Power and Wealth

C.1120: Who are you?

“What’s going on?!”

“Continue to shoot!”

“F**k! Who the f**k is this guy?!”

The grassland is filled with gunshots and the soldiers shouting.

They had seen many things during their years as soldiers, and this was the first time they had met someone like Dong Xuebing. They were not his match in close combat and could not hit him with their rifles. What the hell is going on? How are they going to win against someone who can dodge bullets?!

“Hurry! Shoot him!”

“The bullets cannot hit him!”

“Stop him and ask for backups!”

“F**k! Where did this guy come from?”

A soldier was about to ask for backup when Dong Xuebing flicked his arm. A steak knife flew up and plunged into the radio set he was holding. The knife continued forward and penetrated the soldier’s neck. The soldier rolled his eyes backward and collapsed.

Four men….

Four remaining….

The soldiers panicked and started firing their guns without aiming at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing dodged the bullets easily and looked toward the research center in the distance. He knew the gunshots would attract other soldiers and should end this fight immediately. He narrowed his eyes and rushed forward.

Ta… ta… ta….


Lowered his head….

Bend down….


Dong Xuebing dodged all the bullets.

“Take cover!”


The remaining soldiers shouted.

But it was too late. Dong Xuebing’s speed was faster than theirs. He only held a steak knife compared to a whole load of soldiers.

Three meters….

Two meters….

One meter….

The soldiers fired while retreating, but Dong Xuebing caught up with them.

The soldier nearest to Dong Xuebing threw his rifle aside and tried to fight in close combat. They were also trained in close combat, and this soldier is skilled in how he subdued Old Hong.

However, he is facing Dong Xuebing this time.

All forms of close combat moves are useless against Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing wanted to end this quickly and moved his hand upwards. He got past that soldier, and that soldier fell to the ground. No one saw what happened, and blood flowed from the soldier’s chest.



Issac did not even last one blow.

Three soldiers remained.

They initially thought Dong Xuebing was a joke, and they were shocked now.

They finally understood they were not on the same level as this young Chinese man. Even though it is three vs. 1, and that young man is only armed with a steak knife, they are no match for him.

A soldier cursed.

Another soldier shouted. “Retreat! Retreat!”

The other two soldiers turned and ran while firing at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing will not let them get away. He dodged the bullets and ran after them.

“He is here!”

“Take cover!”

“Stop him. Don’t let him get close!”

A soldier in his thirties turned and fired at Dong Xuebing’s head with his pistol. They were close, and there was no way for Dong Xuebing to dodge it.

The soldier would never forget what happened next.

Dong Xuebing raised his left hand and caught the bullet between his fingers!

Oh my god!

What is this?!

How can someone catch a bullet with his hand?!

That soldier was stunned, and he shouted. “He can….”

Before the soldier can finish, a steak knife is plunged into his heart and pulled out.

The soldier collapsed before he could not finish his warning to his comrades.

Two soldiers remained.

Dong Xuebing threw away the bullet in his hand and continued to chase the two soldiers. They were far from Zhang Longjuan, Yao Shuo, and Old Hong; he was not worried they would see it. As for the two soldiers, it’s okay. They are going to die soon.

Ten meters….

Five meters….

one meter….

Dong Xuebing caught up with one solder and dodged his elbow strike.

That soldier pulled out a dagger and slashed toward Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing raised his steak knife to block it and swung his arm outwards. After that, he continued to chase the last soldier. The soldier holding the dagger fell to the ground two seconds later, with blood spurting out from his neck.

Last soldier.

This should be the officer. He had been giving orders earlier.

The officer knew he could not escape. He stopped and raised his gun above his head. He shouted something in English, and he seemed to be surrendering.

Dong Xuebing looked at the office and said slowly. “I did not want to kill anyone, but you all forced me. Don’t blame me. Since I arrived in Florida, Sis Zhang had taken good care of me, and you all had humiliated her. How am I going to face Sister Xu when I return? We have a saying in China. You reap what you sow. Don’t be so arrogant in your next life.” He said these in Mandarin and didn’t care if the officer could understand him.

The officer was confused but could guess it from Dong Xuebing’s expression. His face changed, and he attacked suddenly.

Dong Xuebing did not even look at that soldier. He moved his arm and walked back towards Zhang Longjuan and the rest.

That officer's body froze for a second and collapsed on the ground.

When Dong Xuebing walked past a soldier’s body, he bent over and pulled out the other steak knife. He wiped the blood off and hid it in his sleeves. These steak knives are helpful; he has another battle waiting for him in the research center. He got to be prepared. He picked up the handguns from the soldiers’ bodies and kept them behind his back. He also picked up an assault rifle and some magazines.

Instantly, Dong Xuebing is fully equipped.

Dong Xuebing walked up to Zhang Longjuan and the rest.

Yao Shun had got up, and he was helping Dong Xuebing up. They were staring at Dong Xuebing. Zhang Longjuan was getting up. They looked at Dong Xuebing in a daze. One man had wiped out an eight-man fully armed team with only two steak knives!

What is this combat power?!

This guy is not human!

Damn! Where did this guy come from?

Dong Xuebing helped Zhang Longjuan up. “Are you alright? Are you all injured?”

Yao Shun took a deep breath. “Old Hong and I are fine. Ms. Zhang should be fine too.”

Zhang Longjuan looked at Dong Xuebing and smiled. “Who are you, Xiao Dong?”

Dong Xuebing replied with a smile. “What do you mean by who am I?”

Zhang Longjuan said. “Don’t tell me you are an ordinary civilian. I have never seen a civilian can remain calm in front of so many guns, let alone kill eight fully armed soldiers with two knives. Even people like Xiao Yao will not remain so calm after killing someone. You should have killed dozens or hundreds of people. Ah…. You had hidden your true nature well. Why did Old Xu not warn me about you?”

Dong Xuebing replied. “Sister Xu does not know why I come here and what I will do. Also, I am just an ordinary person.” He did not say much.

Yao Shun shook Dong Xuebing’s hand. “Thank you, comrade. We would be dead without you. I represent all our State Security comrades in Florida to thank you again. How come I have never seen you before? Are you not from the State Security?”

Old Hong’s eyes had never left Dong Xuebing. “You are from the military.”

Dong Xuebing thought to himself. I left State Security for a few years and was doing administrative work there. How are you going to meet me? He did not plan to tell Yao Shun this as he did not want to expose his identity. Even if he identified himself, they would not believe him. “I don’t want to lie to you all, and I cannot tell you all my real name or job. I had come here for the same reason as Brother Yao. Someone asked me to bring Zhong Lizhen back, and I could not refuse him. That’s why I am here.” He turned to Zhang Longjuan. “Sorry, Sis Zhang. I did not tell you because I don’t want to drag you into this. After all, the things I will do cannot be brought up to the surface.”

Xiao Dong is not from the State Security and the Military?!

Yao Shun and Old Hong were stunned.

This guy had killed eight soldiers with two steak knives.

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