Power and Wealth

C.1025: Silent protest

Next day.


The snow had stopped, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground outside.

Dong Xuebing woke up and saw Yu Meixia looking at him lovingly. He yawned and asked. “What time is it now?”

“It’s 7.10 am.”

“Huh? Did you wake up early?”

“Yes. I woke up before 6 am.”

“Hehe…. Why are you still on the bed?”

“I don’t want to wake you up.”

“It’s fine. You don’t need to mind me.”

“It’s early, and you can still sleep a while.”

“No need. I slept well yesterday.”

Dong Xuebing stretched and looked at the naked Yu Meixia. Her bra and clothes were on the chair beside the bed. He reached over and started touching her, and she blushed immediately. She blushes easily and doesn’t look like someone in her late thirties.

Dong Xuebing squeezed her butt despite Yu Meixia’s face turning red.

Yu Meixia’s body is soft, and she smells good.

Dong Xuebing felt relaxed when he was with Yu Meixia. She was not in the government service and will not discuss working with him. She is obedient and does whatever he says. He did not need to give in to her like Xie Huilan and felt comfortable.

“Xiao Bing….”


“It’s time for breakfast.”

“Let me touch you for a while more.”

“No…. Qianqian is still….”

“Sigh…. Alright. Let’s get up.”

Dong Xuebing got up and started to get dressed. He turned and saw Yu Meixia taking her clothes under the blanket. She does not want to let him see her getting dressed and puts on her clothes under the blanket.

Dong Xuebing was amused and pulled the blanket off her.

Yu Meixia, who was putting on her underwear, panicked. “Stop, Xiao Bing.”

“We are considered husband and wife. Why are you scared of me looking at you?”

“No…. I… I am shy. Let me cover myself.”

“No. I must look at you put on your clothes, or I will think you are treating me as an outsider.”

Yu Meixia blushed and slowly put on her clothes in front of Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing enjoys seeing Yu Meixia blushing.

Yu Meixia has a good figure and is curvy in the right places. Xie Huilan is slim, but her butt and breasts are perky. Her legs were also long. Yu Meixia was curvier and meatier on her legs and chest. Both of them were considered good figures to him.

7.30 am.

Dong Xuebing teased Yu Meixia for a while, and they left the room.

Yu Qianqian was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Dong Xuebing and Yu Meixia.

Dong Xuebing said. “Qianqian, are you making breakfast?”

Yu Qianqian blushed and nodded. “Breakfast will be ready soon.”

Yu Meixia was embarrassed to see her daughter and entered the bathroom quickly.

Dong Xuebing was not as shy as Sister Yu. He entered the kitchen and said. “Our Qianqian knows how to take care of others. Here, let me help.”

“No need. Go and wash up, Uncle Dong.”

“I cannot let you cook for me all the time. Let me do it. I will teach you how to flip the pan.”

Yu Qianqian nodded and stood beside Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing’s cooking was not as delicious as Yu Meixia's or Qu Yunxuan's. Still, he knew the techniques and had the experience to teach Qianqian. He demonstrated how to flip the pan, and Yu Meixia came out of the bathroom. He saw her and passed the pan to her. “I am not going to embarrass myself. I will let you teach Qianqian. I am going to brush my teeth.”

Yu Meixia nodded and entered the kitchen.

Breakfast was ready when Dong Xuebing came out of the bathroom.

Yu Meixia put food in Dong Xuebing’s bowl as usual, and he kept putting food in Qianqian’s bowl. It felt like a family of three.

After breakfast.

Dong Xuebing said. “I am leaving.”

Yu Meixia nodded. “The roads are covered with snow. Be careful.”

“Alright. I will visit you when I got the time. Bye, Qianqian.”

“Bye, Uncle Dong.”

“I had not brought any gifts for you yesterday. I will bring something for you next time.”

Dong Xuebing patted Qianqian’s head and looked at Sister Yu before leaving. He waved goodbye to them and walked downstairs to his car. He checked the time and drove to the City Party Committee building.

On the way to work.

Ring… ring… ring….

Dong Xuebing answered. It was a call from Xi Ping District Public Security Bureau.

“Hello, Director Dong. All those involved in yesterday’s incident have been arrested. Do you have time to come down to record a statement?”

“Sure. When is it?”

“Anytime when you are free. I can send my men over if you are too busy. We have investigated the incident thoroughly and just need your signature.”

“It’s fine. I can go over it now. I will be reached within half an hour.”

“Ok. I will get my men to wait for you at the entrance.”

The Public Security Bureau’s officer was very polite.

Dong Xuebing glanced to his left and drove towards the Public Security Bureau after hanging up.

Many of the City Party Committee and City Government departments were located in Xi Ping District, and the Public Security Bureau was not far. Most City Party Committee staff will walk past the Public Security Bureau on their way to work. But Yu Meixia’s apartment was some distance from here, and the snow made the roads slippery.

Xi Ping District.

Public Security Bureau Branch.

Dong Xuebing arrived about half an hour later.

Dong Xuebing saw the Xi Ping District Public Security Bureau building beside a river when he reached. The river was frozen, and some children were playing on it. He turned to the building and saw around thirty to forty people standing outside. Those children playing on the frozen river should be their kids or grandchildren.

What is going on?

Why did they bring their children here to play, and why are they standing outside the Public Security Bureau?

Dong Xuebing drove into the compound and parked his car. It was early, and not many people were at work.

A young man in a police uniform walked out to receive Dong Xuebing.

“Are you Director Dong, Dong Xuebing?”


“I am here to receive you. Please follow me.”

“Thank you. Oh, what are those people doing outside?”

“Huh?” The young officer cleared his throat. “They are the relatives of those arrested.”

“Relatives?” Dong Xuebing blinked. “The relatives of those involved in that incident?”

The officer nodded. “We had arrested around thirty to forty people yesterday, and they were still locked up in our station. Their relatives followed them to the station and stood outside since last night. It’s fine if it was one or two of them. But too many people were involved, and their relatives formed a group. You don’t need to worry about anything. We have increased our officers and are prepared to handle any situation. That incident will not happen again. These people only demonstrated there, and we don’t need to care about them.”

These people did not shout any slogans or prepare any placards. It was different from the previous incident.

However, Dong Xuebing noticed the anger on the people’s faces.

Some relatives were kids, and some were elderlies in their eighties.

After yesterday’s heavy snow, the temperature had dropped significantly. The people outside were wearing winter clothing, but they were still shivering. Dong Xuebing sighed in his head and finally understood the severity of that incident. He knew these people would not leave until the Public Security Bureau released their relatives.

Dong Xuebing stopped.

“Director Dong?” The officer looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and said. “I am going out to take a look.”

The officer panicked. “No… no….”

“It’s fine.” Dong Xuebing waved him off and walked out of the compound.

Dong Xuebing felt sorry for the elderly outside in the cold.

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