Power and Wealth

Chapter 328 – Why is there one more person under the blanket?

Afternoon. Dong Xuebing's apartment.

Dong Xuebing and Guo Panwei drank glasses after glasses of alcohol while chatting. Dong Xuebing also told Guo Panwei about his feats after he was transferred to Yan Tai County. He spoke about how he rescued the hostages from the school, save the trapped passengers from a landslide, etc. Guo Panwei was shocked and impressed with him.

"Panwei, drink!"

"Old Leader, let me give you a toast."

"Alright! Bottoms up! Sister Yu, you should drink too."

"I… I never had drunk Baijiu. I'm afraid…"

"Let me pour a glass for you." Guo Panwei poured a glass of alcohol for Yu Meixia.

Yu Meixia had no choice. "Alright…"

One glass…

Two glasses…

Three glasses…

Qianqian had finished lunch and went to the bedroom to nap, leaving Yu Meixia to accompany them.

After the three of them finished the bottle of Wuliangye, Dong Xuebing felt he had enough. Yu Meixia could not hold her liquor well and could not even sit up right. Guo Panwei stopped toasting them and left after chatting a while.

Only Yu Meixia and Dong Xuebing remained in the living room.

"Xiao Bing, I… I will pour a glass of tea for you." Yu Meixia turns to grab the hot water flask.

Dong Xuebing sat there. "Don't… you are drunk too… and might get scalded." He could not speak properly. "Come… sit over and accompany… accompany me for a while."

Yu Meixia stumbles over to the sofa and nearly fell.

Dong Xuebing laughed and helped her up. "You only had one glass, and you are drunk…"

Yu Meixia is in a daze and leaned against Dong Xuebing's chest.

One will lose senses when drunk. Dong Xuebing looks at Sister Yu's face and legs. He placed his hand on her thighs to stroke it, and his other hand went under her sweater. Although they had done it numerous times in the past two days, it's never enough for Dong Xuebing.

Yu Meixia pushed Dong Xuebing lightly. "Xiao Bing, don't…"

Dong Xuebing ignored her pleas and start to undress her pants, exposing her long johns underneath.

During winter, they had to wear many layers of clothes, and it is not easy to get undress.

After working hard for about five to six minutes, Dong Xuebing finally got Yu Meixia naked.

"No… Xiao Bing… let's do it… at night… it's too bright now."

Dong Xuebing doesn't care and said. "Sister Yu, dance that dance… for me…" He burps and continued. "That time you had dance once in Hua Mei Estate… That… classical dance… oh, I remember you have the music on your phone. Quick… I want to see you dance."

Yu Meixia tried to cover her naked body with her hands. "I… I am not wearing anything."

"You can dance like that." Dong Xuebing wants to see Yu Meixia dance without wearing anything. "Ok? Dance!"

Even when Yu Meixia is drunk, she is still very conservative. She hesitated and did not say anything. Dong Xuebing really wants to see her dance. "Hurry up. Dance… your figure is so good, and your dance should be nicer without wearing anything."

A few minutes later.

Yu Meixia gave in, and took out her Nokia N8 and played the melody.

The music started.

Yu Meixia stood in front of the TV with her hands covering her body awkwardly.

Dong Xuebing leans back on the sofa to admire her.

Yu Meixia started dancing and was very stiff at the beginning. She dares not extend her arms and legs and tried covering her body at certain parts of the dance. But under the influence of alcohol, she slowly forgot about her shyness and started dancing normally.


After the music ended, Yu Meixia quickly returns to the sofa.

Dong Xuebing kissed Yu Meixia. "You are so beautiful. Hmmm…. Let's try something new today."

"… Huh? What do you mean?" Yu Meixia bit her lips.

Dong Xuebing kissed Yu Meixia again and licked her lips. "Use your mouth today, ok?"

Yu Meixia panicked and shook her head shyly. "No…"

"What's wrong? Quick." Under the influence of alcohol, Dong Xuebing got bolder. "If you say no again, I will spank you." Dong Xuebing said and grabbed Yu Meixia's ass.

Yu Meixia's body stiffens up. "Don't…"

In the past, Qu Yunxuan had been taking care of Dong Xuebing for a few years, like an elder sister. Even after they slept together, Dong Xuebing also don't dare to make her do something she doesn't like. But towards Sister Yu, Dong Xuebing is different. Her character is soft and is older than Dong Xuebing by almost ten years. So, Dong Xuebing has no qualms about bullying her.

"Hurry up."

"No… I… I don't know."

Dong Xuebing puts on an angry expression and slapped Yu Meixia's ass. "You want me to beat you?"

Yu Meixia blushed and gave in. She bit her lips and stood up from the sofa. After Dong Xuebing got undressed, she kneeled on the floor slowly and lowered her head.

One hour…

Two hours…

Three hours…

The skies got dark, and it should be night time.

Dong Xuebing woke up in the bedroom and looks at the wall clock.


After taking a nap, Dong Xuebing sobered up. He knocked his head as he tried to recall what happened after lunch. What happened? Why did I get drunk again? Dong Xuebing sighed and felt lucky he had gotten drunk in his Beijing apartment. He would embarrass himself if he got drunk while drinking with the leaders.

Yu Meixia was still sleeping soundly in Dong Xuebing's arms.

As Dong Xuebing recalled what happened in the afternoon, he smiles to himself. It seems that he had made love with Sister Yu on the sofa, dining table, and then the bedroom over an hour in the afternoon. He could feel his waist aching. Sigh… I must have over-exhausted myself these two days.

"Sister Yu… Sister Yu…"

"Huh?" Yu Meixia woke up.

Dong Xuebing pushed her lightly. "Wake up. It's time for dinner."

Yu Meixia opens her eyes and looks at Dong Xuebing, before closing her eyes to return to sleep. Suddenly, she remembered something and blushed. She shut her eyes close and wiped her lips with her hand. She recalled what she did earlier in the afternoon and was shy to face Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing saw her actions and gave her a kiss on her lips.

Yu Meixia quickly covers her mouth. "No… it's dirty…"

"It's not dirty." Dong Xuebing replied gently. "Your lips are sweet."

Yu Meixia's face turns red and hugged Dong Xuebing's waist.

Dong Xuebing laughed. "What's wrong?"

"… nothing." Yu Meixia lowered her head.

"Why are you hugging me so tight? This is the first time you hugged me."

Yu Meixia quickly loosened her arms and tried to pull back. But Dong Xuebing grabbed her and continued to question her.

Yu Meixia could only answer Dong Xuebing's questions. "I feel blessed."


"My ex-husband had never treated Qianqian and me so well… he is not even one-tenth compared to you." Sister Yu's eyes turn red. "During our most difficult times, you lent us money and gave us shelter. You even helped us change our Hukou and let Qianqian go to school. After that, when my face… you put aside your work and accompany me to Korea for the operation… I… I am really…"

Dong Xuebing asked. "Really, what?"

Yu Meixia did not reply.

Dong Xuebing hugged Yu Meixia and kissed her forehead.

"Oh…" Yu Meixia tried to change the topic. "Where is Qianqian?"

"I don't know. I did not see her." Dong Xuebing replied and was stunned. "That's right. Where is Qianqian?"

When one got drunk, they will lose their senses. Dong Xuebing and Yu Meixia had drunk a lot in the afternoon and had forgotten that Qianqian is still in the house.

Suddenly, Dong Xuebing noticed a bulge under the blanket behind Yu Meixia.

Yu Meixia followed Dong Xuebing's glaze and turns to flip open the blanket.

There is someone under the blanket!

Yu Qianqian!

Yu Meixia gasped, and her face turns white. "Qianqian! You! Why are you here?" She immediately remembers that Qianqian took a nap in the bedroom when they were drinking with Guo Panwei. Yu Meixia almost buried her head in the ground. "You… did you hear everything?"

Yu Qianqian blushed and quickly reply. "I… I did not hear anything."

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead. This little girl should have overheard everything and might even saw everything!

Yu Meixia panics and explained. "Qianqian… Your Uncle and I… It's not what you are thinking!" Yu Meixia and Dong Xuebing are both naked and whatever she said is not convincing.

Dong Xuebing also blushed. He had made love with Yu Qianqian's mother in front of her… He can understand why Yu Qianqian is hiding under the blanket. She must be shocked by her mother doing something so shameless in front of her.


Dong Xuebing said. "Qianqian… err… Your mother and I… We…"

Yu Qianqian was more nervous than Dong Xuebing and Yu Meixia. "I… I was sleeping the whole time… I did not see anything…"

Yu Meixia could not take it anymore and covered her face with the blanket.

"Mum…" Qianqian pushed the blanket lightly. "I… really did not see anything."

The more Yu Qianqian explains, the more embarrassed Yu Meixia is. She hid under the blanket and refused to come out.

"Mum…" Yu Meixia called out.

Dong Xuebing interrupted her. "Qianqian… can… can you leave the room for a while?"

Yu Qianqian dares not to look at Dong Xuebing and climbs out from the blanket and ran out of the room.

Dong Xuebing opens the blanket and said helplessly. "It's all my fault. Sigh… I should not have drunk so much alcohol earlier. Sorry."

"No… It's my fault. I… I… how should I explain to Qianqian?"

"Err… Maybe Qianqian was really asleep and did not see anything?"

"… impossible."

Dong Xuebing is also in a dilemma. "Since she saw us, then let's just tell her everything. Even if we don't say a word, she also knows what is going on."

Yu Meixia asked anxiously. "Xiao Bing, what should I do?"

"How about we go back to Yan Tai County first?"

"… ok."

"Then, let's get dressed up."

That night, Dong Xuebing drove the mother and daughter back to the County.

Along the way, Yu Meixia's head was lowered and dares not to look at her daughter. Yu Qianqian was also very quiet, making the car ride more awkward.

Dong Xuebing made some jokes, it was not helping. He gritted his teeth and asked. "Err… Qianqian… are you unhappy with me being together with your mum?"

Qianqian shook her head. "No!"



Dong Xuebing continued. "Alright. Sister Yu, your daughter, had said so, and you should stop being so shy."

Yu Qianqian pulled her mother's hand. "Mum, stop ignoring me.

Yu Meixia finally looked at her daughter and nodded. "Don't… don't tell anyone about your Uncle and me, ok?"

"I know." Qianqian nodded. "I will not tell anyone."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "You are a good girl. I will buy a tablet for you. Which one do you like? Hmm… iPad 2… it is the most popular tablet now."

Yu Qianqian replied. "It's too expensive."

"I will buy you anything as long as you like it."

This time, Yu Meixia did not stop Dong Xuebing.

Yu Qianqian cheered excitedly. "Thank you, Uncle!"

Translator's notes: Lol… How can they forget about Yu Qianqian is still around when they make out? It must be awkward for Qianqian to see her mum getting pounded.

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