Power and Wealth

Chapter 313 – There is always someone more capable!

The next day.

In one of Seoul's Taekwondo's school. Dong Xuebing's kick landed on a blackbelt instructor's nerve on his leg and punched him in his face when his leg went numb. When the instructor is still in mid-air, Dong Xuebing kicked him in his lower abdomen. The instructor flew more than 1 meter, before collapsing on the floor. Another instructor and two red belts were lying on the ground at the side of the training hall. All of them were injured, and the school's medics were attending to them.

"We won! Hahaha!"

"Alright!" the Chinese students cheered.

"Brother Dong! I love you!!!" A few female Chinese students screamed.

Yesterday, only about 30 plus Chinese students and tourists followed Dong Xuebing to challenge the schools. But today, there is almost one hundred Chinese followed Dong Xuebing to the Taekwondo schools. Among them, there were students, tourists, and workers. Li An, Chen Dahui, and the rest had not called them over. All of them had come on their own, and their numbers increased by dozens after every challenge.

One school…

Three schools…

Five schools…

From yesterday until today, Dong Xuebing had challenged and won seven Taekwondo schools.

All the Seoul Taekwondo schools were in chaos because of Dong Xuebing!

Instructor Li pant as he massaged his chest and struggled to sit up. He stared into Dong Xuebing's eyes. "You want to be the enemy of the whole of Korea's Taekwondo world?"

"So, what?!"

"What is your motive?!"

Dong Xuebing replied. "I am standing up for the Chinese."

"Those incidents have nothing to do with our school!" Instructor Li shouted.

"It's not up to you to say this." Dong Xuebing stared at Instructor Li coldly. "Someone saw a few of your students had eaten at a Chinese restaurant and left without paying this morning. Before they left, they even trash up the restaurant arrogantly. Did they think they are very powerful?! Listen up! I don't want to see such incidents again, or else I will make sure your school will close down!"

Instructor Li asked with a heavy heart. "How many schools are you going to challenge before you stop?"

"This will depend on when Tianma Taekwondo School will make a public apology. If they don't apologize, I will seek an apology from all the Taekwondo schools!" Dong Xuebing replied, and left with his 100-something supporters after Li An translated his words to Instructor Li. Dong Xuebing is not going to challenge other schools today as he does not have much time left on his BACK.

After Dong Xuebing left, a few students rushed over to help Instructor Li up.


"Are you alright?"

Instructor Li waved them away. He sighed and went to his office to make a phone call.

An hour later.

More than a dozen Taekwondo school person in charge and instructors gathered in a hotel meeting room.

The door opened, and Instructor Li entered with one of his arms in bandages.

A few younger men stood up. "Instructor Li… we heard you lost to him too. This…"

Instructor Li nodded and sighed. "He is stronger than me… I'm old."

"The seventh School."

"Where did that guy come from? Is he really in his twenties?" A middle-aged man frowned.

Instructor Li nodded. "He is very young and skinny. He might look ordinary, but he is really good at fighting. When I faced him, all his attacks are on my body's weak spots. I cannot clash with him or defend against his attacks. He gave me the feeling that he knows where I will dodge, and there is no way to avoid his attacks. I think no one from our Taekwondo world is his match. I had fought with him for three minutes, and I can't land an attack on him."

One person challenging and won against seven Taekwondo schools without getting hurt. How strong is this guy?

All the men quiet down.

One man broke the silence. "We cannot let him continue to challenge our schools, or our Taekwondo will be disgraced!"

"We are already disgraced." Another middle-aged man replied.

An older man said. "From what I know, many of the students had quit from the schools who were defeated by him. Several dozen students had quit at the same time… if this carries on… Sigh… Did this guy mentioned any demands?"

Instructor Li said. "He wants us to control our students and stop all the attacks on Chinese. Oh, he also demanded Tian Ma Taekwondo School to make a public apology."

The older man said. "His first demand is correct. Attacking others is against the law and must be stopped. But his second demand…"

Suddenly, everyone in the meeting room turn and looks at Park Eunji, who was sitting in a corner.

Someone who dislikes Park Eunji said sarcastically. "Tian Ma Taekwondo School should take responsibility for this incident. Those overseas Chinese students were injured by your school's students at your school. You all should take responsibility for their medical fees. If you all had taken up responsibility in the first place, all these would not happen. You all had started this fire, and if that Chinese guy carries on with his challenges, all our Taekwondo schools will close down."

"That's right." Someone supported. "Whoever that created this mess and should stop it. I think Tian Ma Taekwondo School must apologize."

Park Eunji replied angrily. "This guy is challenging the whole Taekwondo world! If we apologize, we will be looked down upon. This concern our Taekwondo's reputation…"

A man interrupted. "If we don't stop him, we can forget about our reputation. I am not saying we should not revenge against him, but who dares to claim he can win against this guy? He can win against seven schools, he can win against seventeen or twenty-seven schools. If he really does that, it will be a disgrace to us. That's why we must stop him now before we think of ways to deal with him!"

"I also agree with Tian Ma Taekwondo School to apologize! We must control the situation first!"

Park Eunji felt the pressure suddenly. The pressure is from Dong Xuebing and fellow Taekwondo schools. The people at this meeting are the owners of Taekwondo schools in Seoul. They saw Park Eunji, Instructor Li, etc. had lost to Dong Xuebing, and none of them dare to claim they can stop Dong Xuebing from challenging the schools. Thus, they want to protect their schools' reputation and business, they don't care what Tian Ma Taekwondo School thinks. If Dong Xuebing is not stopped, all other schools might be challenged, and this is not what they want.

The meeting ended, and Park Eunji stormed out of the hotel.

Han Shangyu, who was waiting outside, ran up to Park Eunji. "Master Park, how is it?"

"Go back to school now!" Park Eunji said angrily.

News of Dong Xuebing challenging the Taekwondo schools spread since yesterday, and it stirred up a storm among the Seoul's Taekwondo schools. Many Schools had recalled their instructors from other places, and some closed their schools temporarily to prevent them from being challenged. For several decades, Seoul Taekwondo world had never faced such a challenge before. Their opponent is only one person, but no one can win against him. Dozens of black belts, including 5-dan and 6-dan instructors, are not his match!

This day, Korea's media had reported this incident for the first time.

The reporters went to interview the Taekwondo schools. Still, all the people in charge and instructors did not give any comments. Some did not even meet the reporters, and everyone kept quiet. The reporters managed to interview some students, and all of them were furious with this Chinese challenger. They claim this is a provocation to Korea's Taekwondo world.

But from this day onwards, all attacks on Chinese had stopped.

The schools' person in charge and instructors had gathered their students and warned them not to stop the attacks on Chinese, and those that refused to listen were expelled from their schools. This is not because they are afraid of that Chinese guy. They had done this for their school's reputation.

This is the biggest crisis in Seoul's Taekwondo world.

Dong Xuebing's challenges had blown up this incident and had affected not only the schools in Seoul. Even the students from Busan's Taekwondo schools started quitting. Young men love to show off. Many of them practice Taekwondo is to flaunt and keep fit at the same time. But now, a Chinese young man had won against several Taekwondo schools, and no one can do anything against him. Many people were furious and felt disgraced.

This incident is starting to affect the whole of Korea!

Many top Taekwondo masters flew to Seoul to find out what happened.

To regain confidence among the students, their only solution is to win against this Chinese challenger. But after understanding the fight between the instructors and that Chinese young man, all the masters were dumbfounded. Hitting acupuncture points and nerves in every attack?! None of them had heard of such martial arts, and they are not confident of winning. A 6-dan blackbelt master volunteered to challenge Dong Xuebing but was stopped by others. If they are not 100% sure of winning, they must not challenge Dong Xuebing blindly. If even the medalists of World Taekwondo Championships also lost to Dong Xuebing, it will be a more severe blow to Taekwondo's reputation.

At the same time.

China's major newspapers reported about Dong Xuebing's challenges with Seoul's Taekwondo schools!

One of the articles is as follows:

Our reporter, who is stationed in Seoul, had found out a Chinese tourist with Beijing accent had challenged Shuiyuan Taekwondo School yesterday at around 2pm. He single-handedly won against a few blue belts, red belts, and blackbelt. Later in the afternoon, he went to challenge Tian Ma Taekwondo School, and Korea Taekwondo master Park Eunji and other instructors there were defeated. Until this afternoon, this tourist had challenged seven Taekwondo schools consecutively and won against dozens of black belts. Not only he had won against them, but he also managed to win without any injuries.

As this tourist refuses to be interviewed by our reporter, we can only find out about the truth behind his challenges from others. He had challenged the schools because a group of Chinese students was beaten up at one of Korea's Taekwondo School. This unnamed Chinese tourist demanded a public apology from Tian Ma Taekwondo School, and all Korean Taekwondo schools to restrict their students from attacking the Chinese in Korea. Or else, his challenges will continue.

Our reporter also found out that all Taekwondo schools in Seoul were preparing for this tourist's challenge. They had recalled all their instructors from overseas competitions, and five schools even put up 'renovation' signs to prevent the challenge.

When this article was published, all the Chinese were stunned!

The younger students cheered excitedly when they saw this article!

Discussions about this article are all over the Chinese forums like Tianya Club and Baidu.

"Hahahaha! Yesterday, I was still wondering why those Korean students become so quiet. They had been dealt with by someone capable! Hahaha!"

"Those Koreans are too useless! Renovations?! Hahaha! They must be scared witless! Hahaha!"

"Does anyone know who that Chinese tourist is? He is too powerful!"

"Search for him! I want to make him my idol! Hahaha! He had made us Chinese proud!"

"This is payback! We had so many hackers a few days ago, and yet we cannot do anything to them! But this guy managed to stop those Taekwondo schools by himself! Hahaha! Let's see if they dare to bully our Chinese students in the future! There is always someone more capable!"

"Have you all saw the article on the papers?! 'Chinese tourist' is the highlight!"

"That's right! Hahaha… just a random Chinese tourist can teach all of them a lesson. I almost died laughing!"

"I think the newspaper agencies' leaders and reporters trying to add salt to Korea's wound! If not, why would their articles keep emphasizing 'Chinese Tourist'? These few words are too funny! It's like giving them a slap on the face!"

"Agree! This guy is too capable!"

Soon, pictures of the challenges found its way to the Chinese internet forums. These are pictures of the school's signboards, and a few black belts lying on the ground in agony. In the background, many Chinese students were cheering.

Someone replied. "Where is the capable person?! Which one is he?"

A Chinese student in Seoul replied. "He does not allow us to take his pictures. Those that had taken his picture were asked to delete, as he does not want to be known to others."

"How old is he?"

"Is Brother Tourist handsome?

The person who uploaded the picture should be a girl. "Hee, hee… he is in his early twenties, and have average looks. But when he is fighting against those black belts, he is awesome! You all are not there at the schools. All of us were stunned. We had never seen anyone so powerful like him. This person is modest and looks like just another average person. But when he fights, he is stunning!"

"This is a hidden master!"

"He refused to reveal his face?! This is how a master should be!"

The internet erupted, and it felt like Lunar New Year.

A few Qinghua, Bei Da, and other prestigious universities' students joined the discussions and promoted patriotism articles. Some university lecturers and even vice-principals shared an article titled at about the same time. There is no content in the article, but everyone knows what they are referring to. They are praising that Chinese tourist for kicking those Korean's butt! These lecturers and principals were furious when they knew overseas Chinese students were beaten up in Korea.

With the heads of education in China expressing support, the discussion becomes more heated.

More students and lecturers shared the article and other similar articles on their Weibo accounts.

At about 8 pm, a famous Chinese celebrity wrote a post titled on his Weibo account. In his post, he praised the unknown Chinese tourist for standing for those overseas Chinese students and is impressed by his victory over the seven Taekwondo Schools in Seoul.

News sites like Sina, Sohu, Tencent, etc. used this incident as their headlines.

Some websites even praised the Chinese tourist openly!

Of course, there are also criticisms. Some people felt this incident will affect the diplomatic relationships between both nations. But these posts were quickly taken off from the internet, as countless angry youths scolded the person who posted them. You are worried about the relationship between nations and worried about this and that… what about the pride of our overseas Chinese students? Why are you not concern about them?! They are the victims in the first place!

Many Chinese did not say anything about the incident where the Chinese students were beaten up at the Taekwondo school. Still, they were holding back their anger in their hearts. Now, someone had appeared to kick those Taekwondo schools in Seoul, the Chinese can finally release their anger!

At night, a deputy instructor from Korea Seoul's Tian Ma Taekwondo School made a public apology. This is due to Dong Xuebing's threat and the pressure from other Taekwondo schools in Korea.

When this news is confirmed, the internet exploded!

"Apologized! They had finally apologized!"

"Hahaha! Brother capable is terrific!"

Young men idolize heroes.

One person defeating dozens of black belts?!

One person challenged seven Taekwondo Schools?!

One person challenged the whole Korea Taekwondo world?!

One person forcing Seoul's Taekwondo schools to close temporarily, and apologize…

What sort of person is he?

This person is a hero!

Just listening to what he did can make one's heart racing!

Translator's notes.

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