Power and Wealth

Chapter 1034: Cyborg



Luan Xiaoping was making phone calls for Dong Xuebing in the ward.

"Hello, Chief Liu? I am Xiao Bing's mother. He is fine now."

"Hello, Manager Qian? Xuebing is awake. He asked me to call you and let you know."

"Hello, Secretary Zhan? Xiao Bing asked me to thank you for your concern on his behalf. He is awake now."

"Yunxuan, the doctors said Xuebing is alright. Don't worry and you don't need to come over. Little Qianqian is with Old Yang and I worry for her. He is too busy to care for her. Take care of her and leave Xiao Bing to me. I will let you know if I cannot cope."

Luan Xiaoping threw the phone at Dong Xuebing after calling for an hour. "Many people had visited and called you yesterday. I had recorded their names and returned their calls for you. You should be the one calling them. How can you ask me to call them for you?!"

Dong Xuebing replied. "You are the one who asked me to rest."

Luan Xiaoping grumbled. "I will deal with you when you recover!"

Dong Xuebing laughed. "You will not bear to do that. Oh, where is Huilan?"

Luan Xiaoping looked at Dong Xuebing. "I called her earlier. She is busy with work and cannot visit you."

Dong Xuebing blinked. "She cannot visit me?! Is she angry with me?"

"Just take care of yourself first. Do you want to eat fruits? I will peel an apple for you." Luan Xiaoping said.

"Don't try to change the subject." Dong Xuebing asked. "Where is Huilan? Don't try to lie to me."

Luan Xiaoping sighed. "After Huilan sent you to the hospital yesterday, she fainted in the lobby."

Dong Xuebing sat up in shock. "She fainted?! How is she now?"

"She is resting in another ward. The doctor asked her to have a good rest. Don't worry. Her baby is fine too."

Dong Xuebing struggled to sit up. "No…. Mum, help me to her ward. I want to see her."

Luan Xiaoping gave Dong Xuebing a stare. "You only think of her now."

"Ah, Mum…. Hurry and help me over."

"Your condition is worse than Huilan. Wait until your fever subside first."

"No. I must see her now." Dong Xuebing pressed the nurse station bell.

Luan Xiaoping refused. "Stop your nonsense. You are running a 40 degree Celsius fever now. Where are you going?"

The door opened and a nurse came in. "Do you need anything, Director Dong?"

Dong Xuebing replied. "I need a wheelchair now. I need to go out."

"Ah…. No…." The nurse waved her hands. "You need to rest."

Dong Xuebing replied anxiously. "I just want to see my wife. Hurry up."

The nurse cannot make the decision and quickly called two duty doctors.

The doctors disagreed. "I understand how you feel, Director Dong. Mayor Xie's condition is stable and her baby and her are fine. Don't worry. You are running a high fever and cannot get out of bed. You got to wait until your fever subside."


The other doctor added. "That's right. You need rest."

Dong Xuebing got mad. "I must wait for my temperature to go down?! Fine! Take my temperature now."

The doctors were stunned. They had just taken Dong Xuebing's temperature an hour ago. His temperature should not change so fast.

The doctor instructed the nurse to take Dong Xuebing's temperature to stop him from going out.

The doctors and nurse were shocked when they saw Dong Xuebing's temperature.

36 degree Celsius?!

It's normal temperature.

The doctors and nurse almost fainted. Dong Xuebing was running a 40-degree Celsius fever an hour ago. How did his temperature drop so fast?!


How strong is your recovery?!

Your temperature had dropped too fast.

The doctors and nurse looked at Dong Xuebing in disbelief.

Dong Xuebing can recover anytime if he wants with REVERSE. "Am I still running a fever?!"

"Huh? Err…."

"Can you push the wheelchair over now?"

The doctor wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at Luan Xiaoping.

Luan Xiaoping replied angrily. "I cannot do anything about him. Let him do whatever he wants."

The nurse pushed a wheelchair over and helped Dong Xuebing get into it.

"Let me do it." Luan Xiaoping was mad, but she still covered Dong Xuebing with a blanket. She pushed him out of the ward and walked to the other side of the hospital. "I had visited Huilan earlier and she was sleeping. The doctor says she had fainted because she was pregnant and too worried. It is nothing serious and she will be fine after a few days rest."


"Why should I lie to you?! I would be accompanying her if her condition is serious. Why would I be accompanying you?"

"I still need to see her."

"Fine…. We are here."

Outside of a ward.

Dong Xuebing did not wait for his mother to open the door. He pushed the door anxiously and saw Xie Huilan reading newspapers on the bed. She looked slightly pale.

"Huilan." Dong Xuebing called.

Xie Huilan turned and smile. "Mum, you are here."

Luan Xiaoping nodded and looked at her son. "Xiao Bing insisted to see you. I had no choice but to push him here. How are you feeling?"

Xie Huilan laughed. "I am much better. I am fine in the first place. Haha…."

"Huilan." Dong Xuebing called again after being ignored.

Luan Xiaoping laughed. "Alright. I am going out for a walk."

Luan Xiaoping left.

The door closed and Dong Xuebing pushed himself to the bed. He held Xie Huilan's hand and looked at her. "Let me examine you. Are you alright?" Xie Huilan turned away and continue reading the papers. "Are you angry? Sorry. It was my fault. I am alright. You should know I will not die easily. I had entered the water because I had no choice. Err…. I know I promised you that I will not do anything risky. But that was not risky. Who am I? I will not be beaten by that small river."


Xie Huilan continued to read her papers.

Dong Xuebing smacked his lips. "Don't be angry. I will give you a kiss. I missed you badly."

Dong Xuebing moved his face closer and Xie Huilan pushed him away. "Enough. I can't be bothered with you."

"Haha…. You are not angry now?"

"How can I get angry with you?"

"Give me a hug."

"Get away. I am still feeling uncomfortable."

"Ah…. Tell me where are you hurt?"

"What can you do?"

"Did you forget that I know Chinese Traditional Medicine?"

"I got a headache and feeling a bit giddy. It's been one day."

"Okay. Don't move and leave it to me." Dong Xuebing stood up and sat on Xie Huilan's bed.

"You are still injured. Go back and rest."

"I will go back after I treated you. Turn around."

Dong Xuebing pressed Xie Huilan's head and massaged gently. After a while, he used REVERSE on her, and returned her condition to two days ago. "How are you feeling now?"

Xie Huilan massaged her neck and moved her head. "It's not painful anymore."

Dong Xuebing replied. "My massage is effective, right?"

Xie Huilan smiled. "Alright. I did not expect my husband to be so good in medicine. I don't need to see a doctor anymore."

"Alright. Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable. I can treat you."

"Hahaha…. Stop boasting. Go back and rest. Don't get out of bed until you recover. Do you hear me?"

"I know. But there's no hurry." Dong Xuebing did not return to the wheelchair. He snuggled under Xie Huilan's blanket.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a rest."

"Go back to your ward."

"It's boring to stay there alone. I will tell the doctors to move me into your ward."

Xie Huilan laughed. "Stop embarrassing me."

Dong Xuebing hugged Xie Huilan and lay beside her.

"You brat." Xie Huilan shook her head.

"Ah, I forgot to ask about those people I saved."

"Most of them are alright. They are in the wards downstairs. A few of them were in serious conditions yesterday. But I heard they had stabilized this morning."

"All of them are alive?"

"Yes. No one died."

"Great. My efforts had not gone in vain."

"You had grabbed the limelight again. The whole Fen Zhou City is talking about you rescuing them and holding your breath for twelve minutes. Haha…. Even I suspect you are a cyborg."

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