Power and Wealth

Chapter 269 – Grab her!


The basement of a certain building.

Dong Xuebing had been pacing around his room in the basement anxiously. He had not seen or heard of the female officer. He does not know if she had been killed on the way, or she has locked up someplace. He decided not to wait any longer and want to ask the guards for her. This way, he can at least know if she is dead or alive. He pretended to go to the toilet at the other end of the basement, and then look up the stairs when he walked past it. He could hear voices, and there is more than one guard!

What should he do?

When Dong Xuebing was still trying to think of a way, he heard footsteps from the top of the stairs.

Dong Xuebing quickly walked back to his room and pressed his ears against the door. Around three or four people had walked down the stairs.

"Those who are still awake! Come out!" Ma Wentao said.

Creak… three doors opened.

Dong Xuebing could hear the Crew-cut asked. "Manager Ma, what is your instruction?"

Ma Wentao replied coldly. "This female officer refuses to say anything. Boss ordered her to be locked up in the basement and needs someone to watch over her."


"Let me do it!"

"I will watch over her!"

A few voices shouted.

Dong Xuebing heard it, and his face changed. He quickly walks out of his room towards the end of the corridor. Ma Wentao was standing on the left, and behind him are two men holding up the middle-aged woman. The woman was tied up and had more bruises than the time when Dong Xuebing last saw her. Her face is pale and looks weak.

Ma Wentao laughed. "You all are quite eager… hahaha."

The Crew-cut and the rest looked at each other embarrassedly.

Hou Qing looks at the men who wanted her emotionlessly.

Ma Wentao knew what his men wanted. The one who is responsible for watching over this female officer can do whatever he wants with her. If it were in the past, Ma Wentao would not give up this opportunity to his men. He had not tried a female officer before. But this officer's age is considered old, and his focus now is to make money and does not have the mood to fool around.

Ma Wentao looked at his men and laughed. "I don't care who she ends up with. You all can decide among yourself.

The men looked at each other.

Ma Wentao continued. "I don't care if you all want to play together or take turns. Just remember that she must not escape!"

When the Crew-cut and the other men wanted to discuss who would go first, something happened!

The woman mustered up her strength and kicked one of the men, who was distracted, in the knee. After that, she dashed towards the stairs with a limp. She is using all her remaining strength to escape!

Ma Wentao smiled coldly and did not move.

The woman was badly injured, and before she could reach the stairs, a man caught up with her!

That man grabbed the ropes behind the woman and pulled her back roughly and kicked her in her stomach. The woman immediately gagged and vomited. She coughed a few times and tried to crawl towards the stairs again. Both her hands were tied behind her back, and she was moving slowly.

Ten centimeters…

Twenty centimeters…

Thirty centimeters…

How fast can someone crawl with his hands tied behind?

Ma Wentao walks over had stepped on the woman's back. "Haha… Are you still trying to escape?"

The woman's eyes were red. "Kill me if you dare!"

"My Brothers still have not had their fun. How can we let you die?" Ma Wentao laughed.

"Bastards!" The woman struggled to break free. "Bastards! Let me go!"

Ma Wentao laughed. "I thought you are tough. No matter how we hit you, you refused to say anything. Why are you scared now?" Ma Wentao lifted his leg and kicked the side of Hou Qing, making her roll on the floor. He looks at his men. "Alright. Enjoy yourselves, but don't kill her."

"Brother Ma!" Dong Xuebing steps forward suddenly.

Ma Wentao smiles at Dong Xuebing. "Xiao Xie? What is it?"

Dong Xuebing bite the bullet and asked. "Err… can you give me this woman?"

Crew-cut and the rest of the men frowned when they heard this. They were unhappy with Dong Xuebing's request. Regardless of the reasons why Manager Ma and the boss need Dong Xuebing, he is still a newcomer and does not have any status.

Ma Wentao did not mind and asked. "Oh? You want her?"

Dong Xuebing pretended to be shy. "She is my type… Err… can?"

"Didn't I told you all to take turns?" Ma Wentao said.

"Err… I am not… not quite use to it." Dong Xuebing is pretending to be someone that has special privileges and wanted her all by himself.

The Crew-cut, and the rest looked at Dong Xuebing angrily.

Ma Wentao laughed. If Dong Xuebing had not helped him catch this woman, he might be suspicious of him. But now, he is not giving much thought about it. Also, he had sent a few girls to accompany Dong Xuebing but were all rejected. Those girls are very young and range from 18 to 22 years old. No wonder Xiao Xie is not interested. Xie Hao likes mature women.

Ma Wentao does not mind giving Xie Hao this woman, but the rest of his men are looking at him, and he cannot be too biased.

Ma Wentao thought for a while and said. "Xiao Hao, your taste in women, is unique, and she is at least 15 years older than you, right? Hahaha… you are the one who caught her, and I don't mind giving her to you. But you should have seen how violent and aggressive she is. You are too skinny, and I am afraid you cannot handle her and let her escape." This is an excuse. Even if the woman escaped out of the room, there are other men in the basement and guards at the door. She can't escape.

Dong Xuebing's face turns black but did not say anything.

Ma Wentao looks at Dong Xuebing. "Alright. Let's use the usual method to decide."

"Usual method?" Dong Xuebing asked.

"We will throw dice, and the one with the biggest number of wins." Ma Wentao said. "Who brought dices?"

"I have it." A man in a suit walks forward.

These people had use dices to bet on women, money disputes, or other arguments. This 'usual method' is to stop the infighting. Ma Wentao does not have anything to do, as they are waiting for the boats. So, he stayed there to watch his men throw dice.

Someone carried a table over, and the men crowded around it.

Dong Xuebing asked. "What are the rules?"

"I will explain the rules." The Crew-cut look at Dong Xuebing coldly. "It is simple. Each of us will throw three dices and look at the total. If the dice shows '1,2,3' or '4,5,6' and other running numbers, they are considered 'straight.' Straights are bigger than other numbers but smaller than three of a kind. For example, '1,2,3' is bigger than '5,6,6', and '3,3,3' is bigger than straight."

Dong Xuebing asked. "Three of a kind is the biggest?"

"Yes. Do you still have any questions?"


"Let's start!" The Crew-cut asked. "Who wants to go first?"

No one said anything and looks at Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing pretended not to see them and kept quiet. He was the one who started this trouble, and everyone was unhappy with him. If anyone of them wins the woman, he will share with others and not be like Dong Xuebing, who wanted the woman by himself. The situation now is four vs. one.

One second…

Two seconds…

A man said. "I will go first!" He grabbed the dices and threw it into a bowl.

Clink… clink… clink…

The dices bounced and knocked against each other and stopped. '1,2,4' This is considered a small number!

That man slapped his forehead as he knew he had lost his chance.

All the men in the basement want to throw a big number, as they want to be the first guy. This woman is different from those prostitutes, and she is a police officer. Dong Xuebing also wants to win… no… he must win. If he wants to rescue the woman, he had no choice!

Hou Qing laid on the floor, looking at the men throwing dices to decide who she will end up with.

"My turn!" A skinny man in a suit walked forward and threw the dices!

Clink… clink… clink… the dices stop. '3,3,5'!

The third man threw the dice and rolled '3,4,5'! A straight!

That man laughed and whistled at Hou Qing. She belongs to him!

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