and setting an example for others. If Yan Tai County did not retaliate, other investors might think the County Government is a pushover, and they will do whatever they want.

Peng Kenong had brought all these to himself.

Pang Zhou had been dealt with, and it's time to settle the score with Peng Kenong. How dare you embarrass my Huilan? I will teach you a lesson and let you know that you are not allowed to step all over us! We had treated you well is not because we are afraid of you! Don't think too highly of yourself!

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