Power and Wealth

Chapter 1019: Ruthless

Next day.

Morning. Dong Xuebing's apartment.

Dong Xuebing smelled food when he woke. He entered the living room and saw Xie Huilan placing soybean milk and youtiao on the table. She said without looking up. "Go and brush your teeth and have breakfast."

Dong Xuebing replied. "How can I let you do work?"

"I bought them downstairs. I can still walk." Xie Huilan replied.

Dong Xuebing smacked his lips. "You tell me, and I will get it for you."

Xie Huilan coldly replied. "Haha…. How can I let an injured person buy breakfast for me?"

"Stop being angry." Dong Xuebing quickly washed up in the bathroom and ate breakfast.

Xie Huilan drank her soybean milk and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "What were you thinking yesterday? No one can stop you if you want to leave. I don't believe it does not hurt when they hit your head with bricks. Why didn't you dodge their attacks?! When did you become good-tempered? Should I be glad or angry?"

Dong Xuebing cleared his throat. "They are civilians, and it is wrong to hit them. What will others think about the civil servants if I retaliate? I still know what I should not do."

"Can't you escape without hitting them?"

"How can I escape? There are too many of them."

"Do you think I believe you with your combat power?"

Dong Xuebing rubbed his nose and said. "Alright…. Those are only part of the reason and not the main reason. The civilians will not attack me if I remain in my office, and they will leave the next day. But how am I going to catch the person behind this protest? Needless to ask, Liu Haibin must have incited these people. How can I let him off so easily?"

Xie Huilan heard this and shook her head. "Your thinking has never been normal."

Dong Xuebing replied. "I think I am normal. How can I let them off when they tried to frame me?"

"Have you ever seen a normal person stand there and let people smash bricks on his head?"

"That is because I am confident in my resilience. It was nothing."



"Ah… can you stop talking about me?"

"Since you want to blow it up, why didn't you pretend to be injured and let the ambulance send you to the hospital?"

"Err…. I need to take care of my public image."

"Public image?! That's why I say your brain works differently from others. I don't know what you are thinking."

"Ok. I am sorry." Dong Xuebing changed the topic. "Oh, the news might report about yesterday's incident. Help me call my Mum to tell her I am fine."

"Why don't you call her yourself?"

"I am afraid she would scold me."

"Oh, you are not worried Mum would scold me?!"

"My Mum likes you and will not scold you."

"I am warning you. This is the last time. If you dare to do something like this again, hmph!"

"Yes. I will take note."

Dong Xuebing's injuries recovered after one night, and Xie Huilan was not worried anymore. She continued to scold him.

At the same time.

Liu Guowei, Commander Liu's house.

Liu Haibin went out the night before and returned in the morning.

The moment Liu Haibing stepped into his house, he heard Liu Guowei banged the table angrily. "Brat! You are finally home!"

Liu Haibin smelled of alcohol. He knew he was wrong and did not say anything.

Liu Guowei threw a copy of Fen Zhou Morning Post on the table. "This is today's morning papers! Look at it yourself! Protestors blocking the City Party Committee building and beating up a Government leader?! Do you want to make the situation worse?!"

"This has nothing to do with me!" Liu Haibin argued.

Liu Guowei shouted. "Nothing to do with you?! Do you know the consequences of getting Nan Qi Morning Papers to write an article on Dong Xuebing?! Do you know how many people you have offended?! I didn't even dare to raise my head at the Party Committee yesterday! Did you get those people to protest outside the Party Committee Building yesterday?! You are too bold!"

Liu Haibin said. "I… I had only called a few of Dong Xuebing's enemies and told them what had happened. They arranged the protest, and he offended many people. Dad…. I…. I did not expect them to attack Dong Xuebing. If I knew this would happen, I… I…."

"Shut up!" Liu Guowei scolded. "It is too late to say anything now."


Liu Haibin got mad. "Who would expect Dong Xuebing to rush into the mob, and why didn't he retaliate when the protesters attacked him? Things would be different if he retaliated."

Liu Guowei shouted at his son. "Dong Xuebing can climb from a staff member to a Deputy Division Chief in two to three years. Do you think he is stupid? He is smarter than many people. He knows you are behind this incident, and that's why he stood there and got attacked by them. Why is he doing this?! He did it to drag you out. This incident alarmed the Provincial Leaders and angered Secretary Wan and Mayor Zhong. Dong Xuebing had offended Secretary Wan, but Secretary Wan would still side with him because of this incident. They will investigate this thoroughly, and I cannot help you. No one can help you. You will be charged in court, and I will also be implicated. Do you understand?!"

Liu Haibin was slightly pale. "Is it that serious?! I only wanted to teach Dong Xuebing a lesson and let the public pressure him to resign."

Liu Guowei replied coldly. "If it were only about Nan Qi Morning Papers, you would get a suspension at most. Now, Dong Xuebing was attacked. If they find out you are behind it, you and the people involved will be thrown in jail! Not serious?! You are in trouble now!"

Liu Haibin took a deep breath. "Are you saying Dong Xuebing risked being beaten to death by the protestors to drag me out?! This was his intention all along?!"

"I don't know about Dong Xuebing's plan, but he is ruthless."

Liu Guowei felt Dong Xuebing was smart. If Dong Xuebing ignored the protestors, the rumors would grow, and no one would believe the City Party Committee's explanation. He would be branded as a 'corrupted' government official. One hundred million RMB is not a small amount. The protest organized by his son was not a surprise as Dong Xuebing had offended many people, and there would be more protests when he did not do anything. Secretary Wan would bow to the pressure and transfer Dong Xuebing to a powerless position, killing his career. Everything changed when he was attacked. He had appeased and calmed the protestors and forced the city to investigate this case thoroughly. Liu Haibin's involvement would surface, and this was killing two birds with one stone.

Smart move….

Liu Guowei dared not to look down on Dong Xuebing again because the latter dared to risk his life to achieve his purpose.

Most leaders knew about Dong Xuebing's intention.

This plan might work, but it was not easy to implement.

Anyone in Dong Xuebing's position would not dare to risk their lives by going near the angry mob.

Who can withstand such aggressive attacks?!

Only Dong Xuebing… only Dong Xuebing can do this.

Dong Xuebing did not even blink when attacked.

Who is this person?!

How strong is his willpower?!

Liu Guowei took a deep breath. When he heard about yesterday's incident, he was shocked by Dong Xuebing's ruthlessness. This was how he could get promoted so quickly. No one can imitate him.

"Dad! What should I do now?" Liu Haibin panicked.

Liu Guowei sighed. Dong Xuebing's method might be seen as stupid, it was too ruthless. Even he could not think of a solution. He knew he could not protect his son anymore and would be implicated too.

The God of Plagues.

Dong Xuebing is indeed the God of Plagues.

Liu Guowei was regretting it now. He blamed himself for not finding out more about Dong Xuebing and thought of him lightly.

It was too late to regret it now.

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