Power and Wealth

Chapter 201 The caring helper

Two days later.

Yan Tai County.

Spring was almost over, and the weather starts to get warmer.

Outside of the County's Public Security Family Quarters, Yu Meixia, in a light-colored dress, was walking back from the supermarket with Yu Qianqian. She had just bought prawns, fish, crabs, and a lot more groceries. The reason why she bought so much food was that Chief Xiao Dong called her and told her he will be back before lunch. Chief Dong's mother might over be coming over. Yu Meixia was grateful to Dong Xuebing and wanted to cook more dishes to repay him.

Yu Meixia met a middle-aged couple, who were walking out of the quarters, at the entrance.

"Hi, Sister Yu, you just return from the market?" The middle-aged man greeted her warmly.

Yu Meixia replied nervously. "Yes. Good morning Director Sun. I just bought some groceries." Yu Meixia does not know what Director Sun's full name and his rank were. But everyone in the estate addressed him as Director Sun, he should be one of the leaders in the County's Public Security. His position should not be higher than Chief Dong.

The middle-aged man laughed. "What Director Sun? Sister Yu, just call me Old Sun will do."

Yu Meixia dared not address him as Old Sun and stood there embarrassedly.

The middle-aged man laughed. "When is Chief Dong coming back?"

Yu Meixia did not tell him the truth. "Err… I am not sure." She knows she cannot reveal Dong Xuebing's information to anyone.

The middle-aged woman smiled as she looked at Yu Qianqian. "You are Qianqian? You are so pretty. Which grade are you in?"

Yu Qianqian moved closer to her mother, shyly. "Aunty, Uncle, I… I am in my first year of middle school."

"You are in your first year, and you are so pretty." The woman praised. "You will surely be as pretty as your mother when you grow up."

Yu Meixia blushed. "Thank you."

The woman held Yu Meixia's hand. "Sister Yu, we still have something on and got to go now. Drop by my place for a chat when you are free. I am staying on the first floor." The woman said and turns to Yu Qianqian. "Qianqian, I got to go. Come over to my place someday."

Yu Qianqian lowered her head shyly. "Ok. Goodbye, Aunty, goodbye, Uncle."

After the couple left, Yu Qianqian asked. "Mum, why did they call you Sister Yu? They look like they are older than you."

Yu Meixia sighed. "It's all because of Chief Dong. Their ranks should be lower than your brother Dong, and that's why they treated us politely." Yu Meixia had gotten used to living in this estate. Even when Chief Dong is not around, there are still people dropping by to give her gifts. They seemed to want her to ask Chief Dong for favors, but she dared not accept anything and rejected them politely.

Now, the whole estate knows who Yu Meixia and her daughter were. It was not only they were living with Chief Dong as his helper, but it was also because of their beauty. A young man like Chief Dong suddenly hired two helpers? Everyone was wondering if Yu Meixia and her daughter were really his helpers. Why would someone so pretty be a helper? Is one of them Chief Dong's mistress? Is it the mother or daughter? Some people felt it's the mother and some thought it's the daughter.

Of course, no matter whether if it's mistress or helper, the attitude towards them will not change.

Helpers might be ordinary, but if it's a leader's helper, it is different.

Secretary, drivers, and helpers are people close to the leaders and played an important role. Secretaries are the leaders' mouthpiece and had the backing of the leader. But in terms of closeness, secretaries are not as close to the leaders as the drivers and helpers. When leaders had some personal to attend, most of them will use their drivers. For example, secretaries might not know when the leader is going to someone's place late at night or have a secret meeting with someone, but the driver will know.

Helpers are the same. They are the ones taking care of the leaders at home, and some of them might even be caring for the leaders' parents. Who else can be closer to the leader other than them? Sometimes, it is easier to get favors through the help of helpers instead of going to the leader directly.

"Sister Yu." A man who was walking out called out to Yu Meixia.

Yu Meixia quickly greeted. "Chief Qin."

Yu Qianqian also greets him. "Uncle Qin."

"Haha… You call Chief Dong as Brother Dong, how can you call me Uncle? Am I that old?" Qin Yong joked.

Yu Meixia got a fright. "Chief Qin, she is still a child and is still ignorant. Please forgive her."

Qin Yong was speechless. This mother and daughter do not have a sense of humor, and he smiled at her. "It's alright. Just call me Uncle. Anyway, I am not young too. Hahaha…" Qin Yong moved closer and asked softly. "When is Chief Dong coming back?"

Yu Meixia hesitates for a while. "He will be back at noon."

Qin Yong nodded. "Ok. I will call him later in the afternoon. Alright… I got to go. Bye."

"Please take care, Chief Qin." Yu Meixia knew the relationship between Qin Yong and Dong Xuebing, and that's why she told Chief Qin when Dong Xuebing was returning and not to Director Sun.

On the way to the building, a few more people greeted Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian. Yu Meixia was afraid of saying the wrong things and disgraced Chief Dong, and return the greetings cautiously. She even thought for a few seconds before replying to them. She was relieved when she enters the corridor. In the past, wherever she and her daughter go out, people will be looking at them with lust. But now, Yu Meixia finally felt the feeling of being respected. Some people even tried to bootlick her. These were all given to her by Chief Dong.

"Qianqian, later when Chief Dong's mother is here, try to keep quiet and don't make her angry."


Yu Meixia did not get any reply from her daughter, and she turned to look at her. Qianqian was looking at a kid returning with his schoolbag. "What are you looking at?"

Yu Qianqian replied. "Mum, I… I also want to go to school."

Yu Meixia hugged her daughter. "I had asked the school before the holidays. Our registered address is not in the County, and the schools here will not accept us. If you are going to continue your studies back at the village, where will we stay and what about my job?" Dong Xuebing had given her an advanced salary before he left, and she can afford the school fees for her daughter. But it is still a problem to transfer to the schools here.

Yu Qianqian is a sensible child, and her tears rolled down her cheeks. "Mum, it's fine. I… I will not go to school."

Yu Meixia's eyes also turn red. "I am sorry."

Yu Qianqian hugged her mother. "Mum, I should be the one saying sorry. I am just your burden."

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's go upstairs."

When the mother and daughter enter the house, they saw a middle-aged woman sitting in the living room.

At noon, Dong Xuebing arrived home.

Dong Xuebing had settled all matters in Beijing and gotten high returns. Not only he had gotten monetary gains and increase the reputation of the Auction Company, but he also got closer to Liang Chengpeng. Liang Chengpeng's mother was out of danger and all the vital signs machines were removed. Chief Liang should be returning to Yan Tai County tomorrow and his wife can stay in Beijing to care for the old lady. After Chief Liang returns to work, Dong Xuebing can start his plans to enforce the laws in the village. Even if he offends others, Liang Chengpeng will protect him.

It's good to have someone at the top protecting you!

Dong Xuebing went upstairs and opened the door happily.

"Dong… Chief Dong, you are back?" Yu Meixia stood up from the sofa and ran over to bring a pair of slippers to him.

"Big Brother." Yu Qianqian looked at Dong Xuebing and quickly pours a cup of water for him.

Dong Xuebing looked at them. "Yes. Eh? Mum, you are here too?"

Luan Xiaoping just mumbled a reply and can't be bothered with Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing was dumbfounded. "Mum, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?" Dong Xuebing was used to having Yu Meixia serving him, and he took off his shoes and wore the slippers. Yu Meixia immediately picks up his shoes and places them neatly on the shoe rack. Yu Qianqian also walks over with Dong Xuebing's teacup. Dong Xuebing took a sip and gave it back to Yu Qianqian.

Luan Xiaoping looked at her son getting 'served' and shouted at him. "Xiao Bing! Come with me!"

Dong Xuebing followed his mother into the bedroom puzzledly and closes the door behind him. "What's wrong?"

Luan Xiaoping points towards the door with her chin. "Who is Xiao Yu?"

"What do you mean? I had told you before that I had hired a helper."

Luan Xiaoping had heard about this over the phone, and she did not think much about it, as her son is now a Deputy Bureau Chief and this is normal. But when Luan Xiaoping saw Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian's beautiful features, she got suspicious. "There are helpers everywhere and why must you get such beautiful helper? There will be gossips about you!"

Dong Xuebing smacked his lips. "Just let them say what they want. I am not scared."

Luan Xiaoping replied helplessly. "Tell me the truth. You like her?"

"Ah… Mum, what are you talking about? Sister Yu is 10 years older than me, and Qianqian is 10 years younger than me. I will like them?!" Dong Xuebing will never admit that he does like them, and he continued. "I took them in is because they are pitiful. When I met them, they were kneeling on the streets, begging. Sister Lu's husband had passed away and her family is in debt. Oh, I had helped them cleared their debts." Dong Xuebing explained briefly.

Luan Xiaoping heard this and immediately cool down. "Sigh… their situation is very similar to us."

"You are right, and therefore I helped them. I really don't have other motives."

Luan Xiaoping replied empathetically. "What you have done is right."

Luan Xiaoping walked out of the bedroom and saw Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian looking at the bedroom nervously. Both could tell Chief Dong's mother was not happy with them and was afraid of her kicking them out. Luan Xiaoping sighed in her heart and held Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian's hands. "I apologize for my attitude towards you all earlier. My son had told me everything. Just live here, and if you all need help, just tell Xiao Bing."

Yu Meixia replied gratefully. "Thank you, Sister Luan."

Yu Qianqian also thanked her. "Thank you, Aunty."

"What's there to thank? I still need you two to help me take care of Xiao Bing. Come, let's have lunch."

After lunch, Luan Xiaoping pulled Yu Meixia into the bedroom for a chat. Dong Xuebing could hear laughter from the room and they seemed to have gotten closer. At about 2pm, Luan Xiaoping received a call and left. The final exams are around the corner, and Luan Xiaoping had just entered the County's First Middle school. She is worried that the two classes she taught did not get good results and other teachers will talk behind her back. That's why she prepared lots of extra lessons for her students this month.

After Luan Xiaoping left, Yu Meixia said. "Chief Dong, your mother is a nice person."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "What did she say to you?"

Yu Meixia blushed and looked at Dong Xuebing secretly. "No… Nothing. I… I will go and wash the dishes."

Dong Xuebing was puzzled. Why is your face red?

Yu Meixia dare not tell Dong Xuebing what his mother told her. Luan Xiaoping had told Yu Meixia to call her if Dong Xuebing tried to 'bully' her. She will teach Dong Xuebing a lesson. Yu Meixia is not a young girl and knew what 'bully' meant.

At about 4 pm, Deputy Bureau Chief Qin Yong called and asked Dong Xuebing out for dinner. He should have something to discuss.

After hanging up, Dong Xuebing said. "Sister Yu, don't prepare my dinner. I will be going out."

Yu Meixia acknowledged and walked out of the kitchen. She looked at Dong Xuebing with hesitations.

Dong Xuebing looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"I… Can I give you a massage?" Yu Meixia walked over.

Yu Qianqian, who was watching TV, blushed and pretended not to see them.

Dong Xuebing looked at Yu Meixia. "You don't need to give me a massage. Just speak your mind. I am going out soon."

"I… I…"

"You need money? It's alright. Just take it from the drawer. I will let you take a one-month advanced salary."

"No." Yu Meixia hesitated for a while and finally said. "I… I want to let Qianqian go to school. I can afford her school fees now, but the schools say we are still registered in the village and they cannot accept Qianqian. Can you… can you help Qianqian change her address to the County? I… I know you had helped us a lot and I can't repay you in this life. This… This is the last time I beg you. Can you…"

Yu Qianqian's eyes turned red. "Mum…"

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead. "You should have told me earlier. The term break is about one month later, and I thought you want to let Qianqian start from the next term. You just want to change your household registration and find a school? Ok. I will ask around for you."

On the way to meet Qin Yong, Dong Xuebing called the County's Household registration section. Actually, Yu Qianqian does not need to change her registration address to enter a school. But Dong Xuebing decided to help them, and this is only a small issue. After Dong Xuebing ended his call with the County's Household registration section, he called the Principal of County's First Middle School. He told the principal that one of his friend's child wants to enter his school, and the principal agreed immediately.

In the evening, Dong Xuebing had dinner and some drinks before returning home.

Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian were watching TV in the living room and immediately stood up when they heard the door opening. Yu Meixia was even attentive towards Dong Xuebing than before. She quickly bends over to help Dong Xuebing take off his shoes and helped him wear the slippers. Yu Qianqian was standing there looking at Dong Xuebing nervously. She does not know if her household registration and school transfer will be approved.

Dong Xuebing threw his bag on the sofa and laughed. "Sister Yu, bring Qianqian with you to change your household registrations tomorrow. I had asked someone to transfer your registration to the County."

Yu Meixia was surprised. "Chief Dong, I… I also can change my household registration?"

Dong Xuebing nodded. "Just change your registration to the county. It will be easier for you to move around. Errr… it's fine if you don't want to change."

Yu Meixia quickly replied. "Yes. I am willing!"

Dong Xuebing said. "Oh, I have found a school for Qianqian. County's First Middle School. It's a good school, and my mum is teaching there. She can help you look after Qianqian at school. Tomorrow just brings Qianqian to the school and pay the school fees. Don't worry about the household registration. I had spoken to the principal."

Yu Meixia and Yu Qianqian were excited. The County's household registration and County's First Middle School? These were things that they don't even dare to wish for in the past!

Yu Qianqian's tears flowed, and she hugged her mother. "Mum, I can go to school!"

Yu Meixia was about to cry too. "Hurry, and thank Chief Dong!"

"Thank you, Brother."

"Don't mention it. Just study hard at school."

Yu Meixia looked at Dong Xuebing gratefully. "Chief Dong, I… I…"

Dong Xuebing waved his hand and massaged his temples. "Chief Qin can really drink. I also blackout during dinner. Sister Yu, help me fill up the bathtub."


Yu Meixia was desperate to show her gratitude and quickly ran to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with warm water. She tested the water with her hands as she was afraid the water will be too hot for Chief Dong.

"The bathtub is ready."

"Ok. Thanks."

"Please leave your dirty clothes there. I will wash it later."

Dong Xuebing nodded. Since Yu Meixia comes over, this was the first time they brought up the subject of washing clothes. Dong Xuebing was slightly embarrassed. "Err… ok… Thank you." After Yu Meixia left the bathroom, Dong Xuebing start to strip and enter the bathtub. He laid down in the tub and closes his eyes.

5 minutes…

10 minutes…

Knock, knock, knock…

Dong Xuebing looked towards the door, behind the shower curtains. "What is it?"

Yu Meixia asked from outside. "I… Can I go in?"

Dong Xuebing thought Yu Meixia was entering the bathroom to get his dirty laundry. "Come in."

The door opened, and Yu Meixia entered shyly. She could not see Dong Xuebing behind the plastic shower curtains and hesitated for a while, before closing the door behind her. She locked it and said softly. "Chief Dong, I… I am here to help you scrub your back."

Dong Xuebing got shocked. "No need. Just accompany Qianqian to read some books. It's almost the end semester exams."

"I… I had asked Qianqian to go to bed." Yu Meixia was thinking of ways to repay Dong Xuebing but never got the chance. She deliberated for a while before asking her daughter to go to bed and coming to the bathroom. "Can… Can I open the curtains?"

Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead. I am still butt naked, and how are you going to help me scrub my back?!

Dong Xuebing tried to persuade Yu Meixia to go out, but she refused as she was determined to do something for him. Dong Xuebing was not as bold as Xie Huilan and quickly grab a bottle of shampoo and squeeze an enormous amount into the tub, trying to form bubbles to cover himself. "Ok then…"

Yu Meixia slowly pulled the shower curtains aside and turned away. "Can… Can you face away from me?"

"Just use the shower gel and scrub lightly." Dong Xuebing turned away from her and only showed his back.

Yu Meixia gritted her teeth and squat down beside the tub. She poured some shower gel in her hands and slowly rubbed Dong Xuebing's back. She also starts knitting his back, giving him a massage. She had never treated any man like this before, not even her husband!

A few minutes later, Dong Xuebing forgot all the awkwardness and shyness!

This is so different from getting a massage with clothes on. This feels terrific!

Yu Meixia saw Chief Dong closing his eyes and asked. "Can I wash your hair?"

Dong Xuebing nodded.

Yu Meixia took some shampoo and start washing Dong Xuebing's hair.

"Ah… you are so good with your hands." Dong Xuebing still has his eyes closed and was enjoying the sensation of Yu Meixia's head massage.

Yu Meixia heard this and put in more effort. After washing Dong Xuebing's hair, she put her hands into the tub to grab Dong Xuebing's feet. "I will massage your feet."

Dong Xuebing quickly moved his legs away. "Oh. It's fine. You don't have to do this."

"It's alright. I just want you to relax." Yu Meixia had decided to go all out. She closed her eyes slightly to prevent herself from looking into the tub and pulled Dong Xuebing's feet over the side of the tub. After that, she used both hands to massage one of his feet for a while before switching to the other.

Dong Xuebing lowered his head and secretly peeped at Yu Meixia's chest from the opening of her t-shirt. Her figure is perfect!

Sigh… where else can I find such a caring helper?!

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