Power and Wealth

Chapter 388 – Mastermind


Cheng Keliang also alighted and looked towards Dong Xuebing. "Mayor Xie, what happened?"

Xie Huilan smiled. "It's not far from the quarters here. You can go back first. I still have something to attend."

"Is there trouble?" Cheng Keliang frowned. "Is that Xiao Dong? Why is he fighting again?"

Xie Huilan glanced at Cheng Keliang. "… go back first, ok?"

Cheng Keliang can only nod and crossed the road towards the County Party Committee quarter. Xie Huilan waved her hand to send her driver Old Xing away and walked over to Dong Xuebing with a smile. "Xiao Dong, what are you doing?"

Dong Xuebing dares not to release his grip on that man's neck. "Someone is following you. I had captured him."

"You are terrific." Xie Huilan smiled wearily.

"Eh, stay away from him! He is armed!"

"I know he is armed." Xie Huilan looked at the crowd looking at them. "Alright. Let's talk in the car."

Dong Xuebing was stunned, but he did not release his grip. "You know him?!"

Xie Huilan nodded and boarded the Jetta. Dong Xuebing hesitated for a second before releasing that man and got into the car.

"What is going on?" Dong Xuebing asked. Did I catch the wrong person?

Xie Huilan giggled. "Let me introduce. This is Chen Xuan. He is an officer from the Central Military Commission 2nd Bureau. After the time bomb incident last year, my family is worried about my safety and sent Xiao Chen to protect me. Haha… but only the Ministerial level leaders are assigned with personal guards. That's why I don't want to let others know and asked Xiao Chen to protect me from a distance."

Dong Xuebing smacked his lips. "Sigh… why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xie Huilan smiled. "I was still thinking of asking Xiao Chen to return earlier."

"Mdm!" Chen Xuan said. "I cannot return before completing my task! Mdm. Han had instructed me to protect…"

"Alright… alright…" Xie Huilan smiled. "Just follow me if you want, but don't get capture next time."

Chen Xuan's face turned red. Xie Huilan had not hidden his identity from Dong Xuebing, and he knew Dong Xuebing must be someone she trusted.

Xie Huilan looked at Dong Xuebing and giggled. "You are terrific. Xiao Chen is considered one of the best fighters in his Bureau, and even seven or eight people cannot get close to him. But you manage to pin him down with one move, and he didn't even have the chance to take out his gun."

The Central Military Commission Intelligence Bureau is a special unit. The 2nd Bureau is considered an independent department with elite officers. Even the best soldiers from other units might not even meet the minimum entry requirements of this Bureau. Its main duty is protecting deputy ministerial-level and above leaders

Dong Xuebing felt embarrassed and shook Chen Xuan's hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you are protecting Huilan. Err… is your neck, ok? I should not be so rash." He thought to himself. No wonder this guy is so skilled.

Chen Xuan regained his composure. "It's alright. My skills are not good enough."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Are you being modest? That was a sneak attack. Don't take it seriously.

Chen Xuan knew that even if he is prepared, he cannot win against Dong Xuebing unless he takes out his gun from the start.

Xie Huilan saw Chen Xuan's confidence was shattered and smiled. "Xiao Chen, my mother, had told me about your achievements in your Bureau. Don't be so down, and don't compare yourself with Xiao Bing." She turned to Dong Xuebing and continued. "He… he managed to kill 9 armed criminals by himself while being handcuffed and guns pointing at him. Don't compare with him."

Chen Xuan gasped.

"Oh, I still have not introduced him." Xie Huilan smiled and held Dong Xuebing's hand. "This is Dong Xuebing. My fiancee."

Dong Xuebing felt he's on cloud nine when Xie Huilan introduced him as her fiancee. It felt different when she introduced him as her boyfriend.

Chen Xuan was stunned and looked at Dong Xuebing.

Xie Huilan added. "He… he likes to go beyond his limits. If he meets any danger in the future, you must protect him. Remember, his life is more important than mine. You understand?"

Chen Xuan did not reply as he doesn't know what to say.

Dong Xuebing gave Xie Huilan a stare. "Protect me for what?! Do I still need protection?"

Xie Huilan smiled and played with Dong Xuebing's fingers. "I heard you had offended Xin Hua News Agency reporters this afternoon. If you don't change this habit of creating trouble, you will be in trouble sooner or later. Xiao Chen is armed and is better than you fight barehandedly. I will let Xiao Chen follow you after I reach my office in the future."

Dong Xuebing refused to accept this arrangement. Although he is touched by Xie Huilan's concern for him, he doesn't want to be watched.

In the end, this arrangement was not accepted by Dong Xuebing and Chen Xuan.

"My car is still parked behind." Dong Xuebing heard someone sounding the horns. "Err… I will go over to your place for dinner?"

Xie Huilan smiled. "I have a dinner appointment at around 7 pm."

"You are always so busy."

"I will call you if I come back early."

"Ok, then I will be going off."


Dong Xuebing cooked a simple dinner for himself after he got home.

After hearing Xie Huilan introducing him as her fiancee and holding her hand in the car, he is in a good mood. But it's a pity that Chen Xuan and many people are around at that time, and he didn't get the chance to do anything else. After dinner, Dong Xuebing washed the dishes and returned to the living room for a smoke.

Ring… ring… ring… Dong Xuebing's mobile phone rang.

Dong Xuebing looks at the caller ID. It's Xie Huilan's cousin, Xie Jing.

"Hello, Xiao Jing." Dong Xuebing smiled as he answered. "I was about to call you to thank you for your help this afternoon."

Xie Jing giggled. "Brother-in-law, we are one family. What's there to thank? Have you finished work? Are you having dinner with my Sis?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "Your Sis has a dinner appointment. I had just finished my simple dinner at home."

"Huh? You know how to cook? I must try your cooking some other day."

"Sure. I will cook for you if you come to our County."

After chatting for a while, Xie Jing suddenly asked. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask you. Do you know Pan Zhou?"

Dong Xuebing thought for a while. "Pan Zhou? I had never heard of this person before. Why?"

Xie Jing replied. "Li Shengbing returned this evening and come to look for me. I questioned him and noticed something was off. So, I put on a straight face and scare him. He told a Da Feng County's leader, Pan Zhou, had helped his classmate, Wang Na, before. During dinner, Pan Zhou mentioned you and asked Wang Na to give you some trouble. Li Shengbing wants to show off in front of his classmate and followed along to your County.

Dong Xuebing is furious when he heard this. Someone is pulling strings behind. No wonder these reporters had purposely find trouble with him!

Pan Zhou?

Da Feng County's leader?

Dong Xuebing had not even heard about this person.

Who the f**k is he?! When did I offend you? Why are you finding trouble with me?!

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing called Office Director Luo Haiting. "Hello, Sister Luo. Do you know who Pan Zhou from Da Feng County is?"

Luo Haiting paused for a second. "Pan Zhou? Oh, he is Da Feng County's Investment Promotion Agency Chief."

Dong Xuebing frowned and understood what is going on. "Investment Promotion Agency's Chief?"

"Yes. Our Counties are next to each other, and we had met him before in the past. Our relationship has never been good because of getting investments." Da Feng County's economic conditions are much better than Yan Tai County, and they attracted more investments.

"No wonder!" Dong Xuebing is furious. "That Pan Zhou is too much! He even dares to get Xin Hua News Agency Provincial Branch to create trouble for us. What is he trying to do? How can someone like him be the Agency's Chief?"

Luo Haiting's face changed. "You are saying those reporters in the afternoon… but we did not… oh, Liang Zeyuan was supposed to invest in Da Feng County, and they almost signed the contract. But he changed his mind and invested in our County. That's why Pan Zhou… No wonder those reporters went straight to Mr. Liang's pork processing plant…" Luo Haiting is also angry with Da Feng County. They had lost this deal to Yan Tai County and resorted to such underhand methods. This is too much.

Dong Xuebing knew what Sister Luo said should be the reason.

Luo Haiting continued angrily. "They are too petty and unreasonable. Chief, should we bring up this matter to the County Government?"

"What can we do against him? He is from another County, and there's nothing we can do. Don't interfere with this. I will settle this score with him another day!"

Dong Xuebing hated the ones who use underhand methods. Just because you lost an investor to us, you got the reporters to find trouble with us. Pan Zhou, what you did is too much.

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