Power and Wealth

Chapter 363 – Got it!

Noon. 1 pm.

The alcohol smell in the private dining room is so strong that one can get drunk just sniffing it.

Dong Xuebing looked at the pot of flowers from the corner of his eyes and pretended to stand unsteadily. He quickly supported himself against the table, and Guo Panwei and Lin Pingping quickly help him up. Zhang Fan quickly pulls Dong Xuebing's chair over for him. Dong Xuebing burped and slurred. "Mr. Liang… I finished… 1.5 liters… right?! Haha… Seems like… *cough… *cough… my body is in a great condition today."

Liang Zeyuan laughed and banged the table. "Good alcohol tolerance! Chief Dong, you can really drink!" Zhao Xinglong was overjoyed when he saw Dong Xuebing really finishing all three bottles.

Lin Pingping and the rest were impressed. What Chief Dong did was too outstanding!

Dong Xuebing continued. "Then… I will represent the Investment Promotion Agency to welcome you to invest in Yan Tai County."

"Hahaha…" After recovering from the shock, Liang Zeyuan is in a great mood and is more interested in Dong Xuebing. "I, Liang Zeyuan, is a man of my words! We will discuss the contract this afternoon. I will sign the contract as long as the offers by Yan Tai County still stands. Hahaha… Chief Dong, you are the best drinker among all the Investment Promotion Agency Officers I met!" Lin Pingping is overjoyed when Liang Zeyuan confirmed the investment deal. "Thank you, Mr. Liang." Liang Zeyuan laughed. "It's all Chief Dong's credit. Hahaha…"

Liang Zeyuan's driver was also stunned by Dong Xuebing. He sat there looking at Dong Xuebing's face in shock.

Zhao Xinglong looks at his watch. "It's 1pm. I still have a meeting in the afternoon." Actually, Zhao Xinglong is worried about Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing's stomach is filled with alcohol, and he cannot even stand straight. "Shall we end this lunch now? Xiao Dong had drunk a lot. Xiao Lin, Xiao Guo, bring Chief Dong to the hospital for an IV drip. I don't want anything to happen to him." Liang Zeyuan replied. "Sure. Let's end the lunch now. Chief Dong, let's drink some other time again!" Liang Zeyuan is not an unreasonable person and doesn't want anything to happen to Dong Xuebing. It's 1.5 liters of Maotai. If he was the one drinking it, he should be in an ambulance now.

The lunch ended.

Guo Panwei and Zhang Fan helped Dong Xuebing out of the restaurant slowly.

Lin Pingping went to the cashier to pay for the meal, but Liang Zeyuan grabbed the bill from her.

"Mr. Liang, what are you doing?" Lin Pingping said. "You had brought the liquor. How can we let you settle the bill?"

Liang Zeyuan laughed. "I am in a good mood today. Everything is on me… hahaha…" Lin Pingping smiled and did not say anything.

Carpark outside of the restaurant.

Zhao Xinglong instructed Lin Pingping to bring Dong Xuebing to the hospital immediately. After Liang Zeyuan left with his driver, Zhao Xinglong patted Dong Xuebing's shoulder. The latter was being carried into the Mercedes MPV. "Good job." This investment is Dong Xuebing's credit. Zhao Xinglong finally understood why Mayor Xie picked Dong Xuebing to be the Agency's Chief despite everyone's objections. This Xiao Dong dares to step forward during critical times and put himself at risk by drinking 1.5 liters of Maotai. No one else will dare to do this.

The Mercedes MPV drove off towards the north.

Guo Panwei is driving, and Lin Pingping and Zhang Fan are taking care of Dong Xuebing behind.

Lin Pingping looked at Chief Dong, who is losing consciousness. "Director Guo, can you drive faster?" Guo Panwei is also anxious, but he had drunk earlier and don't dare to drive too fast.

"Chief Dong, you must hold on. We are reaching the hospital." Lin Pingping said.

The moment the Mercedes left the restaurant's carpark, Dong Xuebing opened his eyes and looks around. He sat up, unwind the windows, and lit a cigarette. "Has Mr. Liang left?" Dong Xuebing is no longer swaying and slurring in his speech. He looked very awake and alert.

Lin Pingping and Zhang Fan were stunned.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Why are you two looking at me like this?" Lin Pingping asked. "You… are you alright?"

"What can happen to me?" Dong Xuebing turned to the stunned Guo Panwei, who was looking at him through the rear-view mirror. "Panwei, return to the Agency. I am not going to the hospital."

Guo Panwei is not sure if Chief Dong is drunk or not, and he hesitated. "Err…."

Dong Xuebing gave him a stare. "Just return to the Agency. Oh, Section Chief Lin, are all the documents ready for Mr. Liang's pork processing plant? Is the contract prepared?" Lin Pingping nodded unconsciously. Dong Xuebing replied. "Good. Go through all the details again and make sure everything is in order before meeting Mr. Liang later today. We must get him to sign the contract before he changes his mind. Try to get everything done by today."

"Yes, Sir."

Lin Pingping, Zhang Fan, and the rest could tell Chief Xiao Dong is not drunk at all. How can someone give out such detailed instructions when drunk? Dong Xuebing's sitting posture and the calm expression shows he is soberer than all of them! Zhang Fan couldn't believe Chief Xiao Dong can remain sober after drinking 1.5 liters of Maotai. Even if it is 1.5 liters of plain water, Dong Xuebing should be feeling bloated. Lin Pingping was also shocked. How can someone have such high alcohol tolerance? Out of the three, Guo Panwei was the least shocked, as Dong Xuebing had created too many miracles in State Security. He will believe, even if someone told him Dong Xuebing can drink 5 liters of Maotai.

Back at the Investment Promotion Agency, everyone immediately starts working.

At about 5 pm, Lin Pingping knocked and entered Dong Xuebing's office.

Dong Xuebing looks at Lin Pingping. "How is it?" Lin Pingping smiled. "It's done! We have gone through the details of the contract in the afternoon, and Mr. Liang signed it. The total investment is 20 million! The first investment will be in next week." Lin Pingping reached into her bag and took out a brown envelope. She passed the envelope to Dong Xuebing. "We had sent the contract to the County Government because the amount is very big. We must show it to Mayor Xie and Mayor Zhao. Here is a copy of the contract."

Dong Xuebing scanned through the contract quickly. "Good. You all had done well."

Lin Pingping smiles. "I don't dare to claim the credit for this. We can get this deal is all because of you."

"Haha… All I did is drink a liter of alcohol. It is all because of the prep work done by your Business Section One, and your understanding of the investor's character." Dong Xuebing continued. "Your team should follow up on this, and you will decide on the amount of bonus for your team members. I will not get involved."

Lin Pingping quickly replied. "No. You should be getting the bigger portion of this project's bonus…" Dong Xuebing laughed and interrupted her. "Your team had done all the prep work and followed this project all the way. This credit belongs to you all, and even if I did contribute to clinching this deal, it is all because of your team's collective effect. Haha… alright. Don't need to say anymore. I will not take any of the bonuses. The commission and bonus I promised should be around 400 to 500 thousand. I will inform Director Luo and let her issue you the money."

Lin Pingping still felt it's wrong. "Chief, you had clinched this deal, and we are getting the bonus… Most of my team are involved in this project, and they will be getting an average of 20 to 30 thousand each. This amount is too high…" Dong Xuebing replied. "Isn't it better to get a high bonus? This will motivate the rest to work harder. Also, your team members will not be getting so much. This time, you got the biggest credit for the project. I will assign 150,000 RMB from the bonus to you, and you will split the remaining. They should be getting 10,000 to 20,000 each." Lin Pingping took a deep breath and wanted to retort.

Dong Xuebing interrupted Lin Pingping. "Section Chief Lin, stop being modest, ok?"

"Errr… Thank you, Chief Dong." Who doesn't want to receive a higher bonus? Lin Pingping is a single mother, and it's not easy for a single woman to raise a child by herself.

Dong Xuebing remembered what Lin Pingping said in the past and laughed. "Is the Agency still biased towards your team?"

Lin Pingping smiled embarrassedly. She felt balanced now. Sun Shuli helped Business Section Two get deals, but Chief Sun had been getting a commission share. Compared to Chief Dong, Chief Dong had helped Section One clinch a deal and even give up his share of the team's bonus. It should be Chief Dong who is biased towards Business Section One.

News of Business Section One team members getting bonuses ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 RMB each, spread before all the staff reported off.

Many people are jealous of Lin Pingping for getting a bonus of 150,000 RMB.

150,000 RMB! This is the two- or three-years annual salary of a staff member!

If it is only the county government's commission, the amount will not be so high. That means the bonus promised by Chief Dong is real!

Suddenly, the staff members from Business Section Two and even some staff members from the Agency's Office start to think of ways to bring in more investments!

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