Power and Wealth

Chapter 391 – Dong Xuebing’s Approval


City's Party Committee Family Quarters.

Yang Zhaode's apartment's living room.

Luan Xiaoping took out the dishes from the kitchen. "What are you two chatting about?"

Yang Zhaode laughed and stood up to help her. "I am talking to Xiao Bing about his work performance. I had watched the news about him fighting off the tiger at the zoo, gunning down the escaped convicts, and recovering the stolen relics several times. Xiaoping, your son, is very outstanding. Even I don't have his guts at his age."

Luan Xiaoping felt proud, but she did not show it. "This kid only knows how to create trouble."

Dong Xuebing retorted. "I did not create any trouble. I just happen to be there."

"That's right." Yang Zhaode added. "Just do what you are supposed to do and don't be afraid of the consequences."

Luan Xiaoping gave Yang Zhaode a stare. "Stop helping him. everyone is calling him the God of Plague now."

"Mum, why are you bring this up again?" Dong Xuebing quickly added. "I will get the rice."

Luan Xiaoping gave Dong Xuebing a stare. "You are always running away whenever I mention this."

Yang Zhaode laughed.

Dong Xuebing thought to himself. If I don't run away, you will bring up all my embarrassing incidents since young. It's too embarrassing.

During lunch, Yang Zhaode did not put on the airs of a City's Party Committee member. He is friendly and kept putting food into Dong Xuebing's bowl, making him feel awkward. Luan Xiaoping pretended not to see it and quietly put some vegetables into Yang Zhaode's bowl. This lunch feels like a family meal and felt warm.

Almost at the end of the meal, Yang Zhaode and Luan Xiaoping exchanged looks.

Luan Xiaoping gestured to her son with her chin and seems to be asking Yang Zhaode to say something.

Dong Xuebing saw everything from the corner of her eyes but pretended not to see it.

Yang Zhaode put down his chopsticks and looked at Dong Xuebing. "Xiao Bing, your mother had encountered some issues at the school she is teaching now. I am thinking of helping her to get a transfer to a school in the City. What do you think?" Luan Xiaoping did not say anything and secretly look at her son's facial expression.

This is what they wanted to say!

Dong Xuebing knew the issues at work are all bullshit. The real reason is it's easier for them to meet each other if his mother is working in the city. Yang Zhaode is seeking Dong Xuebing's approval for their relationship. From the moment Dong Xuebing steps into the apartment, he observes his mother and Yang Zhaode. They did not show their affection to each other openly, but he can tell they are very close. It's like a couple who had been together for a long time. Dong Xuebing knew his mother is deeply in love with Yang Zhaode, and there's no way to stop her.

Luan Xiaoping became anxious when she sees her son keeping quiet. "Xiao Bing?"

Dong Xuebing smiled. "I don't mind if you want a change of environment."

Luan Xiaoping smiled. "Ok. Here, eat more."

Yang Zhaode is also in a good mood. "Let's have a bottle of wine."

"Huh? Uncle Yang, it's not that I don't want to drink. I drove here."

"Just stay here tonight." Yang Zhaode turned to get a bottle of Wuliangye. "I have spare rooms here. Stay here tonight and go back tomorrow. Come, let's drink."

Dong Xuebing did not reject his offer and poured a glass of wine for him.

After eating, Yang Zhaode went to do the dishes.


Luan Xiaoping pulled her son into the bedroom and asked. "Xiao Bing, what do you think of Old Yang?"

Dong Xuebing sat on the bed and replied honestly. "You have good eyes. I thought Old Yang will not treat you well before I come. Stop staring at me. After all, he is a City Party Committee Member, and his status is much higher than ours. But now… I can tell he likes you a lot."

Luan Xiaoping laughed. "He treats me well."

Dong Xuebing blinked. "Are you two planning to spend the rest of your lives together?"

"… Actually, when I know Old Yang is a high-ranking government official in the City, I… also hesitated." Luan Xiaoping said. "If he is an ordinary person, it's still fine. But his rank is too high, and I was afraid I will not be good enough for him. Maybe Old Yang had sensed what I felt, and he treated me better. Do you know, I had only mentioned about the food at my school does not taste good and is too oily, Old Yang wakes up early to cook lunch and asked his driver to deliver it to me at my school. All I need to do is to warm it up in the microwave, and this went on for two weeks. I was so touched."

Dong Xuebing was also impressed by what Old Yang did.

Luan Xiaoping smiled. "After being together with him for some time, I noticed he is not the type who will look down on people with lower status."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Alright. Since you said it, I will also tell you my thoughts. I will not interfere with your relationship. When are you two getting married?"

Luan Xiaoping blushed. "We had only known each other. It's too early to talk about marriage."

"Still early?" Dong Xuebing grumbled. "You two had only known each other for four months and are already living together."

"What nonsenses are you talking about" Luan Xiaoping stared at her son. "We are not young and had discussed this. We will just register our marriage and will not hold any ceremony. After we got our marriage certificate, we will give our relatives a treat." She paused for a while. "I still have not to tell your grandmother and uncle. Don't tell them anything first."

"Ok." Dong Xuebing's Uncle and Aunts love to show off. If they know about this, they will be telling everyone about Luan Xiaoping dating a City Party Committee Member.

Luan Xiaoping is assured after getting her son's support. She went out to tell Yang Zhaode this piece of good news and washed the dishes with him. Luan Xiaoping had told him that they must get her son's approval first. If her son disapproves of their relationship, she will not consider marriage. Now, Luan Xiaoping's son had given his approval, and he is overjoyed.


The three of them are watching TV in the living room.

Yang Zhaode did not hold back and held Luan Xiaoping's hand on the sofa. Luan Xiaoping looks at her son nervously, and seeing her son not reacting, she leaned on his shoulder.

"Xiao Bing, do you have any problems at work?" Yang Zhaode asked.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "No. Everything is fine."

Yang Zhaode laughed. "You ah… are you still treating me as an outsider? Your mother and I are going to register our marriage, and we will be a family soon. I don't have any children, and I don't care how you see me, but I will treat you as my son. Just look for me if you encounter any problems. Although my power is limited, I still have some say in the City." As a senior official in the City Government, Yang Zhaode is good with his words and made Dong Xuebing comfortable.

This is their first meeting, and Dong Xuebing does not want to ask him for help. Furthermore, he is not facing any issues now. He wants to be promoted to Deputy Director rank, but he must show results first and not depend on others. This is the rule in the government. Even Xie Huilan has to climb up the ranks slowly despite her family background. He also doesn't want Old Yang's help as his mother, and he is not married yet. How will Old Yang think about him if he asks him for help now? Maybe his impression of Luan Xiaoping will change. Since Luan Xiaoping wants to be with him, Dong Xuebing will not want their relationship to sour.

"I am not treating you as an outsider. I am really not facing any problems at work." Dong Xuebing laughed. "If I need help in the future, I will surely look for you."

Luan Xiaoping interrupted. "Old Yang, you know lots of people, and Xiao Bing is in his twenties. If he remains single, I…"

Dong Xuebing is speechless. "Mum, why are you talking about this again?"

Luan Xiaoping gave Dong Xuebing a stare. "I am worried for you. Xiao Jin is already getting married, and you don't even have a girlfriend."

Dong Xuebing wants to tell his mother that he will be a father soon, but he doesn't know how to tell her. Aunt Xuan was their neighbor and is close to Luan Xiaoping. They had been addressing each other as sisters, and if she knows Aunt Xuan is pregnant with his child, his mother might be mad. Dong Xuebing is still troubled with how to tell his mother.

Yang Zhaode smiled. "Many young single girls are living in the quarters. If Xiao Bing is interested, I can introduce them."

Dong Xuebing quickly rejects. "No… no… Uncle Yang, don't do that."

Luan Xiaoping lectured her son for a while and did not bring this up again.

They had dinner at home and drank another bottle of Wuliangye.

Dong Xuebing did not cheat with his power and got drunk after a few glasses. He put his arm around Yang Zhaode's shoulder and even 'threaten' him. If he dares to treat Luan Xiaoping badly in the future, he will not let him off. Luan Xiaoping is furious and almost hit her son with a broom. However, Yang Zhaode is not angry and laughed it off. He even promised Dong Xuebing that he will treat his mother well forever, making Luan Xiaoping blush.

Actually, Dong Xuebing is not drunk. Old Yang's rank is much higher than him, and somethings cannot be said when he is sober. So, Dong Xuebing pretended to be drunk and said all these. To Dong Xuebing, his mother is his everything.

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