Power and Wealth

Chapter 276 – Blow up this matter!

Noon. Yan Tai County.

County Public Security Bureau, Bureau Chief Office.

Hu Silian asked over the phone. "Chief Liang, have you found Chief Dong?"

"Not yet." Liang Chengpeng frowned. "I had increased the number of people to search for him. But we still have no news."

"I heard Chief Dong had gone for a vacation and is going to climb a mountain. Do you know which mountain he went to?"

Liang Chengpeng sighed. "I checked, but we don't know. Even Chief Dong's mother does not know anything about this."

Hu Silian mumbled to herself. "What is happening? How can someone disappear like this?" She paused for a second and said. "Mayor Xie is very concerned about this and had asked about Chief Dong three times this morning. She asked me to tell you to get more people to look for him. Contact the Police in other areas to keep a lookout for him. You must find him as soon as possible. Sigh… I hope he is not kidnapped."

Dong Xuebing had gone missing.

No one can contact him for almost a week.

At the start, no one thought anything about it, because the Bureau had given Chief Dong one week off from work because of his injuries. Chief Dong also told the higher-ups that he will be going for a vacation with his friends and will be climbing a mountain. He informed me that there will not be a signal in the mountains and will be uncontactable. But one week was over, and he did not return to work. His handphone is off, and no one answered at home. Even his mother, Luan Xiaoping, and his friends do not know where he is. Everyone noticed something was off. Luan Xiaoping rushed to Dong Xuebing's apartment in the Public Security Bureau Family Quarters with the officers from the Bureau.

But Dong Xuebing was nowhere to be found.

Dong Xuebing's phone, keys, Identification card, work pass, etc. were still in his apartment!

Leaving the phone at home is still fine. But if Dong Xuebing is going on a vacation, he should bring his Identification card and work pass. An identification card is required to buy air tickets. Without his Identification card, he cannot go anywhere. Something is off!

An investigation and search are conducted immediately!

But after searching for the whole day, there is no news of Dong Xuebing. He seems to have disappeared into thin air!

Everyone knows Chief Dong had offended many people because of the cases he was involved in, and no one can guarantee that he is not kidnapped. More manpower was utilized to look for Dong Xuebing. To date, Dong Xuebing had disappeared for over a week, and no one knows if he is still in Yan Tai County now!

Dong Xuebing had disappeared!

No one can find him!


"Where did Xiao Dong go?!"

Liang Chengpeng puts down the phone. He is under a lot of pressure to find Dong Xuebing, as Mayor Xie will call him every few hours. Everyone can tell Mayor Xie is very concerned about this matter. Liang Chengpeng is also worried about Dong Xuebing, as Dong Xuebing is his most capable subordinate. No one even knows if he is still alive…

Ring… ring… ring… the phone on the desk rang again.

Liang Chengpeng answered. "Hello?"

"Chief Liang, someone is looking for you." It was the command center called. "It is someone from Lui An City Public Security."

"Let the other leaders handle this. Other than information about Chief Dong, don't report to me!"

The Deputy Office Director said. "Chief Liang. This call might be related to Chief Dong. The caller is a woman, and she said she has something important to tell you. She also mentions about Chief Dong and the Provincial Museum break-in case. But she only wants to speak to you directly and not anyone else." There was a short pause. "The other line had not hung up. Do you want me to transfer the call to you?"

Liang Chengpeng immediately said. "Connect the call now!"

"Yes. Please wait for a moment." There was a beep on the line.

The line got through, and Liang Chengpeng immediately say. "I am Yan Tai County Public Security Bureau Chief Liang Chengpeng. Who are you?"

"Good afternoon, Chief Liang." A woman replied. "I am from the investigation branch of Lui An City Public Security Bureau. My name is Hou Qing. I will keep things short. I heard your side is looking for Chief Dong? Chief Dong might not be able to contact you all now. He… he might be in trouble now."

Liang Chengpeng frowned. "What happened?"

"Chief Dong had gone to a bath parlor in Lui An City to investigate the case of the stolen relic as an undercover officer."

"Undercover?" Liang Chengpeng was shocked. "How come I am not informed?"

"Maybe Chief Dong cannot confirm the information, or he was just trying his luck." Hou Qing continued. "I was also ordered by my Bureau to investigate a list of suspects, and I went to Hai Bing Bath Parlor to investigate this case. In the end, the relics are found to be with them…" Hou Qing told Liang Chengpeng everything that happened over the past few days.

Liang Chengpeng finally understood why no one could get in touch with Dong Xuebing!


Yan Tai County Party Committee.

The Party Committee meeting is ongoing in one of the meeting rooms.

Xiang Daofa, Xie Huilan, Cao Xupeng, Huang Li, etc. were in the meeting, discussing a proposal on road planning. Xiang Daofa was speaking to everyone when his secretary rushed into the room. Xiang Daofa was not pleased, but Secretary Zhou went up to him and said something in his ears for two minutes.

The ten committee members at the meeting stopped what they were doing and looked at Xiang Daofa.

After a while, Xiang Daofa banged the table angrily. "How can this be happening?!"

Secretary Zhou finished his report and stood aside.

Everyone looks at Party Secretary Xiang puzzledly.

Xiang Daofa said with an angry expression. "Public Security Bureau's Chief Dong had solved the Provincial Museum break-in case!"

Xie Huilan, Cao Xupeng, and the rest of the committee members were stunned. Chief Dong is found, and he had solved the case? This is good news for the County. Why is Party Secretary Xiang so angry?

Xiang Daofa continued. "But the location where the case was solved is in Zhang Ze City. The local Police had forcefully taken over the case and even locked Chief Dong up!" Xiang Daofa turned to look at his secretary, and Secretary Zhou explained the situation to the rest of the committee members.

Everyone's face changed!

Cao Xupeng shouted angrily. "What is Zhang Ze City doing?! How can they do this?!"

"Arresting Chief Dong for not having his work pass with him?! All they need to do is to call us and can verify Chief Dong's identity!" Huang Li said angrily. "This is a lame excuse! They are just trying to snatch Chief Dong's credit!" Even a moron can tell what Zhang Ze City is trying to do. Forcefully taking over the case and reporting it to the Provincial Government that they are the ones who solved this case and Yan Tai County will have nothing to do with it!

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes. "Such a clever plot."

Huang Li looked at Xie Huilan, and he knew she is furious.

Xiang Daofa looked at Xie Huilan. "Mayor Xie, I will contact the City Government, the Provincial Public Security Bureau…"

"I will speak to the Provincial Public Security Bureau!" Xie Huilan said.

Xiang Daofa nodded. "Ok! Meeting dismissed!" The Party Committee was canceled.

This case is too sensitive. Political points, honor, and reputation will go to the one who solves this case, and this is no longer Dong Xuebing's problem. It is now the whole of Yan Tai County's problem. At this moment, Xie Huilan's faction and Xiang Daofa's faction had put aside their rivalry and join forces against Zhang Ze City. They must not let Zhang Ze City get all the credit!

Back in his office, Xiang Daofa immediately calls the City Government. "Secretary Xu, the Museum break-in case is solved… Do you know about it? Yes… but it is our Public Security that followed the case from start to end… yes… It's Dong Xuebing… now, the person who solved this case is arrested and locked up by Zhang Ze City's Police. They are claiming that they are the ones who solved this case."

In another office, Xie Huilan also started making calls to her contacts.

But Xie Huilan did not call the Provincial Public Security Bureau first. To the Provincial Public Security Bureau, the side who solves this case is not important. They only want to recover the relics, and the case happened in Zhang Ze City. It will take more than a few months to settle this dispute. So, Xie Huilan thought for a while and called an old friend of hers.

"Hello, Xiao Li?"

"Yes, Director Xie… Oh… I should address you as Mayor Xie now."

"I need your help. Is it convenient to speak now?"

"Yes. Go ahead."

"Alright. Are you still working at People's Daily? Do you know any people in our Province's Zhang Ze City? Yes… ok. Get some reporters to go to Zhang Ze City… yes… Do what I say… when they reach there…." This call lasted seven to eight minutes.

After hanging up, Xie Huilan thought for a while and called another number. "We found Xiao Bing. Don't worry."

Qu Yunxuan, who was on the other line, sighed with relief.

Dong Xuebing does not know that both women had exchanged numbers.


Two hours later.

Zhang Ze City, Public Security Bureau.

In the darkroom, Dong Xuebing was feeling giddy due to hunger. The past few days as an undercover officer, he had been tensed and had not slept or ate well. Since this morning, he had not eaten, and it is afternoon now. Other than a bottle of mineral water thrown into the room by that skinny officer, he was not given any food. This increased Dong Xuebing's anger towards them! You all cannot catch those criminals, and after I killed most of the criminals and recovered the relics, you all arrested me. WTF!!!

Dong Xuebing could hear some commotion outside of the room, and it seems that a leader from the Provincial Public Security Bureau will be visiting.

Yes. Dong Xuebing had wanted to bring the stolen relics to the experts in the Province for authentication and, at the same time, return the relics to the museum. This way, Yan Tai County will get the credit. If the Province sent their people over, and the case happened in Zhang Ze City, there will be a dispute. But Zhang Ze City had gone overboard. Dong Xuebing had let them conduct the follow-up investigations, and they are still not satisfied. They even want to get the credit of recovering the relics! This is too disgusting!

Creak…. The door opened, and Dong Xuebing was blinded by the lights outside.

The skinny officer and an older officer entered the room. Dong Xuebing looked at them and sneered.

"Alright. We had verified your identity with Yan Tai County. You are indeed from Public Security." The skinny officer smacked his lips. "You are free to go."

This is an order from Public Security Chief Sun Hai. He had only wanted to give Dong Xuebing a warning and did not really want to lock him up. Now, a leader and antique experts from the Province are arriving. A report on how the case was solved is required, and no one can cover up Dong Xuebing's contributions in this case. Even Sun Hai cannot cover it up. But since Zhang Ze City will get the credit for solving this case, there is no point in locking Dong Xuebing any longer. Furthermore, the leader from the Provincial Public Security will want to meet the officers involved in solving the case. He must not let the leader see they had locked up a fellow officer who had helped in this case.

Dong Xuebing did not move.

The skinny officer frowned. "Do you hear me?! Get out now!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Who are you to ask me to get out?!"

"You still don't remember your lesson and want to remain here?!" The skinny officer was about to rush over!

The older officer quickly pulls him back and turns to Dong Xuebing with a smile. "Chief Dong, it was a misunderstanding. We are also following orders. Now, we can confirm that you are from Public Security, everything is fine. The convoy from the Province is arriving, and there might be a recognition ceremony later. If you don't go out, the Province will not know about your contributions in this case, and you will not get any award."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Award? I don't want it now!"

The older officer was stunned.

"You all claimed that it is Zhang Ze City that solves this case, right? Fine. Then you all can explain to the higher-ups! I have nothing to do with this case, and it's all Zhang Ze City's credit!" Dong Xuebing gave them a side-glance and said. "Try asking around who I am! You think it is so easy to arrest me? I will tell you all right now! You all want me to leave?! Forget it! If no one can give me a good explanation, I will remain here for the rest of my life!"

The skinny officer was about to blow his top at Dong Xuebing.

That older officer gave the skinny officer a stare. "You shut up!"

The skinny officer turned pale and kept quiet.

The older officer looked at Dong Xuebing and took out a bunch of keys. "Chief Dong, it must be uncomfortable for you. Let me remove your handcuffs."

Dong Xuebing moved his hands away and laughed. "No… I feel comfortable to be handcuffed. Just leave it on."

The older officer's heart skipped a beat and have a bad omen.

Dong Xuebing waved his handcuffed hands and coldly said. "I want to see if anyone is willing to stand up for me. Arrest me?! We will let the whole nation be the judge and let them know the true colors of Zhang Ze City!" He laughed and continued. "Even without me, it will be fine. You all can report the higher-ups that it was that Brother Yu who solved this case. He is the one who found out the criminals' hiding place, and he shot all of them. After that, you all can collaborate on the report. Everything will be fine. Zhang Ze City will get all the praises and credit. Why do you all need me to go out?!"

The two officers knew this matter would be blown out of proportion and quickly leave the room to report.

Sun Hai knew about it, and his face changed. "He refused to leave?! What is he trying to do?"

The skinny officer said. "Chief Sun, let me and Old Chen carry him out forcefully."

Sun Hai shook his head. He does not want to blow up this matter. He thought Dong Xuebing is only a low-rank officer from a County, and should not be a problem to give him a warning. But now, this matter had gone out of hand. This person is refusing to leave the darkroom, and if he does not leave, his plan might be messed up. He thought for a while and got an idea. He found Yan Tai County Public Security Chief Liang Chengpeng's number and called him.


Yan Tai County.

Mayor's office.

Liang Chengpeng is reporting to Xie Huilan on the current situation when his phone rang. It was an unknown number, but Xie Huilan asked him to answer. Liang Chengpeng answered, and after about three minutes, he hangs up with a terrible look. "Mayor Xie, it's the Zhang Ze City Public Security Chief Sun Hai."

Xie Huilan smiled and looked at Liang Chengpeng. "Oh? What did he say?"

Liang Chengpeng said. "He had confirmed Xiao Dong's identity and is about to release him. But Xiao Dong refuses to leave the darkroom."

Xie Huilan laughed. "This Xiao Dong… I knew he would not let others take advantage of him!"

Liang Chengpeng smiled wearily. He knew about Dong Xuebing's foul temper well. Dong Xuebing is not someone who allows others to step all over him. After getting arrested, he will surely create havoc to get back at Zhang Ze City Public Security. When Liang Chengpeng heard Dong Xuebing was arrested by Zhang Ze City Public Security, he had a feeling that they will be getting into trouble. See… they are in trouble now. Everyone will get headaches when they mess with someone like Xiao Dong!

Xie Huilan asked. "What does Chief Sun want from us?"

"He asked us to speak to Xiao Dong and must think of the big picture. If Dong Xuebing continues to create trouble there, they will place Dong Xuebing under arrest for obstructing their line of duty." Higher ranked officials have the authority to command the lower ranks. Sun Hai's rank is higher than Xie Huilan and Xiang Daofa. He is a Deputy Bureau Director rank officer and is one of the city's party committee members. "Mayor Xie, what should we do?"

Xie Huilan laughed. "We must follow Chief Sun's instructions. Call them and ask them to pass the phone to Xiao Dong. I will persuade him myself."

Liang Chengpeng looked at Xie Huilan and quickly made a call.


Zhang Ze City.

Dong Xuebing sat on the floor of the darkroom with his eyes closed. After the skinny officer left the room, the door was left open. But Dong Xuebing did not even look at the door as he has no intention of leaving. A few other officers tried to uncuff him but were chased away by him. This is evidence, and he will not let them take it away.

Ta… ta… ta… footsteps' sounds got closer.

The skinny officer and the older officer returned to the room, holding a handphone.

Dong Xuebing looked at them lazily and closed his eyes again.

The older officer passed the phone over and said softly. "It's your County Mayor. She wants to speak to you."

Dong Xuebing was stunned for a second. Sister Xie? He immediately understood what was going on. Zhang Ze City cannot do anything to him and is trying to get his immediate supervisors to pressurize him. Dong Xuebing sighed in his heart and knew Sister Xie would surely ask him to stop his nonsense and think of the big picture. He took the phone from that officer and answered.

But what Dong Xuebing heard over the phone shocked him.

Xie Huilan only said one sentence. "Just remain in the darkroom! Leave the rest to me!"

Dong Xuebing got excited!

Damn! Sister Xie is asking me to blow up this matter!

People's Daily

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