Power and Wealth

Chapter 379 – Get him to leave!

Afternoon. 2.40 pm.

Finance Department Administration Office.

After a series of weird incidents, the office's work had halted. The air conditioner had stopped, and it's very cold. The staff had to go downstairs to get water if they are thirsty. Two important documents went missing, a PC was destroyed, numerous data were gone, phone lines were cut, electricity had stopped. A modern office had returned to pre-cultural revolution times in an instant! The Administration Office is the core of the Finance Department, and once it's down, the whole department cannot function. The Finance Department had descended into chaos.

Ding Li is furious. "Check the circuit board! Resume the power first!"

Tang Xiaojun stuttered. "Chief Dong asked me to ask you about the Investment Promotion Agency's funds…"

"Tell him we have no money!" Ding Li felt all these incidents must be done by an office staff, who is in cahoots with Dong Xuebing. He got more furious. "Watch your men. It must be one of them who had to meddle with the circuit board. After electricity is resumed, get someone to guard it!"

"Yes." Tang Xiaojun left the office quickly.

A few minutes later, electricity was resumed.

The office is no longer so tense, and all the staff went back to work.

A few staff, who wanted to go to the photocopier machine, purposely walked one big round to avoid Dong Xuebing. The rest kept stealing glances at Dong Xuebing, and no one dares to say a word.

"Chief." Luo Haiting looks at Dong Xuebing. "This…"

Dong Xuebing turned to her. "What is it?"

Luo Haiting cleared her throat. "Err… nothing." She dares not to ask if it was Dong Xuebing who had caused those incidents.

Ring… ring… ring… Dong Xuebing's phone rang. It was Deputy Mayor Zhao Xinglong.

Dong Xuebing answered and heard Zhao Xinglong's laughter. "Chief Dong, someone had complained to me about you. Are you in the Finance Department now? What is going on?"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Complaint about me? I did not do anything to disrupt their work. Mayor Zhao, are you talking about the chaos here? I think they must have offended someone. They had issued funds to the departments without taking the urgency into consideration. Someone must be taking revenge on them. Their power supply and phone lines were cut. Sigh… this has nothing to do with me. If you don't believe me, you can ask the staff. I had been sitting on the sofa all this while. Director Luo and the Administration Office's staff are my witnesses. Why are they complaining against me? They are accusing me of something I had not done."

Zhao Xinglong laughed. "You… are really a troublemaker."

"Mayor Zhao, I am not the culprit."

"There's no need to hide this from me." Zhao Xinglong laughed. "If it is someone else, I might still believe him. But I know how capable you are. Xuebing… The Finance Department is critical to the County Government. The higher-ups will definitely pursue if anything drastic happens there. So, you should know what to do and don't go overboard." Zhao Xinglong had never asked Dong Xuebing to stop. He is overseeing the Investment Promotion Agency, and if the Agency cannot deliver results, he will also be responsible. That's why he is on Dong Xuebing's side.

Dong Xuebing can tell Zhao Xinglong is supporting him. "… I understand."

"Alright. That's all."

"Ok. Wait for my good news."

After hanging up, Zhao Xinglong shook his head and smile. He had never interacted with Dong Xuebing in the past but had a bad impression of him based on what he heard. He felt this young man has no political wisdom and is rash and impulsive. But after working with him for these few days, he was impressed with him. He felt it is more effective for 'trouble makers' like Dong Xuebing to handle when it comes to difficulties like this.

Finance Department Administration Office.

Luo Haiting suddenly said. "Director Tang, you are back."

Dong Xuebing looks over. "Old Tang, the electricity has resumed? What about our Agency's money?"

Tang Xiaojun did not go near Dong Xuebing. He maintained two meters away from him. "Chief Dong, our department really does not have the funds to…"

Before Tang Xiaojun can finish, Dong Xuebing smiled and nodded.


The lights went out again!

The staff gasped and looked at Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing leaned back on the sofa and crossed his legs. He lit a cigarette and narrowed his eyes.

Tang Xiaojun's sweat started pouring down from his forehead.

Ding Li shouted from his office. "Tang Xiaojun!"

Tang Xiaojun got a staff to go downstairs to check on the circuit board before entering the office. "Chief, the power went out again. This… This…" Tang Xiaojun was scared. He can't wait to get Dong Xuebing to leave and never interact with him again in this life. "Chief, our account still has some money. I think… I think we should give it to the Investment Promotion Agency. Their situation is quite serious."

Ding Li banged the desk angrily. "I asked you to get someone to guard the circuit board! What are you doing?"

"I did, and I had sent two staff."

"Then why is the power cut off? And the blackout only happens in this office!"

Tang Xiaojun doesn't know how to reply. "Chief, Chief Dong will not leave if he doesn't get the fund, and we cannot chase him away. Even if he leaves today, what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? If he comes every day, our work…" Tang Xiaojun is afraid of being held responsible. He doesn't have evidence that Dong Xuebing had caused all these incidents, and he will be responsible for the phone lines and power supply cut. "Our work is seriously affected now. Without the Administration Office to coordinate the work, many of our departments are forced to stop working. This…"

Ring… ring… ring… Ding Li's phone rang.

Ding Li looked at the caller ID, and it's the County Party Committee Office Administration Director Lian Yanshan. "Director Lian."

Lian Yanshan suppressed his anger and asked. "Old Ding, what is going on with the Finance Department? I had been calling, but the lines could not get through. Why is the finance report I wanted not sent? I need it for the report for the meeting later! What time is it now? Look at the time!"

Ding Li took a deep breath. "Director Lian, our office is having some problems with the electricity. The power was cut, and therefore…"

Lian Yanshan interrupted. "No electricity? How come I have not heard about this? Why are other departments fine and only your Finance Department has no electricity? Stop giving me excuses! Send the report to the Party Committee now!" Lian Yanshan is Xiang Daofa's right-hand man and is also a member of the County's Party Committee. That's why he dares to speak to Ding Li this way.

After hanging up, Ding Li shouted at Tang Xiaojun. "Why are you still here? Hurry and send the finance report to the Party Committee! They need it urgently for the meeting later!"

Tang Xiaojun replied helplessly. "The report is saved in our PC, and we haven't print it out."

"Then go and print it!"

"But… there is no electricity, and the PC…"

Suddenly, there was a loud 'click,' and the office lights went out.

Tang Xiaojun did not dare to continue and quickly turn to go out to the main office. But as he was about to open the door, 'Click!'. The lights went off again!

Tang Xiaojun is speechless. Why did the power go off again?!

Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing!

Ding Li jumps up from his chair. He really wants to skin Dong Xuebing alive. "Hurry up and get Dong Xuebing to leave! Give him whatever he wants as long as he leaves immediately!" Ding Li couldn't stand it anymore.


Tang Xiaojun walked out of the office. "Chief Dong…"

Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and looks at him. "Old Tang, what is it?" Luo Haiting also turned towards Tang Xiaojun.

Tang Xiaojun cleared his throat. "Chief Ding has approved to issue 3 million to the Investment Promotion Agency. The money will be wired into your agency's account in an hour. Chief Dong, why don't you go back first? You should be quite busy with your agency work, right?"

Dong Xuebing smiled. "Old Tang, you all did not issue any money to other departments. How can you all issue the funds to us first?"

Tang Xiaojun almost cursed. "Chief Ding knows the Investment Promotion Agency situation is urgent and is facing more difficulties than other departments. That's why he is making an exception."

Dong Xuebing patted Tang Xiaojun's shoulder. "Alright. Thank you."

Tang Xiaojun forced a smile. "Don't mention it. We are all serving the people and should help one another."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Well said. Sister Luo, let's go."

"Yes!" Luo Haiting is overjoyed. She did not understand why Dong Xuebing said they will wait in the Finance Department until they issue the funds. She felt that the other party will not care even if they waited there. But half an hour later, Luo Haiting understood what Dong Xuebing meant. He had only sat there for a while, and many weird incidents happened in the office. This is unbelievable.

After a while, news of the chaos at the Finance Department spread.

County Government Office.

Xie Huilan smiled as she read the document in front of her. "What trouble has Xiao Dong caused this time?"

Hu Silian replied. "I heard that Chief Dong had gone to the Finance Department to get money, and within half an hour, their air conditioner, water dispenser broke down, phone lines were cut, many documents went missing, the electricity went down thrice, and a fire almost broke out." Hu Silian looked at Xie Huilan's expression and continued. "After that, the Finance Department gave the Investment Promotion Agency 3 million, and Chief Dong left."

Xie Huilan burst out laughing and stopped reading the document. "This Xiao Dong…"

"This matter…" Hu Silian is worried. Creating trouble in the Finance Department is very risky.

Xie Huilan laughed. "Xiao Dong had gotten the funds with his capabilities. Seems like the Finance Department still has plenty of reserves."

Hu Silian knew Mayor Xie had been unhappy with Ding Li for being on Xiang Daofa's side and is pleased with what Dong Xuebing did.

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