Power and Wealth

C.1058: Sleeping together


Yao Cui’s room.

Both chatted about their university days and their classmates. Dong Xuebing was surprised. “Our university classmates are amazing.”

“That’s right. I had only followed them online and had not contacted them.”

“Oh, we can know their updates online?! I seldom go online.”

“I had added them on QQ and saw their pictures and updates.”

“Oh, but Ruhua’s husband is quite good-looking.”

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“That’s right. Hahaha…. We cannot judge a book by its cover. We never know what will happen in the future. You guys gave her the nickname Ruhua because she is not pretty, but she has a better life than me. Do you know about that guy who likes to boast? That tanned guy?”

“I remember him. He used to woo you.”

“Sigh…. Don’t bring this up again. Can you guess what he is doing now? He joined the government service and is a leader now. I heard he became a Deputy Section Chief at twenty-five. His rank is the same as my Office Department Deputy Chief. Sigh…. Look at me. I had been working for three years and am still a staff member, and my job is to serve others.”

“Bear with it, and you will be fine.”

“I will never rise above the others.”

“You should not have any problems. Your results in university are good, and the County Government should have overlooked you. Are you on bad terms with your leaders?”

“I feel embarrassed to talk about it.”

Dong Xuebing looked at Yao Cui. “Why are they targeting you?”

Yao Cui shook her head. “You don’t understand how the government service work. It’s complicated.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “Which department are you working in, the County Department?”

Yao Cui replied. “Secretary First Section.”

Dong Xuebing remembered it. “You have been working for three years and are a graduate. Graduates might be worthless in Beijing, but it should be rare here. I think you should be promoted soon.”

“How can I get promoted? I don’t know anyone among the higher-ups.” Yao Cui shook her head.

Dong Xuebing laughed. “Let’s have a bet. I promise you will be promoted within this week. Remember to give me a treat after you are promoted.”

Yao Cui laughed. “I will do anything you want if I get promoted within a week. Hahaha…. How is it possible? If I am promoted, I will be a Deputy Chief, a Deputy Section Chief rank. I know where I stand, and it will never happen.”

“Then let’s bet.”

“On. You always lose when we bet. Hahaha…. You treated me to Sichuan shredded pork with garlic sauce once because you lost.”

“Huh? You still remember this? I thought you had forgotten about it.”

“How can I forget about it? My family was poor, and we spent almost all our savings to send me to Beijing. I knew I had to go out with my classmates after school to build relationships, but I dare not. I don’t want to spend my parent’s money. That’s why I am not close to my classmates and have few friends. Many people said I am a loner, and you are one of my few friends. Although we did not talk much, I felt we were close. That’s why I still remember everything.”

“I am also a loner, then.”

“That’s why we can be friends. Haha… oh, I will bring my laptop over to show you our classmates.”


They chatted and forgot the time.

10 pm….

11 pm….


Next morning.

It was morning when Dong Xuebing opened his eyes. The sun was bright and turned away from the windows. He felt his body aching and uncomfortable. He recalled what happened last night.


I was chatting with Yao Cui, and when did I fall asleep?

Dong Xuebing moved and looked around. He was still in Yao Cui’s bedroom, and the clock showed it was 6 am. His leg felt something smooth and warm when he was still puzzled about why it was so bright at 6 am. He looked down and got a shock. Yao Cui was sleeping on the other side of the bed!

They were sleeping opposite each other and not side by side. They must have fallen asleep while chatting, and the laptop on the side table was still on.

Dong Xuebing looked under the blanket and saw what his leg touched. Cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

It was Yao Cui’s thighs!

Dong Xuebing’s leg was positioned in between her legs. Yao Cui’s skirt had pulled up to her thighs when she was sleeping, and he could see her pink underwear against his feet.


Dong Xuebing quickly pulled back his leg and put down the blanket. This action caused the air under the blanket to gash out. He could smell Yao Cui’s body scent.

She smells so good.

This is not the time to think about this.

Yao Cui woke up because of Dong Xuebing’s sudden movement and opened her eyes slowly. She yawned. “Huh?”

“You are awake.” Dong Xuebing said.

Yao Cui was shocked and quickly sat up. She was relieved when she saw Dong Xuebing opposite her, and they were still wearing their clothes. “I got a fright.” She looked down and saw her blouse pulled down slightly, exposing her cleavage. She blushed and quickly hid her body under the blanket to tidy her clothes.

When Yao Cui adjusted her skirt, her legs touched Dong Xuebing’s legs. It was a single bed, and they were lying opposite each other. There was no way they could avoid body contact. Luckily, he had better self-control now and did not show weird expressions.

Dong Xuebing said. “You fell asleep last night.”

“You also fell asleep. I only remember we were looking at my laptop and chatting about our classmates.” Yao Cui replied helplessly. “We were too engrossed.”

Dong Xuebing apologized. “Sorry.”

Yao Cui waved her hand. “It’s fine. Let’s get up.”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “Yes. It’s time to get up.”

They did not change into their pajamas last night and did not need to get dressed.

Dong Xuebing got out of bed and wore their shoes. He looked at Yao Cui and saw the crease on her clothes.

“I got to change.” Yao Cui looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing quickly replied. “I will wait for you outside.”

Yao Cui laughed. “Ok. I am not working today. Let me bring you around Zhen Shui County. Although this place is poor, we still have many interesting places and good food.”

“No need. I can go around by myself.”

“It’s not easy to have a classmate come here. I got to be a good host.”

“Err…. Ok. I will wait outside.”

“I will be out after I change.”

When Dong Xuebing was about to leave the room, someone knocked on the door.

“Sis! Sis!” It was Yao Cui’s younger brother, Yao Li.

Yao Cui grabbed Dong Xuebing’s hand subconsciously. “What is it?”

Dong Xuebing felt his heart racing when he held Yao Cui’s hand.

Yao Cui signaled to Dong Xuebing, asking him not to say anything before letting him go.

Yao Li shouted outside. “Are you awake?”

“I am getting up. What is it?” Yao Cui asked.

Yao Li said. “Your friend is still in my room and seems to be still sleeping. Dad and Mum asked me to call you all to eat breakfast, and I don’t want to wake Brother Dong.” Yao Cui had told them Dong Xuebing would be sleeping in Yao Li’s room, and they thought he was still sleeping.

Yao Li was relieved. “Xuebing had driven many hours yesterday and should still be sleeping. Go and help Mum and Dad at the breakfast stall. I will wake him later.”

“Ok. I am going.”


The footsteps got further, and Yao Li seemed to have left.

Yao Cui relaxed after her brother left. She had lied in front of Dong Xuebing and was embarrassed. “When you go out…. Err….”

Dong Xuebing replied. “I will go to your younger brother’s room and pull out the blanket.”

Yao Cui nodded.

Dong Xuebing walked to the door and ensured Yao Cui’s parents had gone out. No one was around, and he walked out. He closed the door behind him and entered Yao Li’s room. He messed up the bed and folded the blanket before leaving to wash up with Yao Cui.

It felt like he was having an affair with Yao Cui. He looked at her and started imagining things.

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