Power and Wealth

Chapter 354 – The cuckold Lui Dafa!

The next day. Morning.

Investment Promotion Agency.

Dong Xuebing drove into the compound and went straight to his office.

It's not the time for work yet, and many staff members were discussing the challenge between Chief Dong and Chief Lui. They are analyzing which side is stronger. All of them knew yesterday was only a test of strength, and the real war will start these two days. In government agencies, the staff will be very concerned when the higher-ups go against each other. Regardless of the leaders from the various sub-departments, or staff members, everyone is waiting to see if Chief Dong can win against the wily fox, Lui Dafa.

Guo Panwei is cleaning the windows with a cloth in Dong Xuebing's office.

When Dong Xuebing enters the office, he saw Guo Panwei. "Panwei, have you adapt to your new role?"

"Chief Dong." Guo Panwei quickly wipes his hands and poured a cup of tea for Dong Xuebing. "I had gone through the workflow but haven't got the chance to meet the people from various departments in the Agency and the County Government. Give me a week. I promise I will establish good relationships with them, and no one will give you problems. Under your leadership, we will…"

Dong Xuebing laughed and waved his hand. "Alright. Stop it."

Guo Panwei laughed and did not continue.

"Fostering a good relationship with the various departments can wait as things will not change overnight. Take your time."

"… yes." Guo Panwei pulled out the chair for Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing sat down and sip on his tea. "Oh, did Sister-in-law and your kid come over with you? Do you need help with your child's school transfer?"

Guo Panwei felt flattered to hear Dong Xuebing addressing his wife as 'Sister-in-law' and quickly replied. "Thank you for your concern. The second semester had just started, and I am worried his studies will be affected if he has to transfer school. That's why I did not let my wife and kid come here with me."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Ok. Let me know if you need any help."


When Guo Panwei was still in Beijing, he does not know about Dong Xuebing's situation in Yan Tai County. But after he arrived yesterday, he heard of Dong Xuebing's glorious past deeds in Yan Tai County. Killing nine armed criminals with his hands cuffed, saving people during a landslide, recovering the stolen artifacts from the Provincial Museum, arresting the relative of a County Party Committee member, challenging seven Tae Kwon Do schools in Korea, etc. Any of these incidents is outstanding and made Guo Panwei speechless. He realized that even after Dong Xuebing was transferred to Yan Tai County, Dong Xuebing is still Dong Xuebing. Everything he does is astonishing and outstanding.

Soon, it's time to start work.

Dong Xuebing assigned some tasks to Guo Panwei for him to inform the various departments.

But after a while, Dong Xuebing received feedback that the tasks he ordered are not proceeding smoothly. It's not the department's not willing to carry out his orders. They don't dare to ignore Dong Xuebing's orders, but the efficiency is too slow. Something minor that can be settled over the phone suddenly needs more than ten minutes. Some departments and staff, who are close to Lui Dafa, even chose to feign ignorance.

Dong Xuebing thought to himself. Fine. I shall see how long you all can last!

Dong Xuebing looked at his watch and closed his eyes to rest. Today, he will let everyone in the Agency know who is in charge here!


Deputy Chief Office.

Lui Dafa entered his office with his bag, and Deputy Office Director Dan Enguo followed behind.

"Enguo." Lui Dafa said. "Did that side make any move?"

Dan Enguo knew who Lui Dafa is referring to. He shook his head. "Nothing special. He had assigned some tasks to various departments earlier. But everyone is not willing to cooperate with him because you had spoken to them."

Lui Dafa laughed. "Alright. Go back to work, and report to me if you heard of anything."

"Yes, Sir." Dan Enguo left.

Lui Dafa crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette. He thought about his plan to make things difficult for Dong Xuebing and snubbed his cigarette with a cold smile. He took out some documents from his bag to start work, but three envelopes dropped out of the bag. Lui Dafa has the habit of collecting his mails every morning when he leaves home.

Lui Dafa opened the first envelope and threw it aside. It's a shopping advertisement

Lui Dafa opened the second envelope. It's an invitation to an event. He thought for a while and kept the invitation card in the drawer.

Lui Dafa continued to open the third envelope. He reached inside. Eh?! Photographs?! He is puzzled and looks at the photographs after taking it out from the envelope. His face immediately turns green, and jumps out of his chair. He was so angry until his hands and lips were trembling. The pictures are his wife, Li Hong, and his younger brother, Lui Dacai! These are pictures of them… Lui Dafa's lungs almost exploded!

Liu Dafa grabbed his phone and called Li Hong.

Ring… ring… Li Hong answered. "Hello? What is it? I am still sleeping!"

Lui Dafa roared into the phone. "Li Hong! What the f**k have you done?!"

Li Hong was stunned. "What's wrong with you?! Why are you screaming at me?!"

"You still want to hide about you and Dacai?!"

Li Hong panicked. "What are you talking about? What's wrong with Dacai and me?"

Lui Dafa threw the photographs on the table. "What's wrong?! Ah?! Someone had sent photographs of you two to my office! Everything is shown clearly in the photographs! Li Hong! How can you do such things?! You…! Why have I married a slut like you?!"

"I… I did not do anything… Stop accusing me."

"Wait for me at home! I will show you the photographs!"

A few seconds later, Li Hong broke down. She knew her affair with Lui Dacai was exposed and started crying. "I… I'm sorry."


At the same time.

Investment Promotion Agency's Office.

"Director, these are today's mail." A staff member carried a stack of letters in.

It's the Office department's job to receive mails. Luo Haiting nodded. "Go through and sort the mails. Let me know if there are letters from investors or business fairs."

The staff member acknowledged and went out to check the mails.

After a while, the staff member barged into Luo Haiting's office. Her face was all red and held up an envelope. "Director… Director… This… this…."

Luo Haiting frowned. "What's wrong? Why are you panicking?"

The staff member passed the envelope to Luo Haiting. "Look at this!"

Luo Haiting took out some photographs from the envelope, and her face immediately turns red. After a while, her eyes narrowed. She recognized the man in the photos. Lui Dacai, Lui Dafa's younger brother. She had met him several times, and the woman with the lustful expression under him is Lui Dafa's wife, Li Hong! Lui Dafa had brought his wife to some of the Agency's events. Everyone in the Agency knows who she is!

Lui Dafa's younger brother is having an affair with his wife?!

Luo Haiting was shocked and quickly ordered. "Go out first, and don't tell others about this!"

"Yes." The staff member wiped the sweat off her forehead and walks out of the office.

Luo Haiting felt the timing of these photos appearing is too weird. Why are these photos send to Investment Promotion Agency suddenly? Is someone trying to get Lui Dafa in trouble? The first person that comes to Luo Haiting's mind is Dong Xuebing. Is this Chief Dong's work? But… how did he get these pictures? From the photos' angle, it should not be a hidden camera and looks like someone standing there openly to take these pictures. The photos are from multiple angles, and it's like Li Hong, and Lui Dacai had purposely let someone take these photos.

What is going on?!

Luo Haiting is confused, but after calming down, she smiled. She quickly put the photos back into the envelope and went upstairs to Chief Dong's office.

Knock… knock…

"Come in." Dong Xuebing laughed in his heart.

Luo Haiting entered and closed the door behind her. "Chief, our Office Department had just received this mail."

Dong Xuebing pretended to ask. "Isn't that your department's duty to handle the mails? What's wrong?"

Luo Haiting looks at Dong Xuebing's expression and could not say anything. She continued. "It's some sensitive photos, and I don't know how to handle it. I need to seek your advice first. These are photographs of Chief Lui's wife and his younger brother." She passed the envelope to Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing looked at the photos, and his face changed slightly. He threw the photos on his desk angrily. "Who sent these photos!? Go and find out! I want the sender's address! What is this person thinking?! Ah? This is tarnishing our Investment Promotion Agency's reputation!" Dong Xuebing banged his desk. "Get Chief Lui here now!"

Luo Haiting blinked. This is not done by Chief Dong?

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath and asked. "Director Luo, this matter will affect our Agency and Chief Lui's reputation. Not many people have seen these photos, right? Ok… I hope this matter is not spread among the staff, or else, how is Chief Lui going to face others? Do you understand?"

Luo Haiting's heart skipped a beat. "… Chief… I know what to do."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Alright. Get Chief Lui over here!"

What Dong Xuebing said is not very clear. He used the word 'hope' and understood that if this matter is leaked, so be it.

Luo Haiting knew the grudge between Chief Dong and Chief Lui. With these photos in hand, Chief Dong will surely use it to deal with Lui Dafa. She quickly got Dong Xuebing's hint and left Dong Xuebing's office. Back at her office, she instructed two of her more trusted subordinates. Actually, she doesn't need to do anything, as there is no way to hide the affair between Lui Dafa's wife and his younger brother!

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