Power and Wealth

Chapter 205 – Yu Meixia is in trouble!

Next morning.

Yu Meixia made a report to the Public Security over the phone. Her husband's body was discovered in the County's outskirts near to Jin Di Mansion. So, Yu Meixia called the City Police Station first. As expected, the officers there refused to accept this case as they had already closed the files. After that, Yu Meixia called the County's Public Security Bureau. The officer who asked her call noticed Yu Meixia's number was from their family quarters and accepted her report before reporting to the higher-ups.

"Alright. I will go to work." Dong Xuebing grabbed his bag.

Yu Meixia immediately brings Dong Xuebing's shoes over. "Should I continue to call?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "Yes. Continue to call them. If they want you to go over to record statements, go ahead and tell them whatever you know."

Yu Meixia nodded. With Chief Dong backing her, she becomes braver. She had been thinking of revenge for too long, and she finally saw a glimpse of hope. She was excited, but at the same time, she was worried. "Chief Dong, if… if this matter blows up, there might be trouble for you."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "I want this incident to blow out of proportion. Just do what I say."

Yu Meixia looked at Dong Xuebing gratefully. "Thank you."

County's Public Security Bureau.

Dong Xuebing arrived in this office and start going through the case files. Under normal circumstances, the leaders not involved in investigations, like the Bureau's Commission for Discipline Inspection's Secretary, Union Chairman, etc. will not know about the cases in the County. But Yu Meixia's case had alarmed everyone. Everyone in the Bureau knew Chief Dong had hired a helper named Yu Meixia, and the calls to the Public Security Bureau and stations are from the Public Security Bureau's Family Quarters. This is very sensitive. Many people think it was Chief Dong who asked her to make reports. That means the person making this police report is Public Security Bureau Deputy Chief. Within 2 hours, the whole County Public Security Bureau heard about this case.

Chief Dong is going to touch Jin Di Mansion?

The ones who knew about Jin Di Mansion were shocked!

The phone in Dong Xuebing's office rang. It's Hu Silian, the Bureau's Office Director!

Hu Silian is close to everyone. Her relationships with the County's Bureau leaders are good, and she is close to Chief Dong recently. When she heard Chief Dong's helper had made a report on the death case 6 months ago, she immediately called Dong Xuebing. "Chief Dong, Jin Di Mansion cannot be touched."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Why?"

Hu Silian explained. "Too many people are involved with that place. Even Chief Liang could not do anything to them."

Dong Xuebing replied. "Sister Hu, thank you for telling me. I know what I should do."

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing's office line rang again.

It's Deputy Bureau Chief Qin Yong. "Brother, what are you doing? Jin Di Mansion… Sigh…." Since Dong Xuebing entered the Bureau and showed his capabilities in fending off his rivals and case-solving skills, Qin Yong starts to admire him. It's hard to get an ally in the government sector, and he does not want to see Dong Xuebing get into trouble. "The investigation department is under Hu Yiguo, and the City's Police Station is under Wan Tao. You… You will not be able to interfere. Listen to me. Just wait and see what Chief Liang is going to do."

Dong Xuebing understood what Qin Yong meant. He said to wait for Chief Liang, but he is trying to ask Dong Xuebing to wait for the person behind Chief Liang to act first. But Chief Liang had failed in his previous attempt, and it should be almost impossible for him to try again. Also, who knows when that day will come. That's why Dong Xuebing decided to act first. He will ignite the fire and see if any leaders from the County Government is willing to interfere.

The third person who called up was Hui Tian Village Station Chief Liu Dahai. He also said the same things.

The fourth caller is someone Dong Xuebing least expected. Hu Yiguo.

Hu Yiguo said in a low voice. "Chief Dong, do you know about your helper's case? I had gone through the case file, and it's a suicide case. This case is closed, and why is she trying to bring it up again? The Bureau will not entertain such cases. It is a waste of resources."

Dong Xuebing sneered. "My helper's case? What happened? I don't know anything about this."

Hu Yiguo's tone changed. "You don't know about this? Never mind. Just speak to your helper. She is calling every hour, and she even called the City Public Security Bureau. This case had been closed, and the person cremated. What is she trying to do? This is harassment. She wants to be arrested?" Hu Yiguo's attitude confirmed Dong Xuebing's suspicions. This guy is involved with Jin Di Mansion.

Dong Xuebing replied fearlessly. "Chief Hu, what you said is not right. If there are doubts about the case, we should investigate it. We cannot ignore it just because the case is closed. What if there are errors in the autopsy report? If we don't even investigate, how are we going to answer to the public? You still want to arrest her? Are you trying to threaten the commoners?"

Hu Yiguo's face changed. "That's all I have to say. If your helper continues to call in, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "You don't need to give me face. If my helper really commits any crimes, go ahead and arrest her. We are living in a country under the rule of law. Even the relative of the leader commits a crime, he or she will still have to be punished by the law!" Dong Xuebing does not believe Hu Yiguo dares to arrest Yu Meixia. The Jin Di Mansion case is very sensitive, and Hu Yiguo will not want to blow up things. If he really arrests Yu Meixia, it will show that he is trying to cover up something.

At about 11 am, Dong Xuebing finally got the call he was waiting for.

Liang Chengpeng had returned to the County from Beijing this morning. "Chief Dong, come to my office."

Dong Xuebing acknowledge and composed himself before going upstairs to the Bureau Chief's office.

"Chief Liang, how is your mother?"

"After you left, she suddenly got a fever, and Hospital Director Qin and his team conducted checks. Luckily, she is fine and is recovering well now. my wife is still accompanying her at 305 Hospital, and she should be discharged in a few days." Liang Chengpeng was reading some documents when Dong Xuebing entered his office. He immediately gestures to Dong Xuebing to sit and took a glass to pour water for him.

Dong Xuebing doesn't dare to let the Bureau Chief pour water for him. He immediately stood up and said. "No… Chief Liang, I will pour the water myself."

Liang Chengpeng was polite to Dong Xuebing because of his background in Beijing, and also, he had helped in getting treatment for his mother.

Dong Xuebing poured a glass of water for himself and sat down.

Liang Chengpeng looked at him. "I heard you are going to touch Jin Di Mansion. That place is not as simple as you think."

Dong Xuebing nodded. "I know. But regardless of the reason, a life is lost there. That might be a murder case, and it still involves gambling and other crimes. Although we still need to gather more facts, more than one person had told me this Jin Di Mansion has problems. We should not allow any places to do what they want just because they have strong backings. This is not a lawless society, and we must abide by the law. Just because they have backings, we ignore the fact that they might have murdered someone? Then what cases should we investigate? We don't investigate the cases of those with backings? What's the purpose of our Public Security?"

Liang Chengpeng smiled helplessly. He was impressed with Dong Xuebing's way with words. He is always able to give all sorts of righteous reasons to support himself. "Do you have evidence?"

Dong Xuebing paused and said. "No. But once the investigation starts, we will surely find evidence."

Liang Chengpeng looked at Dong Xuebing. "How are you going to investigate?"

"Find an excuse to shut down Jin Di Mansion first and investigate from there. We can use gambling, vice, as excuses."

Liang Chengpeng shook his head. "If it is so simple, I would have shut down that place a long time ago. Vice? Gambling? You will not catch anyone. I had led a team twice to that place and got nothing. All we find there are poker cards and dices. Your idea will not work."

Dong Xuebing frowned. "They have people in our Bureau, and they will be notified beforehand. I believe if I bring my men there, I will surely get evidence." Hu Yiguo must be on good terms with Publicity Department Head Qian Sheng's son. With an Executive Deputy Bureau Chief helping them, it will be a miracle if you manage to arrest anyone.

Liang Chengpeng waved his hand. "It's not as simple as you think. Jin Di Mansion is more powerful than you think. Xiao Dong, just put this aside for the time being. The time is not ripe yet." Liang Chengpeng also wants to shut down Jin Di Mansion. But he still has not entered the County Government's Party Committee. There are lots of things he cannot do as the higher-ups are involved in Jin Di Mansions.

Dong Xuebing said. "Chief Liang, this is a person's life. How can we just put it aside?"

Liang Chengpeng sighed. "Just forget it. We still have a long way to go." Liang Chengpeng knew how significant Jin Di Mansion's influence is, and he does not want Dong Xuebing to get into trouble.

Dong Xuebing replied firmly. "I have reservations about what you said."

Liang Chengpeng just smiled and did not say a word.

Liang Chengpeng did not agree to Dong Xuebing's plan, and the people behind him will not interfere. Dong Xuebing had prepared for this, but he will not give up on shutting down Jin Di Mansion. Firstly, it is for Yu Meixia, and secondly, a man is killed there. If Dong Xuebing does not know who the suspect is, it's alright. But the suspect might be the people in Jin Di Mansion, and the authorities do not even want to investigate and even tried to help the suspect secretly. This is why Dong Xuebing was so furious!


No one is willing to help? What should I do?!

I will not give up! Even if I have to investigate alone, I will also get the suspect!

Dong Xuebing immediately call Yu Meixia. "Sister Yu, continue to call the police stations!" Dong Xuebing needs a breakthrough now. He needs his opponents to show a loophole!

At noon, Dong Xuebing noticed everyone is looking at him weirdly.

Yes. The whole Bureau knew about what Dong Xuebing did and was impressed with his courage. This new Deputy Bureau Chief is very aggressive. He had offended Hu Yiguo within days after being posted here and also gone against the Head of the County's Education Ministry. After that, he has gone against all the leaders in the Finance Department. Now, he is going against the forces behind Jin Di Mansion? Damn! He is really a troublemaker!

Throughout the day, Dong Xuebing could feel the pressure on him. But he had promised Yu Meixia to get justice for her, he doesn't care about the pressure.

After work, Dong Xuebing walked back to the Bureau's Family Quarters.

Suddenly, a Buick Regal stopped in front of him. The rear passenger door opens, and a man in early thirties alighted. This man is very fair. His face, hands, neck are fair and smooth, like a woman. He gave out an eerie feeling. "Chief Dong. Nice to meet you." He called out to Dong Xuebing with a smile and extended his hand for a handshake.

Dong Xuebing shook his hand and asked. "You are?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Qian Fei, and Qian Sheng is my father." Qian Fei said and looked at Dong Xuebing's reaction.

Dong Xuebing was shocked. The son of the County's Publicity Department Head? The person behind Jin Di Mansion? Fine. You all had come to me before I even go after you? Dong Xuebing pretended to be surprised. "Oh… you are Chief Qian's son? Nice to meet you. You are… waiting for someone?"

Qian Fei laughed. "I am waiting for you."

Dong Xuebing asked. "Huh? You need anything from me?"

Qian Fei glanced at Dong Xuebing. He was cursing at Dong Xuebing for his pretenses in his heart, but he kept a smile on his face. "Oh, it's nothing. I just want to invite you to dinner. We can talk over dinner."

Dong Xuebing did not give him any face. "Oh, if it's nothing, then forget it. I still have something on."

The corner of Qian Fei's lips twitched and said patiently. "Chief Dong, it will not take long."

Dong Xuebing knew what Qian Fei is up to. Qian Fei should be going to give some gifts or money to shut him up and stop him from investigating the murder case. He might also invite Dong Xuebing to join him in his illicit activities. This person even dares to kill someone. What else he dare not to do? Dong Xuebing will not accept his invitation. "Xiao Qian, if you have anything to say, say it here."

Xiao Qian? You dare to call me Xiao Qian? Qian Fei stared at Dong Xuebing for a few seconds and nodded. "Fine! Let's have dinner another day!" He turned and walked away.

Dong Xuebing did not look at him and continued walking home.

In the Buick Regal, Qian Fei stared at Dong Xuebing's back view. "You are only a County's Deputy Bureau Chief. If I don't teach you a lesson, you will not know who I am! Dong Xuebing, you are asking for it! Hmph! Go back to Jin Di Mansion!" The driver starts driving, and Qian Fei took out his phone to make a few calls.

The next morning.

Dong Xuebing woke up early and sat in the living room, drinking his tea, before 6 am.

The other bedroom door opened, and Yu Meixia walked out in her sleep gown. She should be going to the toilet and got a fright to see someone in the living room. "Chief Dong? You are up so early?"

"Yes. I can't sleep."

"Please a while. I will prepare breakfast now."

Yu Meixia blushed and pulled the helm of her short gown down. But the gown was too short, and the top exposed more cleavage. Yu Meixia quickly covered her chest with her hand and enter the bathroom. When she came out, she immediately returns to her room to get changed.

Dong Xuebing smiled as he looked at Yu Meixia's actions. If Yu Meixia did not have a daughter, he would not believe she is in her 30s. Her face looks younger than her age and does not have any wrinkles. Her character is also shy and conservative, like a high school student.

After a while, Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian walked out of their room.

Yu Meixia said. "Please wait a while. We have run out of eggs. I will go to the mini supermarket to buy some now."

Dong Xuebing was not hungry and nodded.

Yu Meixia took a basket from the kitchen and topped up Dong Xuebing's teacup, before leaving.

After the door is closed, Yu Qianqian walked over to Dong Xuebing. "Big Brother, my father… He…" She is also very concerned about her father's case.

"Don't worry. I will take care of it." Dong Xuebing patted her head.

Yu Qianqian nodded. "Thank you. You treated us really well."

Dong Xuebing blushed. Yes. He treated them well. Too well until he felt it was getting overboard. Dong Xuebing had to admit that he does not only pity them. In his heart, he started to have feelings for them. Of course, having feelings is merely an excellent way to put it. In reality, he lusts after them. Dong Xuebing scolded himself in his heart. You bastard! You only think about those things!

20 minutes passed.

Yu Qianqian asked curiously. "Why is Mum not back yet?"

Dong Xuebing thought nothing of it. "Maybe the supermarket is not open yet."

Another 20 minutes passed.

"Big Brother, can you call my Mum?" Yu Qianqian got worried.

Dong Xuebing called Yu Meixia, and her phone rang from the room. She did not bring her phone with her. It's almost an hour. Why is she not back yet? Where has she gone to buy eggs? Dong Xuebing stood up and said. "Maybe your mother had gone to the supermarket on the northside to buy eggs. You go to school first. I will go and look for your mother."

Dong Xuebing walked Yu Qianqian to the main gate of the compound and went to the nearby markets.

He searched for Yu Meixia for more than an hour but did not see her!

Dong Xuebing's heart skipped a beat and sense something was wrong.

Ring… ring… ring… Dong Xuebing's phone rang, and he answered quickly. It was Hu Silian.

"Chief Dong, is your helper at home?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "I am also looking for her. She had gone out to buy eggs in the morning, and it's been almost 2 hours. Why are you asking?"

Hu Silian took a deep breath and said. "It must be her. The Bureau just received a call. Someone had seen a few men forcing a pretty woman into a van near to our quarters. The description of the woman sounds like your helper, and although the caller did not take down the number plate, the description of the vehicle is similar to the case of children and women abduction."

Women abduction?

Yu Meixia was kidnapped?

Dong Xuebing's anger rose!!!

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