Power and Wealth

Chapter 252 – You dare to collect toll?

National Day holidays.

Red banners were hung everywhere in Beijing, and firecrackers can be heard now and then.

"Aunt Xuan, I will be going."

"Ok. Your legs have just healed and must be careful while driving."

"I know. Go back. I will return when I got the time."

"Ok. Remember to give me a call when you reach Yan Tai County."


Somewhere near Yun De Auction Company, Dong Xuebing and Qu Yunxuan hugged and kissed for a while before separating. Before Dong Xuebing left, Qu Yunxuan helped him straighten his collar and tidy his hair. After that, Dong Xuebing boarded his Silver Mercedes Benz MPV, which was sent over by an officer from the Public Security Bureau when Dong Xuebing was hospitalized. Qu Yunxuan helped him closed the door and waved him goodbye. Dong Xuebing waved back and drove onto the road slowly.

Goodbye, Beijing.

Goodbye, Aunt Xuan.

After two months of rest, Dong Xuebing's legs were almost healed. Although he cannot do any strenuous exercises, like running, jumping, he can still step on the accelerator and brakes. Dong Xuebing was bored to death after staying at home for so many days. That's why after celebrating the National Day with Qu Yunxuan and her parents in the morning, he packed his stuff to return to Yan Tai County.

Five meters…

Ten meters…

Twenty meters…

Before the Mercedes moved more than thirty meters, Dong Xuebing saw a familiar face by the roadside.

It is that Wei Nan, and he is on his phone. He did not see Dong Xuebing and was walking towards the west. Wei Nan was Xie Huilan's former fiance and had several conflicts with Dong Xuebing in the past. They had met at the pearl necklace auction, during his dinner with Xie Huilan and Xie Hao, embarrassed him at Senior Xie's mansion. There is no way they can settle their grudges peacefully.

Suddenly, Wei Nan noticed Dong Xuebing and gave him a cold smile.

Dong Xuebing returned a smile and continued his way.

After meeting Wei Nan, Dong Xuebing suddenly thought of Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan.

On his way to Yan Tai County, Dong Xuebing was thinking about his relationship problems. Aunt Xuan is virtuous and will be a good wife. On the other hand, Sister Xie is a career woman and can help him in his career if they get married. Although Dong Xuebing wants to make a decision, it is too hard for him to decide. He had slept with Aunt Xuan, and how can he dump her? It is the same for Sister Xie. They had kissed and hugged…

Slap! Dong Xuebing gave himself a slap to his forehead!

I am such a bastard. How can I fool around with so many women?!

If I had controlled myself and not go after Aunt Xuan, I would be dating Sister Xie now. If I had rejected Sister Xie in the first place, I might be getting married to Aunt Xuan now. Either way is the best ending. But now, two outstanding women are with me… and the outcome… might be a tragedy. Dong Xuebing shivered when he thought about it.

Not everyone can enjoy such luck with women!

Dong Xuebing was regretting. What should he do? How is he going to solve his relationship problems?

After driving for more than an hour, Dong Xuebing had entered the Hebei boundary. He had been thinking of a solution, but he is at his wit's end. He got frustrated and irritated as he reached the outskirts of Yan Tai County!

An accident had occurred on the main road towards the County town, and there was traffic congestion.

Dong Xuebing turned into a side road and wanted to take an alternative route back.

After driving for a while, Dong Xuebing arrived at a farming area. There were farming fields on both sides, and donkeys are pulling carts of corns along the road. Dong Xuebing had been in Yan Tai County for more than a year and had drove passed this road before. After several turns and bends, he is around one kilometer away from the main road.

Suddenly, five to six villagers walked onto the road from the cornfields.

Dong Xuebing was afraid he would knock into one of them and quickly pressed the horn.

Those villagers turned around slowly to look at Dong Xuebing and continued standing in the middle of the road. After that, a few men pushed an old tractor from the fields onto the road, blocking Dong Xuebing's path. Other than people, no cars can get past them.

Dong Xuebing was in a bad mood, and when he saw what the villager was doing, his face changed. He stopped about seven to eight meters away from the 'obstacles' and sounded the horn!

Honk! Honk! Honk!

A middle-aged man, standing in front, took out a cigarette pipe and started smoking with the rest of the villagers in the middle of the road. They were chatting softly and had no intention of letting Dong Xuebing pass. From far, a van with local number plate drove over from the opposite direction, and the villagers moved the barricades aside for it to pass.

Dong Xuebing had wanted to alight from his car, but when he saw an opening, he stepped on the accelerator and wanted to drive through.

But after the van passed the barricades, the middle-aged man and other villagers quickly blocked the road again.

Dong Xuebing got furious and shouted out from his window. "Move aside!"

The villagers ignored him and continued chatting there.

"Mother F**kers!" Dong Xuebing unfastened his seat belt and got off the car. His legs are not fully healed and had to walk slowly, as he approaches the villagers. "What's the meaning of this? Why are you all blocking the road?"

The middle-aged man looked at Dong Xuebing and extended his hand. "Pay toll!"

Dong Xuebing sneered. Toll? You think this is a highway?"

The old man shrugged his shoulders and said. "If you don't want to pay up, you can wait here. Anyway, we got nothing to do."

Dong Xuebing understood what was going on. Such incidents are common in rural places near villages. This is how the villagers get extra income from blocking the roads. Don't think of getting past them without paying. But normally, they will not block cars with local number plates and will target outsiders.

Under normal circumstances, people will try to avoid trouble and just pay up. The local villagers know what those visitors are thinking and take advantage of it. It is the National Day Holidays now, and many people will be traveling along this road. This is their opportunity to make a quick buck.

But Dong Xuebing is not someone who will give in.

Dong Xuebing sneered. "How much?"

The middle-aged man took a puff and said. "… 2,000!"

Dong Xuebing's eyes twitched. "So, you all are trying to rob me?"

At this moment, a Volkswagen Passat, with a Beijing number place, approaches the roadblock from the opposite direction. The driver frowned and spoke to one of the villagers. After that, he gave that villager 200 RMB, and that villager waved his hand to the rest. The rest of the villagers start to clear the barricades to let the car pass.

Dong Xuebing looked at that middle-aged villager. "Why is that car allowed to pass with 200 RMB?"

The middle-aged man did not reply to Dong Xuebing. They had been doing this for years and can recognize the logo of Mercedes and BMW. These cars are driven by rich people, and the villagers must take advantage of them. Another middle-aged man got impatient and shouted at Dong Xuebing. "Hurry and pay up! We will let you pass after you pay us! Stop wasting time! You cannot even afford 2,000?!"

Another young man added. "Hurry up! The traffic is congested on the main road. Even if you turn back from here, you will also not reach the County in the afternoon."

A villager standing at the back raised the hoe in his hand in a threatening manner. "Hurry up!"

If it were Dong Xuebing in the past, he would have unleashed a kick. But now, Dong Xuebing is not in his best condition, and even walks with a limp. He does not want to be hospitalized again and make his mother and Sister Xie worry. Dong Xuebing looked at the group of villagers and took out a leather wallet from his pocket. He waved his police badge at them. "Do you all know what this is? Hurry up and get lost!"

But that group of villagers started laughing at Dong Xuebing.

The middle-aged man said. "Who are you trying to scare? Even Xiao Liu from our village has this type of wallet! You can buy them anywhere!"

Another middle-aged villager added. "Stop pretending to be police! Which Police Officer will drive Mercedes? You think we are idiots?"

Another man said. "My advice to you is to pay up now. Nothing good will come to you if you piss us off!"

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath. He was furious. "Collecting tolls illegally. Fine! You all even dare to stop someone from Public Security? I had given you all a chance, and you all are asking for it! You all want money, right? 2,000?! I shall see who dares to collect fees from me!" Dong Xuebing turned and took his phone from his car. After that, he walked a few steps away from the villagers to call the County's Public Security Bureau.

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing decided to wait there for the officers from the nearest police station to arrive.

But a loud hissing sound was heard behind him!

Dong Xuebing saw a young man hitting his Mercedes rear tire with a metal spade. A nail was position against the tire, and the hit from the spade pushes the nail into the tire, deflating it.

The young man cursed. "We had given you a chance!"

The middle-aged villager sneered. "You cannot leave now! Hmph!"

The few villagers were furious when they saw Dong Xuebing making that phone call. Although they don't want to blow up this matter, they are not afraid of any trouble. All of them were foul-tempered, and when they saw Dong Xuebing is not willing to pay money and still called for help, they immediately ask that young man to blow up the tire!

Dong Xuebing saw his tire was punctured and was furious! F**k! You all are asking for it!

That young man waved his spade in the air. "If you have no money, don't drive a Mercedes! You…"

Before that young man can finish what he wanted to say, Dong Xuebing had walked up to him and punched him in his face. The young man bends forward in pain and spat blood and a broken tooth on the floor. Dong Xuebing looked at him coldly and did not say a word. He grabbed that young man's hair and kneeled suddenly, pushing that young man's head into the ground. Bam! The young man was in a daze from the impact, and blood was flowing down from his brows!


The villagers shouted furiously!

"F**k! We will kill you!"

"Kill him!"

The first villager to reach Dong Xuebing was the middle-aged man with the cigarette pipe, and he swings his pipe at Dong Xuebing!

Dong Xuebing's legs are not fully healed, and he cannot dodge this attack. He can only stop his attack by grabbing that man's hand. But that man is stronger. Dong Xuebing had to twist that man's arm and push him aside. Bang! Another villager attacked with a wooden pole, and Dong Xuebing dodged that blow, and it landed on that middle-aged man's back!

"Argghhh!" That middle-aged man shouted in pain and fell to the ground!

Dong Xuebing remembered this middle-aged man had tried to extort money from earlier, and he will not let him off lightly because of his age. Dong Xuebing bends forward with an elbow strike to that man's back. That middle-aged man spat our something and collapsed to the ground. He had fainted from Dong Xuebing's blow like that young man!

"Uncle! Arrgghhh! I will f**king kill you!"

Dong Xuebing felt a gust of wind on his back!

Without turning around, Dong Xuebing swings his fist upwards from his back. Bam! Dong Xuebing's fist landed on the chin of the villager behind him. The punch was so powerful that a few teeth flew out from that villager's mouth. Clang! That villager fell onto the ground and dropped the spade he was holding!

Within two minutes, six villagers had suffered a heavy injury and were groaning in pain on the ground.

Dong Xuebing lean against his Mercedes, panting. He can feel a sharp pain in his legs and knew he had exerted too much strength. Because of his leg injuries, he had to use BACK several times to avoid and dodge the attacks from the villagers. His mood got much better as he looked at the few villagers on the ground.

After a while, a few police cars arrived.

The first to alight was Deputy Team Leader Feng.

Dong Xuebing smiled and greeted. "Old Feng! How come you are here?"

Deputy Team Leader Feng laughed. "I just happened to be nearby and heard you encountered some troubles here. That's why I brought my men over. Chief Dong, are you hurt?"

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. "These few people can hurt me?"

The villagers on the ground were stunned when they heard the Police Officer calling that young man, Chief Dong! Chief Dong?! That God of Plague?!

The middle-aged villager almost fainted again. They are finished!

All of them had heard of the infamous God of Plague!

But none of them had expected to block Chief Dong's car! This is like digging their graves!

Dong Xuebing explained what happened to Deputy Team Leader Feng and said. "What is wrong with the security here? Block the road and rob people? Old Feng, you got to follow up on this and treat it as a criminal case. Those involved must be punished, and their fines must be heavy. If possible, sentence them to prison. Also, this area and the surrounding villages must be cleansed of such practice! Who will come to our County if this carries on?!"

Deputy Team Leader Feng is only an investigation Officer, and this area is not under his jurisdiction. But Dong Xuebing said this to him is for him to pass the message to the ones in charge of this place. These people had wanted to extort 2,000 RMB from Dong Xuebing, and Dong Xuebing will make them pay.

The villagers' faces turned green. "We did not block the roads or rob anyone. We are just collecting tolls!"

That young man and the other villagers were regretting their actions!

Deputy Team Leader Feng kicked that middle-aged villager's shoulders. "Shut up!" He turns to Dong Xuebing. "Chief Dong, I will speak to the local police station and will make sure these people will not be let off easily. Oh, your car is damaged? Pass me the keys. I will send it for repairs and get someone to deliver it to you later." Deputy Team Leader Feng said and turned to the police cars. "Xiao Zheng! Xiao Zheng! Send Chief Dong back to the County!"

This incident was quickly settled.

Deputy Team Leader Feng and the other police officers looked at the police car, driving away and turn to the villagers on the ground. Chief Dong had fought against six opponents again, and his opponents are all badly injured. No wonder his nickname is God of Plague. He had just returned, and misfortune fell on the people standing in his way!

Deputy Team Leader Feng and the officers remembered that Dong Xuebing's legs injuries were not fully healed.

When Dong Xuebing is not injured, he can fight against six, ten opponents. Now, his broken legs were not fully healed, and he still can beat up six opponents easily?!


How strong is Chief Dong?

An hour later, news of Dong Xuebing's fight against six villagers on the outskirts spreads throughout the Bureau.

Those that heard of what happened were speechless.

It is like Dong Xuebing announcing to the County that he is back!

The God of Plague is back!

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